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WP 5: Pan European Survey Measuring Governance at the Sub-National Level. Nicholas Charron, Associate Professor Quality of Government Institute, University of Gothenburg. Governance & Corruption in Europe. Not just a problem for ’ developing countries ’
WP 5: Pan European Survey Measuring Governance at the Sub-National Level • Nicholas Charron, Associate Professor Quality of Government Institute, University of Gothenburg
Governance & Corruption in Europe • Not just a problem for ’developingcountries’ • "The links between corruption and the ongoing financial and fiscal crisis in these countries can no longer be ignored,“ (Finn Heinrich, TI, 2012) • “Corruption in Greece Continues Virtually Unchecked” (Der Spiegel, 2012) • The European Commission has described corruption as a “disease that destroys a country from within” and that “Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain – the euro zone’s most financially troubled nations – have deeply rooted problems in their public administration, namely that officials are not accountable for their actions” (Irish Times, 2012)
Defining & Measuring Governance (QoG) in General • Key building concepts: 1. Impartiality (Rothstein and Teorell 2008) • Corruption, Definition: «Public abuse for private gain» • Quality/ effectiveness (Kaufmann, Kraay & Mastruzzi) • “NON ZELI AD ZELUM, NEC MERITI AD MERITUM, SED SOLUM NUMERI AD NUMERUM FIAT COLLATIO” (“comparison should be made not on zeal, nor merit, but solely of numbers”) Gregorius X (1210-1276, Papa 1271) • Although QoG measures still imperfect, improving in both scope and availability world-wide • like some measures of’democracy’, most measures of QoG are mostly SUBJECTIVE, built mostly on opinions by experts, firms, citizens, NGO’s, etc. • Quantitative studies areonly a pieceof the puzzle
Measuring Governance in EU Lots ofindicators: • CPI • WGI • ICRG • Freedom House • Eurobarometer & more…
What about below the country level? • EU is a communityof regions (ERDF, REGIO, structuralfunds, etc.) • Regional difference in developmentwiderthanstatesat times: Ex. 2011 unemployment rates in: IT: Bolzano (2.7%) vs. Sicilia (14.7%) ES: Pais Vasco (10.5%) vs. Andalucia(28%) BE: Flanders (5.1%) vs. Wallonne (11.5%) SK: Bratislava Kraj (6.2%) vs. VýchodnéSlovensko (18.5%) Country ex.: Denmark (7.4%) vs. Bulgaria (10.4%) **So weneedtomeasurecorruption/governance at regional level as well..
The ’European Quality of Government Index’ (EQI) • Almost all existing corruption/ QoG data (from the mid-1990s) at national-level • 2010: we present 1st (and only) mulit-country, sub national data on QoG to date. Funded by EU Commission (REGIO) • Wecreated a QoG Composite Index for 172 E.U. regions • The study is based on a citizen-survey of respondents in EU • 34,000 respondents in 18 countries (+/- 200 per region). Theyare the ’consumers’ ofQoG • 16 QoG-focused (all translatedinto country languages) questions on: • personal experiences & perceptions • of the Quality, Corruption & Impartiality… • …on Education, Health care, and Law Enforcement • 2013: we build on this past research in WP5
Selected Publications on the EQI data Article: Charron, Nicholas, Lewis Dijkstra & Victor Lapuente (2013): Regional GovernanceMatters: QualityofGovernmentwithinEuropean Union Member States, Regional Studies, Link: DOI:10.1080/00343404.2013.770141 Book: ’Quality of Government and Corruption from a European Perspective’ eds. Charron, Nicholas, Victor Lapuente and Bo Rothstein. 2013. Edward Elgar Publishing EU Commission Working Paper: ‘Charron, Nicholas, Lewis Dijkstra & Victor Lapuente. 2012. ’Regional GovrnanceMatters: A Study on Regional Variation ofQualityofGovernment in the EU Link: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/work/2012_02_governance.pdf
The Questions • 34 questions total • 20 Focused primarily on regional level governance in 3 sectors: education, health care & law enforcement, as well as media & elections (16 go to build the’EQI’) • 7 demographic • Other 7: social trust, perceptions of ’meritocracy’ in public & private sectors, party support, electoral corruption
Level of Perceived Meritocracy: Sucess in Private Sector Turkey Austria Ireland UK Germany Finland Denmark Netherlands Belgium Italy France Czech Rep. Sweden Portugal Slovak Rep. Hungary Romania Spain Greece Poland Kosovo Bulgaria Croatia Ukraine Serbia hard work 2 4 6 Luck & Connections country average Perception of what it takes for sucess in private sector
Perceived Meritocracy of Private Sector in Italian Regions ITD2 - Provincia Autonoma Trento ITD1 - Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen ITC4 - Lombardia ITD3 - Veneto ITC2 - Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste ITD4 - Friuli-Venezia Giulia ITD5 - Emilia-Romagna ITE1 - Toscana ITC3 - Liguria ITC1 - Piemonte ITF4 - Puglia ITF3 - Campania ITE3 - Marche ITE2 - Umbria ITE4 - Lazio ITF2 - Molise ITF5 - Basilicata ITG1 - Sicilia ITF6 - Calabria ITF1 - Abruzzo ITG2 - Sardegna 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 mean regional response Other info on respondents
3 ’Pillars’ of EQI • Corruption, Impartialtiy & quality • For ex. , for corruption, We combine perceptions and experiences of citizens (as opposed to ’experts’ – less risk of ’feedback loop’) Twotypesofquestions: • general perceptions questions (0-10, higher = more perceived corruption) • Experienceswith ’pettycorruption’ *Let’s look at the aggregated regional scores
Building the Index 1. Aggregation Aggregate 400 respondents by region for each of 16 questions • Using PCA, 3 groups (’pillars’) identified: corruption, impartialtiy and quality – 16 indicatorsaggreatedto 3 pillars • 3 pillars aggregated to Regional QoG Index 2. Normalizationof Data • Standardizedindicators (z-distribution) 3. Weights • EqualWeighting
Regional and National QoG • Combine regional data with national level WGI data • Set eachcountry’s EQI meanto WGI averageof 4 QoGpillars • Aggregate regional scores (population weighted), aroundwhich regional scores show within-country variation Why? • Regional QoGembedded in National Context • Includecountrieswith no NUTS 2 regions • Canretroactivelyadjustwhen new regions/countriesadded in future
The EQI: 2010 • A composite index based on 16 QoG survey questions from 2009-2010. • Round 2 in 2013
Robustness of Data • 2010: Extensive sensitivity testing (both WGI data and regional data), • Alternative aggregation, weighting, normalizationmethod, exludingcertainindividualcharactoristics by gender, income, education and age. • Constructed 95% confidence intervals around each regional estimate
EQI 2010 and Margins of Error 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 50 100 150 200 250 EQI by Rank order EQI 2010 95% c.i. EQI 2010
Perceptions vs. Experiences: Residuals 2 RS21 - Šumadija and Western Serbia RS22 - Southern and Eastern Serbia 'over-perceive' corruption HR03 - Jadranska Hrvatska rs12 - vojvodina PT11 - Norte rs11 - belgrade PT16 - Centro (P) HR04 - Kontinentalna Hrvatska PT30 - Região Autónoma da Madeira Number 25 - Crimea PT17 - Lisboa SK04 - Vychodne Slovensko gr1 - voreia ellada Number 15 - Zakarpattia oblast (region) SK03 - Stredne Slovensko BG31 - Severozapaden 1 FR91 - Guadeloupe PT15 - Algarve gr3 - attiki SK02 - Zapadne Slovensko FR92 - Martinique gr4 - nisia aigaiou, kriti ES70 - Canarias CZ04 - Severozapad SK01 - Bratislavsky kraj gr2 - kentriki ellada ES61 - Andalucía Number 7 - Lviv oblast (region) BG32 - Severen tsentralen tr3 - ege Number 4 - Kiev oblast (region) ES52 - Comunidad Valenciana FR30 - Nord - Pas-de-Calais ES53 - Illes Balears ES51 - Cataluña FR94 - Réunion CZ02 - Stredni Cechy be3 - région wallonne PT20 - Região Autónoma dos Açores ES12 - Principado de Asturias FR22 - Picardie CZ01 - Praha ES11 - Galicia FR93 - Guyane Number 13 - Kharkov oblast (region) Number 21 - Odessa oblast (region) ES24 - Aragón FR21 - Champagne-Ardenne ES41 - Castilla y León CZ07 - Stredni Morava tr1 - istanbul ES21 - País Vasco ES30 - Comunidad de Madrid ES42 - Castilla-La Mancha CZ08 - Moravskoslezsko ES22 - Comunidad Foral de Navarra CZ05 - Severovychod be1 - région de bruxelles-capitale / brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest CZ03 - Jihozapad ES43 - Extremadura FR82 - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur ES62 - Región de Murcia PT18 - Alentejo ES13 - Cantabria ES23 - La Rioja FR41 - Lorraine FR26 - Bourgogne FR81 - Languedoc-Roussillon FR72 - Auvergne dee - sachsen-anhalt tr5 - bati anadolu FR63 - Limousin RS23 - Kosovo and Metohija FR83 - Corse CZ06 - Jihovychod AT13 - Wien be2 - vlaams gewest AT31 - Oberösterreich FR23 - Haute-Normandie FR25 - Basse-Normandie trb - ortadogu anadolu ITF4 - Puglia BG34 - Yugoiztochen FR71 - Rhône-Alpes deg - thüringen AT34 - Vorarlberg tr4 - dogu marmara 0 FR24 - Centre tr7 - orta anadolu FR42 - Alsace FR53 - Poitou-Charentes FR61 - Aquitaine FR51 - Pays de la Loire FR10 - Île de France de4 - brandenburg de2 - bayern FR43 - Franche-Comté ITF3 - Campania ded - sachsen FR62 - Midi-Pyrénées de9 - niedersachsen de8 - mecklenburg-vorpommern FR52 - Bretagne AT12 - Niederösterreich deb - rheinland-pfalz tra - kuzeydogu anadolu AT21 - Kärnten RO42 - Vest PL51 - Dolnoslaskie PL33 - Swietokrzyskie PL11 - Lodzkie de5 - bremen ITF6 - Calabria dec - saarland de7 - hessen ITE2 - Umbria de1 - baden-württemberg de6 - hamburg dea - nordrhein-westfalen AT33 - Tirol AT22 - Steiermark RO31 - Sud - Muntenia PL32 - Podkarpackie tr6 - akdeniz de3 - berlin ITE3 - Marche RO11 - Nord-Vest AT11 - Burgenland (A) PL43 - Lubuskie ITC4 - Lombardia PL42 - Zachodniopomorskie PL34 - Podlaskie AT32 - Salzburg ITG1 - Sicilia def - schleswig-holstein ukg - west midlands (england) ITF2 - Molise PL12 - Mazowieckie ITC1 - Piemonte PL41 - Wielkopolskie RO21 - Nord-Est ukf - east midlands (england) RO41 - Sud-Vest Oltenia SE2 - Södra Sverige SE3 - Norra Sverige PL62 - Warminsko-Mazurskie ITF5 - Basilicata ITE4 - Lazio nl32 - north holland PL21 - Malopolskie PL63 - Pomorskie ukk - south west (england) RO12 - Centru PL31 - Lubelskie ukn - northern ireland PL52 - Opolskie nl22 - gelderland ITC3 - Liguria ukm - scotland nl33 - south holland ukc - north east (england) PL22 - Slaskie SE1 - Östra Sverige ITG2 - Sardegna ukl - wales trc - guneydogu anadolu uke - yorkshire and the humber PL61 - Kujawsko-Pomorskie ukd - north west (england) nl42 - limburg tr8 - bati karadeniz ITD5 - Emilia-Romagna ukh - east of england tr9 - dogu karadeniz RO22 - Sud-Est nl23 - flevoland ITF1 - Abruzzo ukj - south east (england) ITC2 - Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste nl34 - zeeland tr2 - bati marmara uki - london nl13 - drenthe ITD3 - Veneto nl31 - utrecht BG41 - Yugozapaden nl11 - groningen nl21 - overijssel nl12 - friesland ie02 - southern and eastern -1 BG42 - Yuzhen tsentralen nl41 - north brabant ITE1 - Toscana fi19 - west finland hu2 - dunantul ie01 - border midland and western fi1a - north finland ITD1 - Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen ITD4 - Friuli-Venezia Giulia hu3 - alfold es eszak fi18 - south finland fi13 - east finland ITD2 - Provincia Autonoma Trento DK02 - Sjælland DK05 - Nordjylland hu1 - kozep-magyarorszag DK03 - Syddanmark DK04 - Midtjylland DK01 - Hovedstaden RO32 - Bucuresti - Ilfov 'under-perceive' corruption fi20 - aland -2 BG33 - Severoiztochen 0 10 20 30 40 % of respondents paying a bribe in the last 12 months