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Sloan-C Emerging Technologies Symposium

Sandra Coswatte. Social Media Specialist. The Sloan Consortium ... Social Notifications. When a person follows or private messages me, email me at: my email ...

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Sloan-C Emerging Technologies Symposium

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    Slide 2: Sandra Coswatte Social Media Specialist The Sloan Consortium Jean Fredrick Director of Marketing The Sloan Consortium

    Slide 3:Login You will receive an invitation with a link and a Username and Password (Monday July 19) Login Can change Username & Password

    Slide 5:Basics Home Welcome, all tabs available Virtual Exhibit Hall My.ET4 Message center: your messages, replies, all, following Search For attendees by name, company, industry, city, state Follow People Mutually following - see each other’s schedule

    Slide 6:Basics, cont. Contests Streamed Sessions Virtual sessions Full Schedule My Schedule Profile Help Log Out

    Slide 7:My.ET4 is where you be spending a lot of time – it has all of the messaging features, including the messages you’ve sent and received, direct messages to just you, your replies to others, and all messages for the site (Sandra will give more detail about all of the messaging features a little later) This sections also enables you to search for and follow people, shows who you are following, and shows your upcoming events My.ET4 is where you be spending a lot of time – it has all of the messaging features, including the messages you’ve sent and received, direct messages to just you, your replies to others, and all messages for the site (Sandra will give more detail about all of the messaging features a little later) This sections also enables you to search for and follow people, shows who you are following, and shows your upcoming events

    Slide 8:Profile Upload Photo Password Reset Contact Info Public Profile Shows schedule Twitter Find friends from twitter who are also attendees

    Slide 11:Contacts/Follow To find people to follow use Search To View Use My.ET4 Who I’m Following Who is Following Me Mutual Following You may “Unfollow” people here Following: can view their messages Sandra To view who you You can find individuals in the system by searching. Click on the search tab on the top of the screen. You can search by name, company, title, Industry, etc. This will help you find people to connect with at the conference. Sandra To view who you You can find individuals in the system by searching. Click on the search tab on the top of the screen. You can search by name, company, title, Industry, etc. This will help you find people to connect with at the conference.

    Slide 12:Message Notifications Set Message Notifications Option Set reply msg. to non-spam Social Notifications When a person follows or private messages me, email me at: my email address Schedule Notifications: input your email address to get notified when events change (time, location, etc.) Twitter Notifications twitter username & pswd. Sends your msgs. to your twitter account Please add conference@sloanconsortium.org to your email address book, or set emails received from conference@sloanconsortium.org as non spam.Please add conference@sloanconsortium.org to your email address book, or set emails received from conference@sloanconsortium.org as non spam.

    Slide 13:Messages: from the people you follow and from your groups @Replies Reply to specific user type @ followed by the person's username in the message. Message appears on your public feed & in the @Replies tab of the user you sent the message to - also visible to anyone following you. Example: "@username See you in dinner!" Sent All Messages (public and private) that you send Direct Messages “Private” message: use a "d" before your message. This message will only be visible to you and the person you're sending the message to. Note: You can only direct message people who are following you. Example: "d username See you in March!" Everybody See all There is also a tab called My.ET4 which is an important area to check out. Here you can leave a message or comment to your followers. Similar to the concept of facebook where you post something for others to see. People can reply directly to you privately in a direct message or using @symbol for others to see publically. Post in text box: To reply to someone else's message, send: Example: @username See you in July! You can also see what messages you have posted during the contest in the sent box. There is also a tab called My.ET4 which is an important area to check out. Here you can leave a message or comment to your followers. Similar to the concept of facebook where you post something for others to see. People can reply directly to you privately in a direct message or using @symbol for others to see publically. Post in text box: To reply to someone else's message, send: Example: @username See you in July! You can also see what messages you have posted during the contest in the sent box.

    Slide 14:Messages – Sidebar My Upcoming Events Search people function Twitter – find friends checks registrants for Twitter usernames you are following Following: View all RSS Message Feeds View all of your sent messages sent, received & replies, and all messages

    Slide 15:Full Schedule Click on the calendar day you want to see Choose “Track” or All Can also choose date on pull-down Choose the sessions you want for your calendar by clicking on the box at the right of a session Go to My Calendar to view selections

    Slide 16:My Schedule Shows all of the sessions you have selected for each day of the event. To de-select a session click on the X at the right of the session and it will be removed. My Schedule RSS Feed Shows timeline and descriptors of all of your scheduled sessions Calendar Icons You can send your schedule to Outlook, Google and to your Outlook inbox

    Slide 17:Social Networking Contest Twitter Facebook Linkedin Post messages during the conference Drawing is random after the conference ends Prizes mailed or emailed

    Slide 18:This takes you to the ET4Online website so to get back to the social netoworking site hit the BACK buttonThis takes you to the ET4Online website so to get back to the social netoworking site hit the BACK button

    Slide 19:How to Participate Twitter Contest Follow Sloan-C on twitter (see below for how) Tweet about the conference using #et4online hashtag Retweet other’s tweets about the conference using #et4online hashtag   Facebook and Linkedin Contest Join Sloan-C on Facebook and/or Linkedin Post about the conference on the Sloan-C Facebook and/or Linkedin pages Include photos if you are at the event and want to share the fun!

    Slide 20:Prizes A year single user license gift certificate for the latest version of SoftChalk One complimentary registration to the Sloan-C 16th Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning in Orlando, FL Nov. 3-5, 2010, from Waypoint Outcomes One free seat in a Certified Adobe or Google Training class (online or in-person in DC) from Fig Leaf Software http://training.figleaf.com) from Fig Leaf Software One complimentary registration (a $315 value) to our conference in Napa, "Soaring to New Heights" November 5-6, 2010, from Computer-Using Educators (CUE) Laser pointer/flash drive combo from Compass Knowledge Group One Individual Membership from Sloan-C Insulated travel mugs from MERLOT Bag of goodies from Desire2Learn

    Slide 22:How to “tweet” You need to have a Twitter account. Don’t have one? Sign up at twitter.com To “follow” Sloan-C on twitter go to http://twitter.com/SloanConsortium and click on “Follow” “Tweet” about the Emerging Technologies symposium as much as you like – the panels, topics, speakers, technologies, etc. A “tweet” is simply a short “what are you doing” message that can be up to 140 characters long. Include this “hashtag” anywhere in your tweet so we can track your tweet: #et4online Example: just attended great Social Networking panel at Sloan-C Emerging Tech symposium #et4online The more you tweet the better but it only takes once to be eligible to win!

    Slide 23:

    Drawing & Notifying Winners Drawings will be taken from all tweets posted during the length of the contest Winner will be announced the week following the conference via twitter and email Prizes will be mail or emailed Contest Sponsors: Compass Knowledge Group Computer Using Educators (CUE) Fig Leaf Software MERLOT Waypoint Outcomes Sloan-C

    Slide 24:Questions?

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