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ICT in English. ICT in English - a presentation to NZATE Conference,Dunedin July, 2012. Pauline Grogan- Henderson English Department Burnside High School. Task 1. Open envelopes
ICT in English ICT in English - a presentation to NZATE Conference,Dunedin July, 2012. Pauline Grogan- Henderson English Department Burnside High School
Task 1 • Open envelopes • Order the strips of paper into a famous poem. 3. Text the words at the side to 0212465431
From Google to Twitter - Technology ticks all the Boxes! But does it make a difference to learning? he@burnside.school.nz @PaulineHendog
My Learning Intentions • What are we learning? • Why are we learning it? • How will we learn it? • How will we know we have learnt it? • We will leave here with: • Tasks,Tools,TLinks and TResources and perhaps... a Twitter name!!!! But does it make a difference to learning?
Supporting future-orientated learning and teaching- a new Zealand Report Report published June 2012, NZCER http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/publications/schooling/109306 Three questions • What could future-oriented learning and teaching look like, what ideas and principles underpin it and what makes it different from other teaching and learning practices? • What are the conditions that enable future-oriented learning and teaching? What are the issues and challenges? • How might transformational future-oriented learning and teaching approaches be promoted, enabled and sustained?
Ideas from NZCER report New meanings for “knowledge” New understandings about learning A useful metaphor: “Unbundling” schools - “a process in which innovators deconstruct established structures and routines and reassemble them in newer, smarter ways”.This term is often used in the business and technology sectors but is also helpful for thinking about the education system. It involves multiple ideas and practices coming together in ways that could “re-bundle” learning and teaching to better reflect the context and demands of the 21st century world.
Emerging principles for a 21st century education system Theme 1: Personalising learning Theme 2: New views of equity, diversity and inclusivity Theme 3: A curriculum that uses knowledge to develop learning capacity Theme 4: “Changing the script”: Rethinking learners’ and teachers’ roles Theme 5: A culture of continuous learning for teachers and educational leaders Theme 6: New kinds of partnerships and relationships: Schools no longer siloed from the community SubThemes: New technologies and collaborative practices
Why are we learning it? Some ideas Previous Video Shift happens (Scott McLeod)Version6 2012 This video in its various versions has been vewed over 20million times Where is education heading in NZ? the World? Trends in Education Core-edhttp://blog.core-ed.org/blog/2012/06/core-10-trends-virtual-learning.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+coreeducationblog+%28The+CORE+Education+Blog%29 NZCER report - June 2012 http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/publications/schooling/109306 5 reasons to teach ICT 1)Your own PD 2)The Power to engage 3)Meet them where they live 4)It’s not going away 5)Skills required for working in 21st century Views on Education from a variety of people involved in Education Sir Ken Robinson,Guy Claxton, Michael Fullan, Ewen McIntosh,Steve Wheeler, Stephen Heppell,Derek Wenmouth,Simon Breakspear, James Nottingham...
How will we learn it? What tool will we use? Moodle,iPods, iPad,cellphone,YouTube Ted Talks,Google Docs,Twitter,Wallwisher,
Using a Cellphone/iPod Touch • Text your answers, ask questions,text h/w questions • Take photos of: - notes on board, homework, spelling lists, • take screen shots of moodle, websites, anything really? • -upload screen shots or photos of whiteboard to Moodle, • -filmshots and 5 frame storytelling -take videos, interview, create multiframe story • engage inTwitter!!
Examples of Using a Cellphone Create a story using cellphone shots (similar to 5 frame but using more shots) Record your class version of the 32sec version of Macbeth. Folger library link http://www.folger.edu/documents/32SecMacbethnew.pdf
5 Frame Story Telling A 5 frame story is just that! A story told in 5 frames. (idea via Allanah King @AllanahK @HeyMilly (Amanda Signal) Can be used for a variety of tasks. Can use cellphones/iPods/iPads https://msheenglish.wikispaces.com/5+Frame+Storytelling The idea can be used to tell a short episode eg 5 chp summaries or summarise a text. Can also be used in conjunction with fim study. http://allanahk.edublogs.org/2010/11/03/five-frame-story-telling/
Teaching Different Film Shots I use iPod touches to teach different film shots. Students are shown different shots, given the list of shots to take, given iPods and then... sent out into the world(well, school world!) Their shots are then uploaded from iPod and used to fill in the shots on the blank template.
Moodle/other LMS We use Moodle as our LMS (learning management system) All school information is on this and staff and students have a single login which allows them to access the home page, faculty pages and google apps. Class have a variety of activities and resources loaded onto them. Check out our History Page and how one history teacher records his notes!
iPod Touches-What can students do? • Access the web, Moodle, Wiki,You Tube etc • take notes on Notes and email it to teacher. • Take photos or videos of class trips. Upload class notes onto it. • Create notes for revisions. Podcasts for revision. • Apps eg dictionary, Ted talks and other interesting stuff. ebooks, class film • Film speeches in small groups etc • Can read articles, poems, shortstories off Moodle.
Using Cows, Computers and BYOD Using Cows, (Computers on wheels) The computer lab or BYOD are only tools to enable learning. They enable our students to work independently (Managing self) and collaboratively (participating and relating to others) They are also Problem Solving, Thinking Creatively and Critically about their world and the world of Literature.
Classroom use of Twitter Group questions in real time. Students can send a tweet from a group. This is sent in real time and can appear up on the screen As characters in a film/novel- in groups students set up accounts as characters. Tweets from the Trenches - Students chose to set up an account as a soldier who fought in WW1
War Poetry Unit Year 10 Assessment - Close Reading of Unfamiliar Text - Response to text essay • Link back to Unit completed in Social Studies on Paschendale. • Visit from Poet Kate McColl. Has written poems about NZ soldiers at Paschendale & their return. • Task - Find a War Poem and teach this to the class. Poem+Audio+ Images + any presentation tool.
War Poetry - Student Work Suicide in the Trenches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-UcDhKtatM&feature=youtu.be
Google Docs One of the most versatile tools around. Used for • Collaborative essays/work. Can have multiple users on a doc. Access from anywhere. Can be shared with none, one or many. • Class notes,can be added to- a living doc. • A great way to provide quick indiv or group feedback. Four best features : autosave changes, multi-users,anywhere access,can look at history of changes and restore versions. The following slides are screenshots as my class used it. Each colour is a different group in a different part of doc.
Wikis and Blogs Wikis and Blogs are great tools for curating resources and also for displaying student work. Class or individual blogs(linked to class blog) Class Blogs from Primary Schools. http://moturoa.blogspot.co.nz/ http://stmarys-room6.blogspot.co.nz/ http://openthedoortob4.blogspot.co.nz/ http://www.ptengland.school.nz/index.php?mid=6
An English Department Blog St Columbus College in Dublin English Department Blog http://www.sccenglish.ie/p/this-blog.html
Blooms Digital Taxonomy Andrew Church http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom's+Digital+Taxonomy
Ten Tools 1) Google Docs etc 2) Wordle 3) Ted Talks/Ted Ed 4) You Tube/Teacher Tube 5)Twitter 6)wikipedia/ Wikieducator 7)Wallwisher 8)Prezi
More Tools 9)Social Bookmarking-Diigo Delicious 10)Blogs 11)Wikis 12)Jing/snipping tool/screenshot 13)Audacity 14)VoiceThread/screencaster 15)Slideshare Links to these tools via Jane Hart's website
Creating a PLN You can create your own PLN -Personal Learning Network in this area. You could: -JoinTwitter, Follow Core Ed http://www.core-ed.org/ Join the GCSN (Greater Christchurch Schools Network) http://www.gcsn.school.nz/ Attend an event :Learning at Schools /Ulearn12 What about going to Educamp? http://educampnz.wikispaces.com/home
Other sources/Links Twitter - Join! Follow! Blogs - Follow, Read, Comment, Create Just choose one task, tool etc and have a go! If you need help etc please Contact me: @PaulineHendog he@burnside.school.nz
Sources/Links Jane Hart http://www.slideshare.net/janehart/top-100-tools-for-learning-2011 This has links to all the tools. http://web.me.com/khoneycuttessdack/kevinhoneycutt.org/Tools.html Kevin Honeycutt Historical Tweets http://historicaltweets.com/?s=Shakespeare+&submit=Go www.freetech4teachers.com/ (a fanatstic resource) A good place to start.
The Final Slide - People to follow But only if you want to!! @AllanahK @ClaireAmosNZ @EwanMcIntosh @SimonBreakspear @dwenmouth @virtuallykaren Blogs to read Life is not a race to be finished- allanahk.edublogs.org/ Free Technology for teachers - Richard Byrne www.freetech4teachers.com/ Scott McLeod's blog (The creator of the Shift Happens vid) www.dangerouslyirrelevant.org/