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Grounded theory methods ( 紮根理論方法 ). 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 教授 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 生態科學與技術學系. Ayo NUTN website: http://myweb.nutn.edu.tw/~hycheng/. Grounded theory methods. Grounded 落地 基於數據 基於事實 Theory 建構理論 系統架構 運用於: 探索未知 學習新知. What is Theory?. Positivist definitions of theory
Grounded theorymethods (紮根理論方法) 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 教授 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 生態科學與技術學系 Ayo NUTN website: http://myweb.nutn.edu.tw/~hycheng/
Grounded theorymethods • Grounded • 落地 • 基於數據 • 基於事實 • Theory • 建構理論 • 系統架構 • 運用於: • 探索未知 • 學習新知
What is Theory? • Positivist definitions of theory • Seeks causes, favors deterministic explanations, and emphasizes generality and universality. • Interpretive definitions of theory • Calls for the imaginative understanding of the studied phenomenon. • Conceptualize the studied phenomenon to understand it in abstract terms. • Offer an imaginative interpretation.
What defines a Grounded Theory? Researchers use grounded theory methods to pursue varied emergent analytic goals and foci. Grounded theory involves taking comparisons from data and reaching up to construct abstractions and simultaneously reaching down to tie these abstractions to data. It means learning about the specific and the general -and seeing what is new in them-then exploring their links to larger issues or creating larger unrecognized issues in entirety.
研究前準備工作 • 選擇研究方向 • 按研究方向,建構基本認知 • 主題的相關文獻 (學理與方法) • 對象的資料 • 研擬主題與目的(目標)與範疇界定 • 建構相關主題(目的)的專業能力: • 搜尋文獻,研讀與整理 • 相關知識,如數家珍。 • 廣度與深度。 • 確認主題與目的,以及建構方法
確定目地,選擇方法 • 方法選擇,取決於是否可達到目地? • 選擇好壞標準: • 可達到目的的方法中,選擇最簡單、最容易 • the rule of Parsimony • 質化 vs. 量化
量化研究法 vs. 質化研究法 • 對象陌生,宜用「質化」研究法。 • 探索瞭解對象的內涵 (挖掘新鮮事物)。 • 對象熟悉,可用「量化」研究法。 • 按已知內容,提出假說,量化驗證。 • 研究過程: • Interplay between qualitative and quantitative methods.
Science and concepts • Science could not exist without concepts. • 科學(知識)若沒有觀念,就無法存在。 • 有觀念,才能捕捉到數據,建構知識。 • 不同觀念,捕捉到的數據,或有差異。 • Open 觀念,落地(基於)於數據,貼近事實,建構新知識 (emerge new theory)。 • 建構假說,驗證假說,形成理論(解釋)。
質化研究:紮根理論 (Grounded theory) • Charmaz, K. (2006) Constructing Grounded Theory. A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis. SAGE Publications.
質化研究:紮根理論 (Grounded theory) Being open(開放) to multiple possibilities. Generating a list of options. Exploring(探索) various possibilities before choosing any one. Using nonlinear forms of thinking such as going back and forth(來回反覆) and circumventing around a subject to geta fresh perspective(取得新面向). Having fun while doing it. It is both science and art(科學與藝術).
Coding procedures Build rather than test theory Provide researchers with analytic tools for handling masses of raw data. Help analysts to consider alternative meanings of phenomena Be systematic and creative simultaneously. Identify, develop, and relate the concepts that are the building blocks of theory.
Grounded theory • Transforming data into codes. • Coding relies on having solid data.
Grounded theory 用於『學習新知』 研讀文獻,整理文獻 消化吸收,建構知識
Criteria for grounded theory studies • Credibility (確實度) • Are the data sufficient to merit your claims? • Are there strong logical links between the gathered data and your argument and analysis? • Originality (原創度) • Are your categories fresh? • Do they offer new insights? • Resonance (共鳴度) • Usefulness (有效度)
Criteria for grounded theory studies • Credibility (確實度) • Originality (原創度) • Resonance (共鳴度) • Does your grounded theory make sense to your participants or people who share their circumstances? • Does your analysis offer them deeper insights about their lives and worlds? • Usefulness (有效度) • How does your work contribute to knowledge? • How does it contribute to making a better world?
Grounded theory coding • 起初譯碼(Initial coding) • 開放式譯碼 (open coding) • open to exploring whatever theoretical possibilities we can discern in the data. • Initial coding should stick closely to the data. • Try to see actions in each segment of data rather than applying preexisting categories to the data. • 焦點譯碼(Focused coding) • 主軸譯碼(Axial coding) • 理論譯碼(Theoretical coding)
Initial coding(起初譯碼)practices Remain open Stay close to the data Keep your codes simple and precise Construct short codes Preserve actions Compare data with data Move quickly through the data
Initial coding (起初譯碼) practices • Open coding (開放式譯碼) • Using comparative methods • 途徑 • Word-by-word coding • Line-by-line coding • Coding incident to incident
Focused coding (焦點譯碼) Focused coding is the second major phase in coding. These codes are more directed, selective, and conceptual than word-by-word, line-by-line, and incident-by-incident coding.
Axial coding (主軸譯碼) Axial coding specifies the properties and dimensions of a category. building ‘a dense texture of relationships around the “axis” of a category.’ axial coding follows the development of a major category, although it may be in an early stage of development. The purposes o axial coding are to sort, synthesize, and organize large amounts of data and reassemble them in new ways after open coding.
Theoretical coding (理論譯碼) Theoretical coding is a sophisticated level of coding that follows the codes you have selected during focused coding. conceptualizing ‘how the substantive codes may relate to each other as hypotheses to be integrated into a theory.’ In short, theoretical codes specify possible relationships between categories you have developed in your focused coding.
Grounded theory: coding (譯碼) Theoretical coding specify possible relationships between categories you have developed in your focused coding. to sort, synthesize, and organize large amounts of data and reassemble them in new ways after open coding. These codes are more directed, selective, and conceptual Word-by-wordcoding Line-by-linecoding Codingincident to incident Open coding Focused coding Axial coding
Grounded theorymethods 起初譯碼 焦點譯碼 主軸譯碼 Grounded theory data Coding Theoretical sampling
Reducing problems in coding • Wrestling with preconceptions. • Our preconceptions may only become apparent when our taken-for-granted standpoints are challenged. • How and what record affects what you have to code.
Memo-writing Methods for producing memos rely on making them spontaneous, not mechanical. write memos to serve analytic purposes We write our memos in informal, unofficiallanguage for personal use. Freewriting
Theoretical sampling, saturation, and sorting Theoretical sampling prompts you to retrace your steps or take a new path when you have some tentative categories and emerging, but incomplete ideas. By going back into the empirical world and collecting more data about the properties of your category, you can saturate its properties with data and write more memos, making them more analytic as you proceed. Afterwards, you are ready to sort and integratememos on your theoretical categories.
The logic of theoretical sampling Theoretical sampling involves starting with data, constructing tentative ideas about the data, and then examining these ideas through further empirical inquiry. Writing memos has already enabled you to flag incomplete categories and gaps in your analysis. Find needed data to fill gaps and to saturate categories.
Moving toward emergent objectives To delineate the properties of a category To check hunches(徵兆) about categories To saturate the properties of a category To distinguish between categories To clarify relationships between emerging categories To identify variation in a process.
Conducting theoretical sampling Specifying the relevant properties of your categories Increasing the precision of your categories Providing the substance to move your material from description to analysis Making your analysis more abstract and generalizable Grounding your conjectures(推測) in data Explicating the analytic links between or among categories Increasing the parsimony of your theoretical statements.
Saturating theoretical categories When do you stop gathering data? Stopwhen your categories are ‘saturated’. Categories are ‘saturated’ when gathering fresh data no longer sparks new theoretical insights, nor reveals new properties of your core theoretical categories.
Theoretical sorting, diagramming and integrating Sorting, diagramming, and integrating your memos are inter-related processes. Your sorting may integrate the analysis and a diagram may simultaneously sort and integrate it. The visual image of a diagram may suggest the content and direction of the analysis as well as its form.
Grounded theorymethods Theory (認知) 取樣驗證 轉譯 data 捕捉到的觀念(項目)持續系統整合,形成理論。 理論透過取樣驗證,確認Theory 是基於(grounded) 數據。 確認 Theory 建構合理,且已經飽和(完整)。 撰寫報告。
Grounded theory: from order to disorder to order Theoretical sampling and sorting order Coding order Grounded Focused, category, and axial coding disorder
Regarding writing • Making your mark • Drafting discoveries • Revising early drafts • Pulling the pieces together • Constructing arguments • Scrutinizing (詳細檢查)categories • Returning to the library • Literature reviews • Theoretical frameworks • Rendering(精煉) through writing
讀故事→ 說故事→ 寫故事 看懂 了解 理解 脈絡架構 逐段文字 整體內涵 引申 創新 觸類旁通 獨立運作
Out-of-the box thinking http://mom2zero.blogspot.tw/2011_09_01_archive.html
“To think out of the box is to think creatively”. 7 Ways on How to Think Out of the Box : Improving Creativity Increase your curiosity Consider Multiple Perspectives Develop a routine Be Resourceful Tapping your Right Brain(輕扣你的右腦) Self-Hypnosis(自我催眠) Become Imaginative 運用Grounded theory,基於事實(數據),建構系統認知(理論)。 http://jaeldungca.blogspot.tw/2011/08/7-ways-on-how-to-think-out-of-box.html
3個步驟,讓大腦更高級的思考 第2個步驟:運用Grounded theory,基於事實(數據),建構系統認知(理論)。 摘錄自《5的無限次方立體記憶法—破解古人過目不忘以及倒背如流的祕密》一書《布克文化》出版社 (2012/12/25) • 第1個步驟:讓過去一切歸零,將以往的認知通通丟入一個記憶庫。 • 第2個步驟:打開另一個記憶庫,然後利用腦中的胼胝體輸入成功者的程式。 • 第3個步驟:隨時檢視並刪除腦中的木馬程式,不要讓思考又回到過去失敗的迴路。
Are You? http://empoweredonlineentrepreneurs.com/marketing-psychology/living-a-life-out-of-the-box/
問題與討論 Ayo NUTN website: http://myweb.nutn.edu.tw/~hycheng/
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