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Running a Report

This tool creates bibliographies by catalog details, call numbers, or item characteristics using standard operators. It provides a list of titles matching your criteria and prints the first attached call number/item. Find out more about this report and how to use it effectively.

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Running a Report

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  1. Running a Report

  2. List Bibliography Report • Found under: All Titles Purpose :Creates customized bibliographies by catalog, call number, or item characteristics or by structuring catalog searches using Unicorn's standard Boolean operators and qualifiers. The report prints a list of titles that match your selection criteria and prints the first attached call number/item of the title for whatever library this call number/item belongs to, not necessarily for your library. For this report, only call numbers with copies are selected

  3. How to Find out information about the report

  4. How to Find out information about the report • What it does • How to enter selection data • What it cannot do • May contain some sample report output

  5. Highlight the Report you would like to run by clicking it with the mouse

  6. To Begin a Report Select Setup & Schedule

  7. ABC List Bibliography RENAME THE REPORT IN THE REPORT NAME FIELD • This is the only change needed in the Basic Information Fields - Report name should be no more than 30 characters • Let’s look at the Search String button - Select it with the mouse

  8. Search string will limit results to the keywords you enter Enter any keywords you wish to search for within your results, clicking Add after each selection. Choose Save when finished Results should appear in the Search String text box

  9. Include Shadow (Un-Cat) Records ? Let’s look at the Title Selection tab

  10. These fields should never be used • Accountable & Review record: Is not used in our system • Number of copies on order: Used in systems with the acquisitions module • Number of title holds: Not used, we use items holds

  11. These fields are rarely used Format: Can limit to MAP ; MUSIC ; SERIALS ; MARC (Book) etc. Date Created/Modified: Used to find records created by a specific person or date

  12. Let’s look at the Call Number Selection tab These fields are sometimes used Publication year: Date published before, after, equal to or a range of dates Number of libraries:Specified number of how many libraries own this item Number of call numbers: Specified number of volumes associated with the title Number of total holds:Total number of holds over the life of the title – not current Include Shadow (Un-Cat) Records ?

  13. These fields should never be used Class scheme: Leave blank to search all since we use Dewey exclusively Number of call holds: Not used; we use item holds Number of copies on reserve:Used in systems with Academic Reserves Bound-with:Is not used at our item copy level

  14. Let’s look at the Item Selection tab These fields are sometimes / often used Library: Select one or more desired library from the gadget menu Call number range: Select a call number from within a range or equal to, greater or less then Number of copies: Select the number of copies associated with the item from within a range or equal to, greater or less then Include Shadow (Un-Cat) Records ?

  15. These fields should never be used Funding source:Is not used at our item copy level Circulate:Does not give correct results as it needs user information as well Accountable: Is not used in our system Distribution key:Used in systems with the acquisitions module Reserve status & Media desk:Is not used in our system

  16. These fields are rarely used Shelf location: Choose from gadget list; will usually be stacks or un-cat Permanent: [No] would be Un-Cats; [Yes] all others (better to use shadow) Extended info: This would be circ notes etc., must be exact match Number of pieces: Items with multiple parts (books on CD) Date created: When this item was entered into the catalog Last activity date: Usually last check-in date, could be any modification

  17. These fields are rarely used Date/Number inventoried: Date last inventoried / Number of times inventoried Number of checkouts: Current: 0=on shelf, 1=checked out, 2+=renewed Number of inhouse checkouts: Used in inventory checkouts Available on hold: Hold status[Yes] in transit or hold shelf; [No] checked out Number of bills: Number of bills which have not been paid for this item

  18. These fields are sometimes/often used Library: Select one or more desired library from the gadget menu Current status:Choose from gadget list; missing, lost, stacks…. Item group: Choose from gadget list; general AV, book, kit… Material type: Choose from gadget list;paperback, CD, video… In the shadow catalog: Include Shadow (Un-Cat) Records ?

  19. These fields are sometimes/often used Let’s look at the Sorting tab Date last checked out: select a range of dates using the gadget button Date last checked in: select a range of dates using the gadget button Number of total checkouts: Number of checkouts since it was created Number of copy holds: Number of current holds for the item Price: How much the item costs; use the gadget button to enter a price

  20. The list can be sorted 3 ways: Title/Author Author/Title Call Number Use the drop-down arrow to select your sorting preference Click on the Print Item tab on the top of the page

  21. The Print Item is divided into 5 sections: We will look at Print Item, Title Information & Item Information We will leave the settings alone for Call Number & Marc Holdings information

  22. Printed arrangement & Shadow Filtering have 3 selections: Catalog shelflist :This produces a list of your libraries items along with any other libraries that own copies of the same title Call number shelflist:This produces a list of your libraries items by call number Record by record:This produces a list of your libraries items bycopy or item ID selected, not possible to use with Shadow filtering Shadow filtering: Public items - Choose to see what the public views (no Un-cats) Shadowed items – View only items the public cannot see (Un-cats) Public and Shadowed items – View all items including Un-cats Generate pipe delimited output:[Yes] results will output to a pipe-delimited file which can be exported to a third-party application, such as a spreadsheet application

  23. 4 Options for printing Title information: Control record data :Will print information associated with the bibliographic record only – Created by, Modified, holds, bib level… First call number, Publication year, Entry list :Will print item call number, year of publication followed by entries specified in the Catalog entry list. Publication year, then entry list :Will print item year of publication followed by entries specified in the Catalog entry list. Entry list only :Will print itementries specified in the Catalog entry list.

  24. Under the Entry Labeling options: • Descriptive labels: will provide MARC heading names for the fields • Title: Librarians and Lovin’ it • Entry IDs as labels:will provide MARC tag numbers for the field name • 245: Librarians and Lovin’ it • Data only:will show record information with no headings • Librarians and Lovin’ it Show indicators and subfield :[Yes] will list subfield codes in your report 245: 00 : |aLibrarians and Lovin’ it.

  25. The Catalog entry List Click the gadget button to enter your selection(s)

  26. All entry list:is the most complete, printing all of the tags, or entry IDs, originally found in the record that was loaded or created. Brief entry list:prints more concise bibliographic information. Full entry list:is the default format, and prints extensive bibliographic information. Template entry list:prints the entries that display for completion when a new record is created. List selection:allows you to list specific entry IDs selected with your mouse in the selection column on the left.

  27. If you would like a list by author, title and publisher information then choose the 100, 245, and 260 fields by clicking them and using the arrow button. When you have finished they should appear under the List selected column on the right, click the OK button when done.

  28. All copy Information: Information including the copy number, item ID, the item library, the price current locations, the date the item was created, and the item type Brief copy information: this selection prints the copy number, item ID, the item library and its current location Abbreviated copy and circulation information: includes much of the information that is included in the combined Copy Information and Circulation Information No copy information: will exclude any item copy level details Circulation summary: includes the number of total charges, number of current charges, number of outstanding bills, number of holds, number of in-house charges

  29. Bills: All of the item’s current bills are printed, both paid and unpaid Checkouts: All of the item’s current charges are printed, with the first field reflecting the number of current charges Holds: All of the item’s current holds are printed, with the first field reflecting the number of current holds Copy comments: All the Comments in the Extended Information section are printed Inventory Information: lists the number of times the item was inventoried and the last date of inventory

  30. You are now ready to Start the Report: Click the Run Now button at the bottom of the screen

  31. The Schedule New Reports confirmation box will display some report details From this screen you can : • Schedule another new report • Look at your previously scheduled reports • Display finished reports • Close the confirmation box

  32. You will find your selected report in the Finished Reports list

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