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AFR Reorganization. Hope Sukin HPN SOTA June 2002. Functions of Bureaus As Articulated in the Administrator’s August 16, 2001 Decision Memorandum. PPC. Pillar. Regional/Field. Policy. Responsible for overall Agency policy formation and planning.
AFR Reorganization Hope Sukin HPN SOTA June 2002
Functions of BureausAs Articulated in the Administrator’s August 16, 2001 Decision Memorandum PPC Pillar Regional/Field Policy Responsible for overall Agency policy formation and planning Provides technical guidance in formulation of Agency policies; Provides regional and country specific expertise at all points in Agency decision-making Strategy Clarifies objectives; reviews bilateral, regional and sectoral strategies to advance Agency objectives Develops technical strategies; provides technical support to session, implement, evaluate mission technical strategies at request of Missions and Regional bureaus. Designs, , implements and evaluates country and regional strategies Program Defines and monitors USAID program priorities Designs and implements selected programs that address emerging global issues; Develops and manages programs to provide core technical support services to Agency Designs, implements and evaluates country and regional programs; Approves country and regional programs. Budget Ensures budget allocation reflect U.S. foreign policy, Administration, agency interests; Responsible for resource allocation systems Provides technical guidance for Agency resource allocations Recommends regional and country/sector resource requirements, OE and food aid Donor Coordination Leads USAID interactions with key development partners and donor organizations Provides principal point of Agency contact with regionally-focused development organizations within and outside USG; Monitoring/Evaluation Responsible for agency evaluation systems Evaluation of mission technical strategies Evaluates and approves country and regional programs, Conducts periodic of them. Provides specific analysis to support core functions
PPC Pillar Regional Expertise Locus of technical Leadership; Provides technical advice and support to regional bureau, field missions and PPC Supports and provides regional and country expertise and perspective at all points in Agency decision making Provides guidance and advice to AA/AFR Representation/Liaison Maintains communication with relevant professional communities, the Agency’s development partners, and other USG agencies to keep them apprised of developments in relevant technical fields; Provides principal point of contact and coordination with Dept. of State regional bureaus and other regionally focused organizations within and outside the USG, NGOs Non-presence/Post Conflict country Programs Development of Programs Management of Programs “when most appropriate” Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance Participate with the DCHA Bureau in supporting the Agency’s response to humanitarian and political crises Research Primary responsibility for research Investigate and produce innovations Initiatives* Design Development of Initiatives in consultation with Regional Bureaus Development of Initiatives in consultation with pillars Implementation Consultation with Regional Bureaus in Managing Initiatives Management of initiatives, primarily through Pillar mechanisms M & E M & E conducted in coordination with Regional Bureaus M&E conducted in coordination with Pillars Environmental Compliance*M&E Management of environmental compliance Cont’d
REGIONAL/FIELD Policy Provides regional and country specific expertise at all points in Agency decision-making Strategy Designs, implements and evaluates country and regional strategies Program Designs, implements and evaluates country and regional programs; approves country and regional programs Budget Recommends regional and country/sector resource requirements, OE and food aid Donor Coordination Provides principal point of Agency contact with regionally-focused development organizations within and outside USG; coordinates at regional and country level with other international and financial organizations. Monitoring/ Evaluation Evaluates and approves country and regional programs; conducts periodic reviews of country and regional program performance; provides regional & country specific analysis to support core functions including analysis of regional/sector specific trends Functions Of Bureaus: As Articulated in the Administrator’s August 16, 2001 Decision Memorandum
Regional Cont’d Expertise Supports and provides regional and country expertise and perspective at all points in Agency decision making Provides guidance and advice to AA/AFR Representation/Liaison Provides principal point of contact and coordination with Dept. of State regional bureaus and other regionally focused organizations within and outside the USG, NGOs Non-presence/Post Conflict country Programs Development of Programs Management of Programs “when most appropriate” Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance Participate with the DCHA Bureau in supporting the Agency’s response to humanitarian and political crises Research Initiatives* Design Development of Initiatives in consultation with pillars Implementation Management of initiatives, primarily through Pillar mechanisms M & E M&E conducted in coordination with Pillars Environmental Compliance*M&E Management of environmental compliance
AFR/SD Reorganization • Advocate for Africa within the agency • Advocate for HPN in the Africa Bureau • Support the missions for strategy and program development, review and approval process • Mission and regional monitoring and evaluation: assistance with PMPs • Identify issues and opportunities for achieving development objectives in Africa; develop consensus for moving forward • Trouble-shooting
AFR/SD REORGANIZATION contd. • Consult with DP on AFR budget allocations • Liaison with USG agencies on African-focused issues • Liaison/coordination with African organizations, NGOs and donors focused on Africa • Provide AFR/AA with strategic advice, guidance and support • Develop and manage non-presence and post-conflict country programs • Develop and manage selected regional initiatives
AFR/SD/HRD Staffing Current Reorganized AFR/SD 15 5 in SD; 1 in DP RH 2 1 MCH (CS, MH, EPI, Polio, Epidemics) 2 2 HIV/AIDS 5 1 ID (Malaria, TB, Surveillance 2 0 M&E 1 1 Division Chief 1 1 Tech Assistants 2 0
What We Will Not Do As Well • Provide technical support to small and French speaking and transition countries • Provide representation functions within and outside the agency • Develop and manage initiatives
Bottom Line Commitment Improved support and service to the field