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Jennifer L. Curtis, Ed.D. K-12 Section Chief Mathematics January 2014

Secondary Updates Mathematics. Jennifer L. Curtis, Ed.D. K-12 Section Chief Mathematics January 2014. First Things First – Where are we?. Multiple changes in legislation, curriculum, testing and SIS Creates complex transition requiring careful thought processes and planning

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Jennifer L. Curtis, Ed.D. K-12 Section Chief Mathematics January 2014

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  1. Secondary Updates Mathematics Jennifer L. Curtis, Ed.D.K-12 Section Chief MathematicsJanuary 2014

  2. First Things First – Where are we? • Multiple changes in legislation, curriculum, testing and SIS • Creates complex transition requiring careful thought processes and planning • Era of quick answers does not apply

  3. Defining the Complexities • Multiple departments involved in implementation of initiatives in curriculum, testing, and accountability during transition to Power School • Culture of Collaboration Paramount to Success– removing silos…all working to insure that new standards are implemented

  4. Present Status of Mathematics(page 1 of 2) • Analyzed all documents that have been released by multiple departments • Defining pathways for HS students who enrolled in first Math course prior to 2012-13 school year • Completed audit of standards in Math I, II, & III to define need for continued offering (beyond 2015) and/or revisions of AFM, Discrete, and Pre-Calculus

  5. Present Status of Mathematics(page 2 of 2) • Focus groups at each level: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 will be engaged to assist in needs assessment and input for decision-making – Target date of April 1 to have them in all regions • Working with Higher-Ed Groups including UNC-GA, NC Community College and independents as they experience changes as well i.e. placement testing, articulation agreements

  6. Courses & Paths Available 2013-14 SY1st Three addressed here – Fourth Courses later Math I, Math II, Math III- student path for ALL who enrolled in High School Math for the first time in 2013-2014 SY CC Alg I, CC Geometry, CC Alg II- student path for ALL who enrolled in High School Math for the first time prior to 2013-2014 SY ** Note: Students taking first HS math (excluding Special Topics and Foundations courses) in 2012-13 were instructed and assessed based upon CC standards and should have progressed to Math II. CC Int. Math I, CC Int. Math II, CC Int. Math III 2003 Geometry, 2003 Algebra II- only for students who entered first HS Math course prior to new SCOS and/or repeated

  7. Reasoning for 2003 Inclusion 13-14 • Right thing to do for students • High School Math Task Force results as published in #9 FAQ: “Students who completed Geometry or Algebra II as second course will finish high school using the traditional pathway.”

  8. Reasoning cont’d • Heard the concerns of LEAs regarding graduating students who were repeaters and/or spent time in multiple semesters of Foundational courses • Course coding redesign and transfer of codes into Power School

  9. Looking Ahead 2014-2015 • All districts should expect that 2003 courses & NC Final Exams will not be available for Alg II & Geometry • Students on traditional pathway who have repeated courses or are seniors with Foundational work and doubling up or are over-aged should be enrolled in CC Algebra II or CC Geometry ONLY IF the Math II/III option is not viable for them. • ** We are working on availability of VPS & credit recovery for Spring 13-14 failures & districts w/small numbers

  10. EOC & NC Final Exams 2013-14 • Math I – EOC – all students in 1st HS Math • Math II, Math III, CC Integrated Math III • 2003 AND CC Geometry • 2003 AND CC Algebra II • 2003 Discrete, 2003 AFM, & 2003 Pre-Calculus

  11. 2014-15 Projection • Courses & NC Final Exams that will NOT be available: 2003 Geometry 2003 Algebra II At this time, all others will be available as well as new SREB transitional course in Mathematics. **Students on integrated pathway should be transitioned to Math III.

  12. SREB Course Information • Can be included (participation 2014-15) in course guides for 2014-15, but realize addendums may have to be issued for registration due to printing deadlines. • Training dates and locations forthcoming for summer. Units of study available for teachers.

  13. Review of 4th Courses substitution NOT included, endorsements not included 2013-2014: AFM, Discrete, Pre-Calculus, IM4, AP Stats, AP Calculus (AB & BC) and various Community College Math Courses (for UNC-bound students) Independents, Community College, Tech School fourth math courses include all of the above plus: Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability & Statistics, Mindset

  14. Fourth Course Development & Revisons • Data produced from audit and analysis of standards in Math I, II & III will drive decision- making • Revisions may be necessary to Pre-Calculus and other 4th Math courses • Development of Math IV in line with new standards will involve input of NC teachers & higher ed • AFM, Discrete and other courses will be available at LEAST through 2014-15

  15. Analysis • Review of 2003 SCOS 4th Math course analysis

  16. What’s Happeningwith Elementary & Middle School Mathematics inNorth Carolina?

  17. Middle School Resources • Updated Unpacked Content • Updated Lessons for Learning • CCSSM Middle School Vocabulary (Building the Language of Math) • CCSSM Overview and Critical Area Learning Descriptions Continuums

  18. High School Courses in Middle School Math I 2103 2X0 Math II 2201 2X0 “2X0” denotes these as standard high school courses. A separate unique character will identify that the course was taken in middle school. This is something that will most likely change in 14-15 to a Y as the letter character will designate the school level, not the course level.

  19. Elementary Mathematics • Finalized 3-5 Formative Assessment Tasks and can be found wiki ·         Finalized K-2 Summative Assessment; projected to be posted on the private Math Assessment wiki for district leaders by the end of January 2014 – finishing field testing this week. •   K-5 Building Fluency Through Games-existing resources have been realigned and new resources created; in the process of completing the graphics; projected completion Spring 2014 • Spring RESA K-5 …Let’s analyze the EOG math results. How does instruction need to change to meet the needs of our students? This session will explore strategies to help students build a deep understanding of concepts they struggle with…fractions, decimals, etc.

  20. K-12 AIG Lessons http://ncaigirp.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Mathematics+6-8

  21. Standards and Assessment Specifications 2003 SCoS http://math.ncwiseowl.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_4507209/File/SCS%202003/HS2003.pdf CCSSM Appendix A http://maccss.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Standard+Course+of+Study Math I, II, and III http://maccss.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/Course+Sequence+Options NC Final Exam Specifications http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/common-exams/specifications/

  22. Upcoming Trainings 1) Spring RESA for K-5 & 6-12 2) Summer SREB training in planning phase 3) “Navigating the Seven C’s” Meredith College has developed resources for Math I, Math II, and Math III that address the content, context, conversation, communication, connections, coherence, and cultivating of the CCSSM. https://sites.google.com/a/meredith.edu/ccssm_pd/

  23. www.ncdpi.wikispaces.net

  24. “Online Open Resources” Illustrative Mathematics http://www.illustrativemathematics.org/ Inside Mathematics http://insidemathematics.org/ LearnZillion http://learnzillion.com/ Mathematics Vision Project (MVP) http://www.mathematicsvisionproject.org/ NCTM Illuminations http://illuminations.nctm.org/

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