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FEBRUARY 2013. An App that makes every citizen , employee , volunteer an actor of global monitoring and security wherever he is That allows detection of the first stages of events ,
An Appthatmakeseverycitizen, employee, volunteer an actor of global monitoring and securitywhereverheis That allowsdetection of the first stages of events, minor as well as catastrophic, expected or unforeseenhazardous for all types of man made or naturaldisasters Is a personnel early warning system whichdetectsautomatically the eventsreported by othercitizensaround me, advise me of the evolution of the event Complete the institutionnalphysicalsensors networks and canbecoupledwithcrisismappingsystems Provides real time insight views of phenomenons by witnesses , describes the physicalcharacteristics and damages Is an ascending and descendinglink between the authorities and the witnesses or victims to pilot safety and rescue actions Analyse the flows of informations on social networks and correlatesthem to witnesses reports with the App. IMAGINE AN APP….
A team 5 specialists of disasters and CC monitoring and mitigation, ICT, Advertising, early warning and alertsystems RecentDisasters Involvement and follow up in new technologies applied to post-disasters situations since the 2004 IndianOcean tsunami. Emerging technologies Crowdsourcing VolunteeredGeographic information Expanding use of smartphones WHERE AND HOW WAS BORN SIGNALERT CROWDSOURCING INTENSITY SCALES SIMPLE MARKERS
Instant data-processing for early warning and hazardprevention Torrential and slow-onsetflooding Coastalhazards and tsunamis Tornadoes, storms and thunderstorms Snow and avalanches Earthquakes Drought Mass movements Heatwaves Air and water pollution Waste and refuse Explosions and fires Mines, bombs Major road or industrial accidents Storm water runoff Weakwidespreadsignals and markers of slowlyevolvingphenomenondetection (climate change) Symptoms of illness and epidemics … or yourownevent description protocol fit to classify an event SIGNALERT KEEPS WATCH FOR SITUATIONS THAT POSE A THREAT TO EVERYONE CALLING 112 IN 3 SEC
A range of digital surveillance protocoles withoutgeographicallimits, working on citizens’ observations to provideadditional support to official prevention networks A customisable smartphone App Access to the information centre Synchronisation withexisting monitoring systems Automaticdetection of emergingevents, togetherwithfollow-up on furtherdevelopments Introduction of professional-level applications for employees and public officials Processing of relevant information trading on social networks A network of designated local lookouts HOW DOES SIGNALERT WORK?
Testifythrough a simple process accessible to anyonewith the App on a smartphone Successive screenswith simple questions to describe the physicalcharacteristics and damages of an observedphenomenon: Nature of event Place Time Local physicalintensity Local damagingeffects Pictures Victims to rescue A feeback to the individualcontributorallowinghim to assess the situation aroundhim A descendinglink to the public to inform and forward official messages of warning, safebehaviour A SMARTPHONE APP FOR EVERYONE
A tool for individual and common, global security, early warning, awareness and prevention on anomalous situation withpotential danger A CROWD SOURCING PROJECT STRUCTURING BIG DATA Early warning, Emergency and rescueactors Smartphone user Sensible sites and Businesses risk managers Processing of ascending and descendingdataflow of SIGNALERT users Mapping, statistics
Parallelanalysis of information and data flow on social networks & correlation to SIGNALERT detectedevents Sophisticatedtool for research of key information on dangerous or catastrophic situations transiting on social networks A gaugingtool to measure the growth, size, extent, danger potential danger of new eventseven of small size Integration in a single interface of the SIGNALERT reports and social networks contents providing the evolving images otfield situations and crisis INTEGRATION OF SOCIAL NETWORKS INFORMATION FLOWS AND CORRELATION TO SIGNALERT EVENTS
A new citizen-security service The dynamiclinkbetweenindividual vigilance and community mobilisation Real-time information processing To fill in the gaps betweeninstitutional warning and preventionset-ups - to pick up on the few eventsthat go undetected by these networks An ever-expanding information channel To determine and pinpoint the earliestsigns of natural of accidentaldisaster, togetherwith real-time follow up of furtherdevelopments A top-down information channel To provide information and updates on the shelters and safetymeasures put in place by a local emergency action plan SIGNALERT, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR COMMUNITIES AND ENTERPRISES
A free monitoring service in the event of major risks Takeadvantage of active community support in the face of major danger Stay in command of all multi-hazard information within a 1km radius in the event of anyphenomenondetected by designated local lookouts A specialised, personal multi-site surveillance service Protection of identity and privacy on a network interestedonly in the public good Subscription to a paidsmartphone version of the application, delivered to a platform of the user’schoice Free fromadvertising and other commercial interferences SIGNALERT, AN OPPORTUNTIY FOR INDIVIDUALS
Includesparametric & automaticdetection of new emergingevents PRODUCTS & SERVICES SIGNALERT APP Free Appwithascending and descendinglink on contextual data to use whereveryou are • MY SIGNALERT • PersonnalApp to monitor SIGNALERT reports on a specific site. SIGNALERT CONSULT Subscription of data consulting service includingeventdetection and notification SIGNALERT DATA Data mining for use of SIGNALERT info on yourown system SIGNALERT EXPLORE Complementarysubscription for cross correlationwith social networks informations flows Includesinnovativeanalysis of links between social networks information flows and SIGNALERT detectedevents No developmentrequired for clients on App or exploitation interface. Wetake in charge
A partner in the rolling out and implementation of the test system Joint-running of drills on a given area and specifieddisaster type Use of the interface by a pre-selectedtesting panel Simulation of past or imaginedevents Large-scale, long-duration operationaltesting Joint feedback session Integrationwithexisting emergency management tools and response plans Translation and adaptation to your national langage Scientific collaboration withco-development of event protocole description for a specifichazard Contact us to check for the variouspartnership types and/or the range of services proposed. SIGNALERT, DEVELOPMENT AND PARTNERSHIP PROPOSAL
Soon on Contact us for download of trial version, tests and partnerships Contact: M. Richard Guillande signalert@orange.fr ++33(0)145469315 / +33(0)6826891927 rue Danton 92120 Montrouge, Francewebsiteundercondomainname signalert.net set asidestruction