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The Rhetorical Potential of Reappropriating Oppressive Discourse . R emix as Tactical. Dustin Edwards // @ edwardsdusty // Miami University // Session #K08. re • mix.
The Rhetorical Potential of Reappropriating Oppressive Discourse Remix as Tactical Dustin Edwards // @edwardsdusty // Miami University // Session #K08
re•mix verb. the process of taking old pieces of text, images, sounds, and video and stitching them together to form a new product --Ridolfo & DeVoss
} tactics & strategies resignification
tac•ti•cal re•mix verb. the intentional re-use and redeployment of dominant discourse that has at least one of the following aims: • expose, invert, or challenge damaging, injurious, or otherwise unjust conditions • (re)claim a sense of agency • circulate counter discourses to imagine and work toward a more just world
mêtis “making do”
case one The Work of Elisa Kreisinger, the Pop Culture Pirate
“appropriating mainstream media texts and re-editing them into subversive stories[…]gives us an opportunity to see ourselves and our communities included in popular culture in a way that no longer demands we compromise our politics to be entertained.” • -- Elisa Kreisinger • “Mashing Up Mad Men”
resist subvert challenge
case two The Real @OxfordAsians
“By juxtaposing incongruous ideas, Burke says, we ‘shatter pieties.’ In other words, by juxtaposing one ideological correctness together with another, of a different ideological stripe, the two call each other into question. And it is more likely that the less powerful one will act upon the other in such a way as to reduce its power; the piety will thus be shattered.” --Julia Allen & Lester Faigley
kairotic “[A tactic] takes advantage of ‘opportunities’ and depends on them” (37) --Michel de Certeau The Practice of Everyday Life
case three SlutWalk
“The word that wounds becomes an instrument of resistance in the redeployment that destroys the prior territory of its operation” (163) --Judith Butler, Excitable Speech
circulation "parallel discursive arenas where members of subordinated social groups invent and circulate counterdiscourses to formulate oppositional interpretations of their identities, interests, and needs” --Nancy Fraser’s definition of “subaltern counterpublic” Rethinking the Public Sphere
[ taken together
(1) Remix has transformative potential.
(2) Tactical remix responds kairotically.
(3) Tactical remix builds community.
(4) Tactical remix succeeds by circulation.
(5) Tactical remix is connected to the body.
how can we bring tactical remix into comp classrooms? & should we?
careful yes