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ESF/FTA/RESULTS Session Client Presentation Coast Region July 24, 2003 Vancouver

ESF/FTA/RESULTS Session Client Presentation Coast Region July 24, 2003 Vancouver. Brian McLennan Forest Tech., Application Specialist John Gallimore RPF, Forestry Analyst. Forest Operations Solutions - Information Management Group BC Ministry of Forests. Session Agenda. Overview

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ESF/FTA/RESULTS Session Client Presentation Coast Region July 24, 2003 Vancouver

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  1. ESF/FTA/RESULTS Session Client Presentation Coast RegionJuly 24, 2003 Vancouver Brian McLennan Forest Tech., Application Specialist John Gallimore RPF,Forestry Analyst Forest Operations Solutions - Information Management GroupBC Ministry of Forests

  2. SessionAgenda • Overview • Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) • Break • Forest Tenure Administration (FTA) • Reporting Silviculture Updates and Land Status Tracking System (RESULTS) • Key Messages/Timeline • Support and Help • Questions & Feedback Information Management Group

  3. Overview Information Management Group

  4. Overview • What we are doing: • Implementing 3 new applications at districts: • Electronic Submission Framework (ESF) • Forest Tenure Administration (FTA) • Reporting Silviculture Updates and Land Status Tracking System (RESULTS) • Establishing Electronic Business with clients • Bridging to Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM) Information Management Group

  5. Overview • Key Dates: • ESF/FTA/RESULTS start up October 20th, 2003 • 17 month transition period • MoF Deputy Minister: • - As of April 1st, 2005 all tenure and silviculture submissions to MoF will be electronic Information Management Group

  6. Overview • Why are we launching 3 new applications? • e-BC direction to electronic service delivery • Government Reorganization: • Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management • Shared Services • BC Timber Sales • Computer Platform Migration Oracle, Internet, data exchange • Information Management/Technology Plan Information Management Group

  7. Overview • Support and Direction • Bill 13 (Electronic Transactions Act), “record be in writing is satisfied if the record is in electronic form”, “signature of a person, that requirement is satisfied by an electronic signature”, “use is not mandatory” • Bill 74 (Forest and Range Practices Act), Section 142“the furnishing of information on request or at specified times, and in a specified format including electronically” Information Management Group

  8. Overview • Impacts of this Launch: • Eventual streamlined information capture • Map captured with reports • Substantial commitment from stakeholders • Downtime for issuing permits • Transition strategy & workflow review • Flexible solutions available Information Management Group

  9. Overview • Features of Electronic Submissions... • Single “framework” for Industry, MoF, MSRM and BC Timber Sales to submit data to the BC Government • Encapsulates the issues of dealing with multiple ministry databases (MSRM/MoF) • Provides partnerships, agreements and alliances with industry and other interested parties • Vendor neutral - clients can use any data management ‘tool’ Information Management Group

  10. Overview • Advantages • Improves data quality - data is consistent, checked and corrected before acceptance • Paper copies of industry submissions is eliminated • No more information than clients would have done in paper format • Application approval should be faster • Transcription steps and errors are eliminated Information Management Group

  11. Overview • Advantages (cont’d) • Spatial data via a ‘Data Warehouse’, and is viewed using MapView • Map and form data is explicitly linked • Data is instantly accessible at all times • Tracking facility to check status of submissions Information Management Group

  12. Overview • Transition Efforts • All Licensees will require effort to adhere to electronic submissions of acceptable quality • Large ClientsIMG has been meeting with Integrated Forest Management Systems (IFMS) vendors • Small ClientsIMG has been working with consultants Information Management Group

  13. Overview Client Abilities • Pencil and Paper • Some sophistication • Complex Information Management Group

  14. Overview Integrated ForestManagement System Vendor Licensee System Consultants Genus Inform Phoenix others Custom In-house Application Forestry Consultant Information Consultant • Providing the format • One Forest Investment Account submission per company • Successful when transactions electronically submitted and stored in Ministry databases Information Management Group

  15. Overview • MoF Vision for Information Exchange: • Increase transparency of business and subsequent information processes • Ask for information once and share it internally as needed across business areas • Work towards electronic exchange Information Management Group

  16. Overview • Vision... • Provide clear consistent goal posts for information submissions • Access to up to date planning information will be available • Be sensitive to all clients’ information systems • Push button submissions Information Management Group

  17. Overview -10 0 5 10 20 years Silviculture Activities (Obligations) Form A-B-C Submissions Appraisals & Licensee Site Plans Forest Development Plans & Standards Approvals Post Free Growing Activities Cutting Permits Silviculture Prescriptions & Standards Approvals Harvested Areas & Revenue Collection Monitoring, Inspections, Compliance, Enforcement to ensure all permit requirements are met • Resource Planning: • Regional Land Use Plans • Land Resource Mgmt Plans • Forest Development Plans • Range Mgmt and Use Plans • Oil & Gas Tenure Plans • Landscape & Watershed Plans • Wildlife and Biodiversity Reports • Revenue: • Forest Stand Appraisals • Rates • Accuracy Checking • Monitor Scalers • Billing • Revenue Collection • Engineering: • Forest Road • Construction • Culvert & Bridge • Installations • Timber Harvesting: • Harvesting Plans • Disturbance Recording • Silviculture activities • Recording • Prescription Document • Activity Treatment Units • Nursery Services: • Seedling Nurseries • Seedling Contracting • 2 Ministry, 40+ Private • Nurseries Key Business Activities (from Public Web Site) Shared Data Warehouse (MoF & MSRM) • CLM • FTA(FTAS) • RESULTS (ISIS) • TTA • REVENUE (many) • MLSIS • ERA • FCAP • NIS • SPAR • ECAS • HBS Business Support Systems Information Management Group

  18. Overview • Summary: • Committed to helping you transition to ESF • Beginning of e-commerce for MoF • Consistent data standards and submissions • e-FM model established • Continuous Improvement model • One spot shopping for ‘base-map’ inf. Information Management Group

  19. Electronic Submission Framework Outline • Overview • Background • Objectives • Business Model • Process Model Information Management Group

  20. Overview • Electronic Submission Framework: • Single interface for all stakeholders • Shared data management: accessibility • Data quality • Secure website • Message and tracking facility • Automation of business process • Data format standardized Information Management Group

  21. Overview Industry, BCTS, Consultants Client Transform Website Map Report ESF Ministry FTA RESULTS SOE OP DB Attribute MoF Op DB Spatial SRM LRDW Copy Information Management Group

  22. Overview • ESF is... • Designed on top of industry technology standards (XML / GML) • XML = Extensible Markup Language language for documents that contain structured data • GML = Geography Markup Language is a subset of XML that includes both spatial and non-spatial properties of geo features Information Management Group

  23. Overview Conflict Report Electronic Submission XML/GML User System Submission WEB-Site Map Report WEB-Site District Industry BC Timber Sales MSRM Submission Broker FTA/ RESULTS MSRM Registries/ LRDW Message Collaboration Information Management Group

  24. Background • ESF Objectives: • Map & report always together • One consistent, standard data format • Information accessible to all • Reduce manual re-processing of map & report information Information Management Group

  25. Background • ESF Objectives (cont’d) : • Reduce transcribing and reconciliation errors • Improve collection and integration of information • Reduce administrative effort of MoF/MSRM staff and clients: complexity & processing • Reduce time for approval process • Potential cost reduction for all stakeholders Information Management Group

  26. Business Model • MoF Districts will no longer capture/enter spatial and attribute data for licensee tenure and silviculture data • Tenure data (spatial & attribute) will be available via FTA for SDM approval • Silviculture data (spatial & attribute) will be available via RESULTS for Inquiry and Reporting • Overall precision/accuracy of data will improve with less human intervention/filtering Information Management Group

  27. Process Model Error Notification Client Create the submission document Client Upload to ESF submission website ESF Validate the document structure Business Appl Failure Message Validate the document content Business Appl Appropriate processing Information Management Group

  28. Process Model • Security Services: • Authentication: identifies who the user is • Authorisation: restricts based on rules • Directory: determines which company the user works for, to prevent unauthorised viewing of information • Company manages ID’s Information Management Group

  29. Process Model • Schemas... • Validates submission structure(completion) • Business areas (Silv, Tenure) have schemas that are associated to them (data format) • Example, tenure application type “CP Applications and Amendments” is associated with “BCTS” and “Industry” Information Management Group

  30. Timeline and Implementation • Timelines: • MoF/MSRM ESF integration testing with FTA/RESULTS complete July • ESF test bed ready for client test submissions August • Target start date October 20, 2003 • Ongoing maintenance post October 2003 Information Management Group

  31. Break • Please enjoy some refreshments and meet your colleagues!!! Information Management Group

  32. Forest Tenure Administration • Overview • Background • Objectives • Business Model • Processing Model Information Management Group

  33. Overview • FTA is... • revitalised, streamlined web based application that replaces FTAS • links to electronic Forest Management (e-FM) initiative & meets VMAR objective • shares data across MoF/MSRM & spatial data is available to clients • accepts electronic submissions from Industry (spatial & attribute data) in standard format Information Management Group

  34. Overview • FTA... • Supports the new Forest and Range Practices Act • Modules include: • Block, road, range, recreation, private mark, • Client • Administration • Inbox • BCTS functions removed except TSL# issue Information Management Group

  35. Objectives • FTA Objectives: • Link spatial & attribute databases (registries & tenures) across ministry organisations to improve decision making • Protect the interests of all clients (conflict resolution) • Uses spatial information, along with attribute, to manage tenure and file locations Information Management Group

  36. Objectives • FTA Objectives (cont’d): • Is accessible via the web to allow MoF/MSRM staff to manage their information, • Tenure attribute and spatial information is submitted on paper to District offices (8K/yr) Forest Tenure Administration (FTA) Information Management Group

  37. Business Model • Issue permits and manage file status • Map report web site facilitates determining encumbrances of a tract of land for clearance purposes • Status processing of Exhibit A’s • Linkage to other corporate system eg. RESULTS, ECAS, HBS, SPAR Information Management Group

  38. Business Model • Time savings for Permit issuance, quicker turn around and less re-keying and re-digitizing • Easy secure access to submitted information • Inbox workflow will allow MoF and MSRM staff to manage submissions in a timely manner Information Management Group

  39. Business Model • Display spatial information on the file from rendered image or Mapviewi • Updating FTA allows tenure and file updates to the MSRM LRDW warehouse Information Management Group

  40. FTAS - Process Model 1. Key-In Data 6. Prepare and Issue 2. Pass paper maps to Drafting Cutting Permit 3. Digitize MOF Client FTAS 5. Clearance HQ -STATUS INCOSADA Files 4. Send to HQ Elapsed Time WEEKS Information Management Group

  41. FTA -ESF Process Model XML/GML ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION WEB-SITE ML, BC Timber Sales, District • Apply business rules (software) • Create CP and Mark (software) • Goes to Inbox (ET Minutes) • Send Clearance Request • Status (Pending Issuance) • Create Legal Document • DM Signs • Status HI Cutting Permit FTA MoF MSRM MOF (Attribute) MSRM (Spatial) Information Management Group

  42. RESULTS • Introduction • Background • Objectives • Business Model • Processing Model • Implementation Strategy Information Management Group

  43. RESULTS • Currently 35% submitted electronically • mapping updates are manual • Will eventually represent 1million ha of FC updates/year Information Management Group

  44. RESULTS • Background: • Initiated in Fall 2001; • Supports the new Forest and Range Practices Act(Dec 2002) • Prototype complete Dec 2002 • Openings, Activities, Forest Cover, Milestones, Standards, In Box • Linkages to FTA, SPAR, CIMS Information Management Group

  45. RESULTS • Objectives • 1 digital submission format for Silviculture reporting • 1 definitive spot for ‘disturbed’ opening information • 1 application to view and report silviculture information for MoF/Clients • 1 place for documentation, online help Information Management Group

  46. FS 708 Form B Harvesting Activities FS708 Form B Silviculture Activities Corporate Database RESULTS Licensee X Information System Licensee enter information via web Opening 82L 050 0.0 1234 Electronic Data Transfer Polygon 124 FS 708 Form C Forest Cover Polygon 123 Polygon 125 FS658 SILV SURVEY PLOT FS659 SILV SURVEY SUMMARY FS810 FOREST COVER DATA ENTRY RESULTS FSP Standards(FS708A) applied to the standards units within a cutblock No Forms to District office No Data Entry Information Management Group

  47. RESULTS Single Attribute XML and Spatial GML File Submitted Electronic Submission Framework ESF Web-Site (4) 1 2 3 ML, BCTS - Initiate Map Report - Reject/Accept/Validate File - Populate Database - Post to RESULTS Inbox - Email Message Service RESULTS: - Spatial View - Attribute Update -SRM/MoF Update -LRDW 5 4 MoF: File Management/Milestone tracking MSRM: Veg Update and File Geometry MoF (Attribute) MSRM (Spatial) Information Management Group

  48. Corporate Database RESULTS Opening 82L 050 0.0 1234 Polygon 124 FS 708 Form C Forest Cover Polygon 123 Polygon 125 FS658 SILV SURVEY PLOT FS659 SILV SURVEY SUMMARY FS810 FOREST COVER DATA ENTRY RESULTS Forest Cover polygons merged with overall Vegetation Inventory MSRM VEG files LRDW Information Management Group


  50. RESULTS • Speculation: • Post October 2003 • Enhancements • Rationalization • Reviews • Transition complete Information Management Group

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