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MobileComm presents a paradigm shifting way for Drive testing and post processing the network performance data. With our Cloud based solution Mobile devices collect Network KPI’s and upload directly to cloud server, where data is Analyzed, Processed Automatically and reports are emailed to end user as per desired templates. This solution eliminates logistics challenges relating to drive testing, further reducing errors in data collection and report generation overall increasing efficiency and saving cost. For further information Please feel free to contact your MobileComm representative or email to "clouddt@mcpsinc.com". We are eager to demonstrate the simplicity and swiftness of this solution and changing the conventional way of Drive Testing.
MobileComm Professionals, Inc. Cloud Drive Testing Mobile based Performance Analysis Real Time Cloud based Network Monitoring Automated Cloud based Processing and Report Generation M o b ile C o m m visio n is to p ro vid e clo u d b a se d d ata co lle ctio n a n d p o stp ro ce ssin g se rvice s. Elim in a tin g to o l in ve stm e n ts, d a ta co lle ctio n /e xch a n ge m a n a ge m e n t a n d m a n u a l P o st P ro ce ssin g. 22+Million Miles of data collected & 900,000 miles of LTE data C lo u d P ro ce ssin g 24X7 Optimization Support Em a ile d R e p o rt 100% Testing Automation K P I U p lo a d M o b ile C o m m p re se n ts a p arad igm sh ift in th e w ay N e tw o rk P e rfo rm an ce D rive te stin g an d re p o rt ge n e ratio n is carrie d o u t. W ith C lo u d b ase d so lu tio n M o b ile D e vice s co lle ct N e tw o rk K P I’s an d u p lo ad d ire ctly to clo u d se rve r, w h e re d ata is A n alyze d , P ro ce s se d A u to m atically an d e m aile d to e n d u se r as p e r d e sire d te m p late . Elim in atin g Lo gis tics, re d u cin g e rro rs in d ata co lle ctio n an d re p o rt ge n e ratio n . 50% Increased Efficiency 65+ KPI Report Templates For further details visit: www.mcpsinc.com/drivetesting Copyright 2010 MobileComm Professionals, Inc. 465 W George Bush Highway, #200, Richardson, Texas 75080 Telephone: (972)-633-5100, Fax:(972)-633-5106 Toll Free: 1-877-RF-MCPS www.mcpsinc.com