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Ch 1 Review What is Biology

This is my first attempt at putting a podcast on the wiki site. If you have problems or suggestions- please let me know. Ch 1 Review What is Biology. What does it mean if someone tells you it is important to maintain a large biodiversity ?. Hint

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Ch 1 Review What is Biology

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  1. This is my first attempt at putting a podcast on the wiki site. If you have problems or suggestions- please let me know. Ch 1 Review What is Biology

  2. What does it mean if someone tells you it is important to maintain a large biodiversity? Hint Think of what would happen if there were only 4 types of food or animals left alive What would you need to do to (environment) make a species habitat more stable?

  3. Explain how the following are related Quantitative- measured numbers-qualitative- description from your observations Hypothesis- idea before the experimentexperiment – the test of your hypothesis Evolution- gradual change in a speciesadaptation- better fit your changing environment

  4. Explain how the following are related • Evolution- species change • Development- is when an organism changes • Data- material gathered result • Independent • - I chose what is to be tested • Dependent variables (responding)- the change that results • Organism- 1 living thing • -species- a group of organisms that can interbreed and have fertile offspring.

  5. Explain how the following are related • Technology - science to solve problems- • It can NOT solve all problems • Not all bad or all good • Ethics- moral/belief in what is right or wrong.

  6. What are the advantages • of using graphs? • List of numbers and charts are difficult to analyze. • Graphs easily show relationships • Of using the SI system of measurement? • _______________ • Fewer units • Conversion is easier • It is the standard used by all scientist

  7. What is the difference between • a hypothesis- educated guess (before test) • Repeated verifications over time leads to the development of a theory • a theory explains how nature works; supported by exp over time- continually verified. • a laws- a law describes what nature does under certain conditions

  8. experiments must have an experimental group, but not all will have a control. Why? • Investigative research based on collecting observed data may not be appropriate to have a control. (not ethical or impractical) • Controls are extremely useful where the experimental conditions are complex and difficult to isolate.

  9. Give an example of Response- a reaction stimulus causes a response – • Homeostasis • Conditions in the body need to stay the same • Sweat- hotcool • Shivering-cool warm

  10. What is the scientific method? • What are the steps of the scientific method- in order? • Problem, hypothesis, experiment, results, analyze, conclusion

  11. List the characteristics of life • Organization- (orderly structure); cell • produce offspring, reproduction • grow (get larger)& develop (changes) • adjust to changes in env.]; Adaptation

  12. What are the characteristics of life for the following? Organization- (orderly structure); produce offspring, grow & development; adjust to changes in env.] The lengthening of fingernails- growPuberty - developmentCamouflage- adaptation

  13. Draw the basic safety symbols and know what they mean • Fire • Poisons • Biohazard • Fume danger • Do not use- sign

  14. What is needed to develop a good hypothesis? • Is there an answer that would be yes/no- prove or disprove. • An Experiment is an organized test with controlled condition. Control- part of exp that is the standard for comparison(does not include the experimental treatment). • The experimental group is the test group that receives experimental treatment. • In a controlled exp. Only 1 condition at a time is tested (independent variable). • The dependent variable is the change that results (responding) • Non control exp are used for investigation (field work).

  15. Identify the dependent (responds) and the independent variables (you choose to test) • What hair spray holds hair in place the best? What type of heater is most effective in heating a room?

  16. The level of detail allowed by the tools available determines the accuracy in the experimental measurement. • In the analysis of an exp. you determine how the results can be compared and if there are other conditions to consider or test. • Use a journal to record the results (publish). • To verify an exp it must be repeatable.

  17. Be able to write a simple experiment- Laundry detergent and identify the Control- (does not include the independent variable) no laundry detergent independent variable- what is tested- laundry detergent dependent – how clean the clothes got

  18. Pg 1099Read a chart and draw conclusions http://www.glencoe.com/sec/science/sc_interactions/si1/skill_handbook/oinfo.shtmlDraw a graph from information provided in a table. http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/help/user_guide/graph/index.asphttp://misterguch.brinkster.net/graph.htmlAnalyze the organized information and provide conclusions based on that analysis.

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