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This text explores the rise of nationalism and the process of unification in Germany, Italy, Austria, and Russia, highlighting key events, leaders, and the impact of industrialization. It also addresses challenges and divisions within these countries during their quest for political unity.

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  1. Nationalism

  2. Germany • Napoleon conquered many German- speaking lands • Changed a lot of policies for the better • Nationalism caused Germans to want a unified German state • Overthrew French rule • Became German Confederation • Headed by Austria

  3. Germany • Otto Van Bismarck • Prime Minister of Prussia • Unified German lands under Prussian rule • Realpolitik • Politics based on the need of the state • Power was more important than principle

  4. Germany • Bismarck creates strong army and declares war on Denmark and Austria • After Prussian victory, France declares war on Prussia • After Prussian victory again, Germany became unified under William I of Prussia

  5. Germany • Set up two house legislature • The Bundesrat- upper house, appointed • The Reichstag- lower house, elected • Bundesrat could veto any Reichstag decision so power still remained with the emperor

  6. Germany • German economy rises • Industry rose • Scientific and economic ideas developed • Helped strengthen country • Church and Society • Bismarck distrusted Catholics and socialists • Tried to get rid of both but they were too strong • Made adjustments so everyone could be what they wanted

  7. Italy • No political unity • Parts of Italy were ruled by many different countries • Nationalists organized many secret societies that planned to get rid of Austrian rule in the North • Giuseppe Mazzini • Formed Young Italy- goal was to unify all of Italy

  8. Italy • Camillo Cavour- Prime Minister of Sardinia • Wanted to end Austrian rule in Northern Italy • Provoked wars with other nations that enticed many Italian states to join Cavour and Sardinia • Encouraged Northern Italy states to revolt and overthrow Austrian rulers

  9. Italy • Giuseppe Garibaldi • Nationalist from Sicily • With aid from Cavour he was able to take his “Red Shirt” army and take over Sicily • Turned over Sicily and Naples to Victor Emmanuel II • Victor Emmanuel II crowned King of Italy

  10. Italy • Even though Italy is unified there is still division between North and South • North is wealthy, South is not • Two house government would not allow for people to control what laws were made • Economy still, however, improved due to industrialism

  11. Austria • Hapsburg • Oldest ruling house in Europe • Controlled most of Austria • Also many parts of smaller countries • Because they were defeated in many wars, they were forced to change their government

  12. Austria • Dual-Monarchy • Austria-Hungary • Separate states, but under the same ruling person • Many other groups resented government and wanted to create their own government • Czechs, Slavs, Ukrainians

  13. Balkans • Ottomans had control over most territories • Nationalism erupts and groups demand to be free • Serbia, Greece, Romania • Many wars that eventually led to WWI

  14. Russia • Great world power • Largest, most populous nation in Europe • Tsar’s had absolute power • Did not want to modernize and lose power, even though they knew economy was undeveloped

  15. Russia • Alexander II • Freed serfs, created assemblies, eased censorship • Assassinated • Alexander III • Cracked down on all reforms in reaction to his father’s death

  16. Russia • Industrialization • Helped economy • After defeat in war with Japan, Russians revolted • Bloody Sunday • Nicholas II forced to reform Russia • Still was not working • Country was still at unrest

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