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Workpackage 2: Implementation Infrastructure

Workpackage 2: Implementation Infrastructure. WP2: Objectives. Define conceptual and technical architecture , components , interfaces , and standards. Assert the stability and scalability of the platform through testing and evaluation. Main Objective of WP2 :

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Workpackage 2: Implementation Infrastructure

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  1. Workpackage 2: Implementation Infrastructure

  2. WP2: Objectives Defineconceptualandtechnicalarchitecture, components, interfaces, andstandards. Assertthestabilityandscalabilityoftheplatformthroughtestingandevaluation. Main ObjectiveofWP2: Integrated OptiquePlatform ImplementandmaintainthegenericOptiquesoftwareplatform. Integratethesoftwarecomponentsdeveloped in thetechnicalworkpackes.

  3. WP2: Implementation Infrastructure WP3: Query Formulation WP4: Ontology&Mapping WP5: Time&Streams WP6: Query Transform. WP7: Distr. Query Exec. Integration Integrated OptiquePlatform Requirements WP10: Dissemination WP1: Requirements & Evaluation WP11: Exploitation Basis for Deployment& Evaluation WP8: Use Case WP9: Use Case

  4. The Optique Vision

  5. Basis platform for WP2: fluidOps Semantic Data Cloud PlatformManaging the IT stack using Semantic Technologies Provisioning, Monitoring and Management Application Layer (SaaS) Virtualization Layer Infrastructure Layer (IaaS) Data Layer (DaaS) Netw.-Att. Storage Network Computing Resources Enterprise Data Sources Open Data Sources

  6. PlatformBased on the Information Workbench ExternalApplications + Presentation Layer Exsistingwidgets + customwidgets forspecifictasks Query Result Processing andPresentation Query Formulation (WP3) Ontology & Mapping Management (WP4) Search & Information Access Query Catalog Administration Data CatalogAdministration Data Management& Query Answering Layer Builds upon existing, standards-baseddatamgmt. facilities Query Transformation, Planning & Execution • Existingdatamanagementfacilities • Storage • Retrieval • Search Query Transformation (WP6) Time & Streams (WP5) Distributed Query Execution (WP7) Metadata Data Sources & Infrastructure Re-useexistinginfrastructurewherepossible Streaming Data SQL Data Sources EPDS WP4: Ontology Core DB Turbine data, ... WP4: Mappings Geo Chem Query Catalogs Data Catalogs

  7. Deliverables in First Year WP3: Query Formulation WP4: Ontology&Mapping (Task 4.4) WP5: Time&Streams WP6: Query Transform. (Task 6.4) WP7: Distr. Query Exec. (Task 7.4) Integration ofpre-existingtechnology D2.1 SpecificationoftheArchitecture D2.3 First Prototype ofthe Core Platform Dev. & testinginfrastructureready, startintegratingcomponents Start initialperformanceintegrationtesting Now M03 M06 M09 M12

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