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The H adiith Jiberiil. Prepared by: M. Tahir Farrath ( mtfarrath@webmail.co.za ) - Lesson 1 – Part 1 -. (* Please refer to the standard “Key to the Transliteration” file.)
The Hadiith Jiberiil Prepared by: M. Tahir Farrath (mtfarrath@webmail.co.za) - Lesson 1 – Part 1 -
(* Please refer to the standard “Key to the Transliteration” file.) Bis-Mil LAAHIR Rohmaanir Rohiim. Al-Hamdu lil-LAAHI Robbil 'Aalamiin, was Solaatu was Salaamu 'alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa Aalihii wa Sohbihii Ajema'iin. In the Name of ALLAAH, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful. All praise belong to ALLAAH - Lord of all the worlds, and Salutations and Peace be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions ALLAAHU Subehaanahuu wa Ta’aalaa Says to HIS Rosuul(Messenger), Sollal LAAHU ‘alayhi wa Sallam: Qul Robbi Zidenii ‘ilma(n) “Say(O Muhammad): Lord, increase me (in) knowledge”. (20.Taa-Haa:114) The ‘Ulamaa_(Scholars) have said that knowledge of the Diin(Religion) is among the best acts of obedience, and it is most worthy to allocate whatever precious time that it takes to acquire it. This is especially so because it is thus recorded within a Hadiith found in Muslim and something similar in Tirmithiy. The well-known book called Hadiith ‘Arba’iin, Kitaabul ‘Arba’iin, Al-‘Arba’iin or simply the ‘Arba’iin of Imaam Nawawiy (d. 676), may ALLAAH have Mercy on him, quotes from Muslim that the Prophet(S.A.W.) said: Wa man Salaka Toriiqon Yaltamisu fii-hii ‘ilman, Sahhalal LAAHU la-huu bi-hii Toriiqon ilal Jannah “…And he who follows a path searching (with desire) in it (Islamic) knowledge, ALLAAH Makes easy for him therein a way to Paradise…”. Al-Busiriy in his book, Misbaah az-Zujaajah, classified as Sohiih(authentic) what Ibn Maajah related concerning the saying of Jundub ibn ‘Abedullaah, may ALLAAH Raise his rank: "We were with the Prophet of ALLAAH(S.A.W.) as young men. We learnt the matters of belief before we learnt the Qur-aan. Then we learnt the Qur-aan which added to our belief”. Therefore, the greatest of all knowledge is that of the fundamentals of the creed (system of belief) and it is for this
reason that the Messenger of ALLAAH(S.A.W.) taught it to the Companions prior to teaching them the rules of the Religion. To proceed: ALAAH(S.W.T.) Says: Fa’lam annahuu Laa ilaaha illal LAAH… “Therefore, know that there is no god except ALLAAH…” (47.Muhammad:19) ALLAAH(S.W.T.) also Says: Wa maa Arsalnaa min Qobelika min-Rosuulin illaa Nuuhii ilayhi annahuu Laa ilaaha illaa Ana fa’buduun(i). “And We did not Send before thee (O Muhammad) of a Messenger without an Inspiration to him that there is no god except I, so worship (Me).” (21.Anbiyaa_:25) All the Anbiyaa_(Prophets) and Rusul(Messengers), Solawaatul LAAHI ‘alayhim Ajem’iin, have left traces of this belief in Islaam(submission to ALLAAH) and many nations suffered the consequences of their indifference. Then, with the advent of Nabiy Iberaahiim, ‘alayhis Salaam, his youngest son, Nabiy Ishaaq(A.S.), through the lineage of Nabiy Ya’quub(A.S.) brought into existence the Jewish tribes and Christians. Ever since Nabiy Muusa(A.S.) and Nabiy Daawuud(A.S.) rose among their people, the Jews were Blessed with a number of Prophets so that their ungrateful and rebellious people could be brought back to the Straight Path. They considered themselves as the Chosen people, but their constant bickering and hair-splitting arguments caused tremendous division amongst them, and after killing some of their Prophets, they proved to be an unfit people for Divine Guidance. Nabiy Iberaahiim’s(A.S.) eldest son, Nabiy Ismaa’iil(A.S.), through Fate - in accordance with ALLAAH’s Mighty Plan - dwelled among the Arab tribes. While the rest of the then civilised world was going astray and deserving the Wrath of ALLAAH, HE in HIS Infinite Mercy to mankind, was over the centuries developing a deserving people away from the eyes of the rest of the world. And with the Final Message of ALLAAH, the last of all Prophets(S.A.W.) spread it abroad and conquered the whole of Arabia.
The problem will always be, as it had been, that the comprehension of LAA ILAAHA ILLAL LAAH eventually begins to fail the memories of men throughout the peaks and valleys of time. So they may then ask: Why did this call begin in this manner? And why should this be the Call, if it was going be confronted with tremendous opposition? It was certainly not for the sake of subjecting ALLAAH’s Messengers and those who believed in them to oppression, harm and difficulty. But indeed, man’s understanding is limited, and it did not seem that this should be the easiest way to reach the hearts of humanity, and in particular the Arabs at the time, who knew the language well. They knew the meaning of Ilaah(god) and also what the words LAA ILAAHA ILLAL LAAH meant. The implications of this type of Call meant that to ascribe Sovereignty to ALLAAH, they had to turn their backs on the beliefs of their forefathers. It may also have occurred to them that the powers of their priests and those among the upper class or chiefs would be stripped away. In the process, they would have to abandon their desires, likes and dislikes as well and change their total way of life. This was the reality, as it is even today. Thus, the people greeted the Call with suspicion and anger, and as always, they relentlessly strove against it. But it was within ALLAAH’s Wisdom that this fundamental slogan of Faith and belief should once more be HIS Prophet’s Call to humanity, for ALLAAH Says in 3.Aali Imraan:19: “Innad Diina ‘indal LAAHIL Islaam.” “Indeed, the religion (acceptable) by ALLAAH is Islaam.” And the Almighty further Says in Aayah(verse) 85 of the same Suuroh(chapter): Wa man-Yabetaghi ghoyrol Islaami Diinan fa-lan-Yuqebala minh(u) “And whoever desires a religion other than Islaam, then it will never ever be accepted”. The Words are to the point, simply because ALLAAH wants each one of us to live an exemplary Muslim(one who has submitted) life - a life that is full of ‘Izzah(honour, power or might). As for those who strive for firmness in HIS religion of Islaam, it will bring upon them prestige and grandeur, and with it dignity. Sayyidunaa ‘Umar(R.A.) made this clear in his statement: “We are (such) a nation (that) ALLAAH has Honoured us with Islaam”.
But what exactly is Islaam? And are we truly upholding it with honour? This then calls for self-examination, which means that we must continually reflect back and ponder on the basics (or re-read them). In the following famous narration known as the Hadiith Jiberiil it is related: ‘An ‘Umar Rodiyal LAAHU ‘anhuu Aydon, Qaal(a): On the authority of ‘Umar, may ALLAAH be Pleased with him, (who) also said: Baynamaa nahnu Juluusun ‘inda Rosuulil LAAHI, Sollal LAAHU ‘alayhi wa Sallam(a), Thaata Yawm(in), IthTola’a ‘alaynaa Rojul(un). Shadiidu Bayaadith Thiyaab(i), Shadiidu Sawaadish Sha’ar(i), Laa Yuraa ‘alayhi Atharus Safar(i), wa Laa Ya’rifuhuu minnaa Ahad(un), Hattaa Jalasa ilan Nabiyy(i) Sollal LAAHU ‘alayhi wa Sallam(a), One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of ALLAAH(S.A.W.) there appeared before us a man (whose) clothes were exceedingly white (and whose) hair was exceedingly black. No signs of journey were to be seen on him and none of us knew him, until he sat down by the Prophet. fa-Asnada Rukbatayhi ilaa Rukbatayhi, wa Wado’a Kaffayhi ‘alaa Fakhothayhi, wa Qaal(a): Yaa Muhammad(u), Akhbirnii ‘anil Islaam(i). Fa-Qaala Rosuulil LAAHI, Sollal LAAHU ‘alayhi wa Sallam(a): Al-Islaamu An Tash-hada An-Laa ilaaha illal LAAH(U) wa Anna Muhammadan-Rosuulul LAAH, wa Tuqiimus Solaata wa Tu_tiyaz Zakaata wa Tasuuma Romadaana wa Tahujjal Bayta inis-Tato’ta ilayhi Sabiila(n). Resting his knees against his knees and placing his palms on his thighs he said: O Muhammad, tell me about Islaam. The Messenger of ALLAAH said: Islaam is to testify that there is no deity (worthy of worship) but ALLAAH and Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAAH, to perform prayers, to make Zakaah, to fast in Ramadaan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you were able to find a way to it. Qaal(a): Sodaqeta. Fa-‘Ajibenaa la-huu Yas-aluhuu wa Yusoddiquhuu. Qaal(a): Fa-Akhbirnii ‘anil Iimaan(i). Qaal(a): An Tu_mina bil-LAAH(I) wa Malaa-ikatihii wa Kutubihii wa Rusulihii wal Yawmil Aakhiri wa Tu_mina bil- Qodari Khoyrihii wa Sharrihii. Qaal(a): Sodaqeta. He said: You have spoken rightly; and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly.
He said: Tell me about Faith. He said: It is to believe in ALLAAH, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, • and the Last Day, and to believe in Divine Destiny (with) its good and evil. He said: You have spoken rightly. • Qaal(a): Fa-Akhbirnii ‘anil Ihsaan(i). Qaal(a): An Ta’budal LAAHA ka-annaka Taraahuu fa-in lam Takun Taraahuu • fa-innahuu Yaraak(a). • He said: Then tell me about Ihsaan. He said: It is to worship ALLAAH as though you are seeing Him and while you • see Him not, yet truly He sees you. • Qaal(a): Fa-Akhbirnii ‘anis Saa’at(i). Qaal(a): Mal Mas-ulu ‘anhaa bi-A’lama minas Saa-il(i). Qaal(a): Fa-Akhbirnii • ‘an Amaaraatihaa. Qaal(a): An Talidal Amatu Rabbatahaa, wa an Taral Hufaatal ‘Uraatal ‘Aalata Ri’aa-ash Shaa-i • Yatataawaluuna fil Bunyaan(i) • He said: Then tell me about the Hour. He said: The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner. • He said: Then tell me about its signs. He said: that the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see • barefooted, naked destitute herdsmen competing in constructing lofty buildings. • Thumman-Tolaqo fa-Labishtu Maliyya(n). Thumma Qaal(a): Yaa ‘Umar(u) Ataderii minas Saa-il(u). Qult(u): • ALLAAHU wa Rosuuluhuu A’lam(u). Qaal(a): Fa-innahuu Jiberiilu Ataakum Yu’allamukum Diinakum. (Rawaahuu • Muslim) • Then he departed and I stayed for a time. Then he said: O ‘Umar, do you know who the questioner was? I said: • ALLAAH and His Messenger know best. He said: It was indeed Jiberiil. He came to teach you your religion. • (Related by Muslim) • NB: The narrator ‘Umar ibnul Khattaab(R.A.) was also known as Abuu Hafs (which will be explained later) and he later assumed the title of • Amiirul Mu_miniin. • In the Sharh of Imaam Nawawiy, the Shaafi’iy jurist derived the following points from the Hadiith: • Angel Jiberiil(Gabriel), ‘alayhis Salaam, himself came to teach the fundamentals of the Diin to the Companions by asking the Messenger of ALLAAH(S.A.W.) certain questions.
2. An Angel can come in the shape of a man to be seen by people. 3. As part of Islamic manners, one of the good ways of sitting with the teacher is to sit with one's knees against that of his and placing one’s hands on the thighs of the teacher. 4. Although the thigh is part of the ‘Awroh(nudity), one can touch it if it is covered. 5. One can teach others by asking about that which he already knows. 6. The teacher should answer the questions even if he knows that the questioner is aware of the answers. 7. If someone wants to know about Islaam, then he should be made aware of the pillars that constitute it. 8. And that Islaam is built on the five pillars which have to be acted upon with iimaan and Ihsaan. Denying any one of these pillars and not wishing to fulfil any one of them makes you a non-Muslim. 9. Belief in what ALLAAH has Destined for us, whether it is perceived to be good or bad, is part of iimaan - and without believing in it - our iimaan is incomplete and defective. 10. One who believes in ALLAAH must always be conscious of the Last Day also. 11. One must accept that (all) Messengers are Sent by ALLAAH. 12. As part of Islamic manners, the questioner can approve of the teacher's answer by saying that the answer is correct. 13. One must develop Ihsaan in everything that one does so as to create that much awareness that ALLAAH is indeed watching every move that one makes. 14. As part of Islamic manners, the teacher should be ready to accept and say that he does not know the answer or that he does not know it better than the enquirer. 15. It is permissible to talk about the signs of the Last Hour. 16. The signs of the Last Hour are real and concerns how we live and behave. 17 If someone comes to a people and goes away from them without the people knowing who he was, then he can be identified to the people. 18. Although the Companions were the best of people and were the most knowledgeable, they did not interrupt
with their own answers, nor did they show impatience at the questioner. Therefore as part of Islamicmanners, if someone in a group asks the teacher a question, then the others in the group should keep quiet until one of them is asked for help. 19. It is not permissible to say that there is a certain length of time left before the end of the world, for none knows - not even the Messenger - except ALLAAH. (To be continued…in Lesson 1a)