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Child growth & development guide

Things every parent should know about their child's development.

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Child growth & development guide

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  1. CHILD GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT GUIDE All You Need to Know https://www.srcc.org.in/

  2. https://www.srcc.org.in/

  3. CHILD DEVELOPMENT The study of a child from  conception to age 18 in the areas of social, emotional, physical, cognitive and moral development https://www.srcc.org.in/

  4. DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE: The five stages of development are Infancy--birth to 12 months. Toddler--12 months to 3 years. Preschool--3 years to 6 years. School age--6 years to 12 years. Adolescents--13 years to 18 years https://www.srcc.org.in/

  5. GROWTH VS DEVELOPMENT GROWTH DEVELOPMENT §A child's physical increase in size or amount that is easily observed. §The ability of a child to do things that are complex and difficult. https://www.srcc.org.in/

  6. LAWS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: 2. Growth proceeds from near to far (proximal-distal)--from body trunk out ward, scoot body, wave arms, grab object, and pick up object. 1. Growth proceeds from head to foot (cephalo=head, caudal=tail)-- lift head, pickup objects, walk to objects. 4. Growth is continuous and orderly--both legs grow at the same time and rate. 3. Growth proceeds from the simple to the complex--sleeping, being fed, holding   the bottle, feeding self. https://www.srcc.org.in/

  7. AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT A child learning and discovering the expectations and rules for interacting with others. Examples: a child smiling at mother, a child learning to share a toy with a friend. Includes muscle coordination and control, growth in size and in proportion. Examples: a child rolling over, lifting its head, or sitting up. https://www.srcc.org.in/

  8. AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The ability to recognize and understand feelings and how to respond to them appropriately. Example: a child feeling jealousy due to a new baby in the family, a child feeling love for another person, a child being afraid of the dark. https://www.srcc.org.in/

  9. AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT MORAL DEVELOPMENT Identifying personal values. Examples: right or wrong, behaving according to what others need or want, respecting human rights, developing principles to guide behavior. https://www.srcc.org.in/

  10. Contact us The Society for the Rehabilitation of Crippled Children (SRCC) Address : Centre for Child Development 1A Haji Ali Park, K. Khadye Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai – 400034, Maharashtra. India. Call us : +91 22 2354 4226 +91 22 2354 0030 Email : info@srcc.org.in https://www.srcc.org.in/

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