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Natural Gas Emergency Plan

Natural Gas Emergency Plan. Task List. Next. End. Natural Gas Emergency Plan. How to use the training material……. This package has been designed to take you through the key aspects of the Natural Gas Emergency Plan . It will be useful to have a copy of the plan available to refer

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Natural Gas Emergency Plan

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  1. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Task List Next End

  2. Natural Gas Emergency Plan How to use the training material…… This package has been designed to take you through the key aspects of the Natural Gas Emergency Plan. It will be useful to have a copy of the plan available to refer to as you go through this training package. The Task List box on each page will enable you to navigate around the package – just click on any of the buttons. If you want to know more about a specific subject you can click on any box with a red outline for more information. Task List Next Previous End

  3. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Learning Aims…… • When you have completed this training package you will be able to describe; • The Role of the National Gas Emergency Manager • The Role of the Gas Emergency Planning Group • The Role of the Gas Emergency Response Team • The Triggers for Declaring an Emergency • The Activation & Operation of the Team • Supporting Procedures Task List Next Previous End

  4. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Aim & Purpose of the Natural Gas Emergency Plan…… • The Aims of the Plan are to; • Protect the Safety of the General Public • Protect Property & Key Infrastructure • Minimise Distribution • The Purpose of the Plan is to; • Detail the Arrangements for Managing a Gas Supply Emergency • Describe the Arrangements for Managing Electricity Interactions • Define the Roles & Responsibilities of all Responders Task List Next Previous End


  6. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Emergency Planning…… GAS EMERGENCY PLANNING GROUP (GEPG) • Emergency Planning body chaired by the NGEM with representation from government (CER) and from across the gas and electricity industries. • Responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of the NGEP including reviewing, testing and developing the emergency arrangements. The Group would typically meet quarterly. Task List Next Previous End

  7. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Emergency Response…… GAS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (GERT) • Emergency Response body chaired by the NGEM with a core membership of CER, Gaslink, BordGais and EirGrid. • The GERT would only be established in the event of a gas supply emergency or to test the arrangements and would be responsible for managing the operational response. Task List Next Previous End

  8. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Structure of the Plan…… PART – A BACKGROUND Describes the framework for emergency planning and response. PART – B OPERATIONS Describes the arrangements for the activation and operation of the Gas Emergency Response Team PART – C SUPPORTING INFORMATION Provides supporting information, documentation and procedures. Task List Next Previous End

  9. Natural Gas Emergency Plan SECTION A - Background…… 1.0 Scope 2.0 Purpose 3.0 Governance Task List 4.0 Framework Next Previous 5.0 Roles & Responsibilities End

  10. Natural Gas Emergency Plan SECTION B - Operations…… 6.0 Triggers 7.0 Activation Task List 8.0 Operation Next Previous End

  11. Natural Gas Emergency Plan SECTION C – Supporting Information…… 9.0 Contact Information 10.0 Supporting Procedures Task List 11.0 Capability Next Previous 12.0 Administration End

  12. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Triggers…… INCIDENT TRIGGER Describes the triggers for declaring a potential or actual emergency and the information source. Task List Next Previous End

  13. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Activation…… ACTIVATION Describes the arrangements for notification and declaration of a potential or actual emergency and the implementation of the plan. Task List Next Previous End

  14. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Operation…… OPERATION Describes the arrangements for the operation of the plan. Task List Next Previous End

  15. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Gas Emergency Response Team Structure…… CORE TEAM Emergency Control NGEM GERT Task List Gas Industry Electricity Industry BordGais EirGrid Next Previous Government CER End

  16. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Emergency Response Templates…… INCIDENT DECLARATION SITUATION REPORT (SITREP) Task List ACTION PLAN Next Previous End


  18. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Summary…… You have now completed the training package. If there are uncertain on any points covered in the material or you require any further information please contact Gaslink at www.gaslink.ie Task List Next Previous End

  19. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Task List Start End

  20. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Government Civil Emergency Arrangements…… • The lead government department for gas emergencies is; • Department for Communication, Energy & Natural Resources • DCENR would normally be contacted by CER in an emergency • but may participate in the Response Team if necessary. • DCENR would provide an interface with the Central Government • emergency response engaging with other government • departments as required. Task List Return

  21. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Natural Gas Emergency Plan…… • The Natural Gas Emergency Plan details the arrangements for • the management of a gas supply emergency. • The Plan defines the role of the National Gas Emergency Manager • and the Response Team. • The Plan is approved by CER who also appoints the National • Gas Emergency Manager. • The Plan has three supporting procedures; • NGEP – Transmission • NGEP – Distribution • Joint EirGrid/Bord Gais Emergency Plan Task List Return

  22. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Gas Emergency Planning Group…… • The Gas Emergency Planning Group is chaired by Gaslink and includes representation from the gas industry, electricity industry and government. • The role of the group is as follows; • To regularly review the NGEP and ensure that is fit for purpose, • To ensure that the NGEP is exercised, normally annually, • To ensure relevant personnel are trained/briefed and • To review the learning from national and international incidents. Task List Return

  23. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Gas Emergency Response Team…… CORE TEAM The Gas Emergency Response Team is called by the NGEM in the event of a gas supply emergency. Representatives from industry and government participate and the body is supported by Bord Gais Networks. NGEM Emergency Control GERT Bord Gais Gas Industry EirGrid Electricity Industry Task List CER Government Return

  24. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section A, Scope…… • Section A provides the background to the NGEP and • would be read in advance of an emergency. • Scope • Describes the legal status of the plan and outlines key aims, specifically; • To protect the safety of the general public, • To protect property and key infrastructure and • To minimise disruption resulting from the emergency Task List Return

  25. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section A, Purpose…… • Section A provides the background to the NGEP and • would be read in advance of an emergency. • 2. Purpose • Describes the purpose and objectives of the plan, specifically; • Appointment of the NGEM, • Approval of the NGEP, • Roles and responsibilities of responders, • Interactions with the electricity industry, • Interactions with connected systems and • Arrangements for managing an emergency. Task List Return

  26. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section A, Governance…… • Section A provides the background to the NGEP and • would be read in advance of an emergency. • Governance • The NGEP is prepare by Gaslink and is approved by the • Commission for Energy Regulation (CER). • The NGEM is appointed by the NGEM and this role is • currently filled by a member of Gaslink. Task List Return

  27. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section A, Framework…… • Section A provides the background to the NGEP and • would be read in advance of an emergency. • Framework • Describes the framework in place for the management of a gas supply emergency including the roles and responsibilities of the following; • Gas Emergency Planning Group and • Gas Emergency Response Team Task List Return

  28. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section A, Roles & Responsibilities…… • Section A provides the background to the NGEP and • would be read in advance of an emergency. • Roles & Responsibilities • Describes the roles and responsibilities of all gas industry, • government and other responders to a gas supply • emergency. Task List Return

  29. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section B, Triggers…… • Section B contains operational information and would be used • during an emergency. • Triggers • Describes the three different categories of emergency • that would trigger the activation of the NGEP, specifically; • Gas supply emergency, • Electricity supply emergency and • Other (e.g. severe weather or pandemic) Task List Return

  30. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section B, Activation…… • Section B contains operational information and would be used • during an emergency. • Activation • This section describes the following arrangements; • Notification of an emergency, • Declaration of an emergency and • Activation of the NGEP. • This section also describes the structure of the • Gas Emergency Response Team and the roles • and responsibilities of team members. Task List Return

  31. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section B, Operation…… • Section B contains operational information and would be used • during an emergency. • 8. Operation • This section describes operation of the Gas Emergency • Response Team including; • Information gathering, • Incident assessment, • Development of the action plan, • Progress monitoring and • Stranddown, review and reporting. Task List Return

  32. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP – Section C • Section C contains the supporting information and documentation required to implement the plan. • In part 10 this includes; • Role Guidance Notes, • Response Templates and • Supporting Procedures. • Part 11 describes the capability requirements for the NGEM. • Part 12 describes the arrangements for updating the NGEP. Task List Return

  33. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Triggers…… Task List Return

  34. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Activation…… Task List Return

  35. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Operation…… Task List Return

  36. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Role of the National Gas Emergency Manager…… • The National Gas Emergency Manager (NGEM) is appointed by CER. • The NGEM role is currently filled by Gaslink as system operator. • The role of the NGEM is; • The declaration of a Natural Gas Supply Emergency • The activation of the Gas Emergency Response Team • To act as Incident Controller leading the Team • To authorise emergency actions under the Plan • The declaration of the end of an emergency. Task List Return

  37. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Role of Bord Gais…… • The role of Bord Gais is; • To operate the gas supply network • To provide the interface with the gas industry • To provide the interface with PTL and National Grid • To provide information to the NGEM • To provide the Support Team for the NGEM • To issue directions on behalf of the NGEM Task List Return

  38. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Role of EirGrid…… • The role of EirGrid is; • To operate the electricity supply network • To provide the interface with the electricity industry • To provide the interface with SONI and National Grid • To provide information to the NGEM • Note: EirGrid is responsible for the management of • electricity supply emergencies and has its own • emergency arrangements in place. Task List Return

  39. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Role of CER…… • The role of CER is; • To provide the interface with Central Government • To liaise with the Lead Government Department, DECNR • To liaise with the UK regulators. • To request emergency powers when appropriate. Task List Return

  40. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Incident Declaration…… • The Incident Declaration Template enables the NGEM to • communicate the following information; • Date and time of the incident, • Description of the incident, • Contact information for the NGEM and • Actions to be taken by the recipients. • Incident updates and further directions would normally be • issued by the NGEM using this template. Task List Return

  41. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Situation Report (SITREP)…… • The Situation Report (SITREP) template will enable all key information relating to the incident to be gathered, including; • Incident description (e.g. location and casualties), • Current situation, • Risk assessment (e.g. worst case scenario), • Actions being taken and • Communications (e.g. media response). • The SITREP should be maintained and updated throughout • the emergency. Task List Return

  42. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Action Plan…… • The Action Plan template enables the NGEM to; • Detail the actions to be taken in response to the emergency, • Assign owners for the actions, • Define timescales for completion and • Monitor progress. Task List Return

  43. Natural Gas Emergency Plan National Gas Emergency Manager…… • The NGEM is responsible for the direction of the response to a gas supply emergency in accordance with the Natural Gas Emergency Plan. • TASKS • Determine if it is necessary to declare an emergency based on information provided. • Declare an emergency in accordance with the Natural Gas Emergency Plan using the template in Section 10 – Supporting Procedures. • Confirm NGEM contact information for all responders involved in the emergency. • Establish the Gas Emergency Response Team confirming membership, location, communications and time/frequency of meetings. • In conjunction with the Gas Emergency Response Team develop a Situation Report (SITREP), see Section 10. • Approve the SITREP and agree the circulation list for use by the BGN support team. • In conjunction with the Gas Emergency Response Team develop an Action Plan for responding to the emergency, see Section 10. • Approve the Action Plan and prepare the necessary Directions to responders for the BGN support team to issue. • Through the Gas Emergency Response Team monitor the effectiveness of the Action Plan. • Amend and reissue the SITREP and Action Plan as required during the emergency. • The NGEM may vary the membership and the time/frequency of response team meetings as required during the emergency. • The NGEM will ensure that a log of the emergency is maintained and that all relevant documentation is secured. • Declare the end of the emergency and make arrangements for a review of the incident and the preparation of a report. Task List Return NGEM TASKLIST

  44. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Bord Gais Network Representative…… • To provide information on the operation of the gas supply network and support Gaslink, the NGEM and the response team. • TASKS • Provide information on the emergency to the NGEM including nature of the incident and the current/projected supply/demand balance. • Ensure that the NGEM emergency declaration is sent to all emergency responders. • Establish the support team for the Gas Emergency Response Team and provide suitable meeting and communications facilities. • Provide the gas industry input into the development and amendment of the Situation Report (SITREP). • Following approval by the NGEM ensure that the SITREP is sent to all agreed responders confirming receipt. • Provide the gas industry input into the development and amendment of the Action Plan. • Following approval by the NGEM, ensure that all necessary Directions are issued , on behalf of the NGEM. • Monitor the effectiveness of Action Plan and report to the Gas Emergency Response Team as appropriate. • At the end of the emergency ensure that the NGEM Declaration is sent to all responders and stand down the support team. • Provide all relevant information, logs and documents to the NGEM for the post emergency review and report. Task List BORD GAIS TASKLIST Return

  45. Natural Gas Emergency Plan EirGrid Representative…… • To provide relevant information and guidance on the operation of the electricity transmission system and generation capability in the Republic of Ireland. • TASKS • Provide information on the impacts on the electricity industry of the emergency to the NGEM. • Confirm the contact information for the EirGrid Representative and the emergency team. • Provide the electricity industry input into the development and amendment of the Situation Report (SITREP). • Ensure that all relevant sectors of the electricity industry are briefed on the emergency. • Provide the electricity industry input into the development and amendment of the Action Plan. • Implement any NGEM Directions in accordance with the Gaslink/EirGrid joint procedure, see Section 10. • Manage any required switching to alternative supplies by power generators and/or electricity demand management. • Monitor the effectiveness of Action Plan and report to the Gas Emergency Response Team as appropriate. • Provide all relevant information, logs and documents to the NGEM for the post emergency review and report. Task List EIRGRIDTASKLIST Return

  46. Natural Gas Emergency Plan CER Representative…… • To provide the interface with the central government response, to access emergency powers and to provide guidance on government issues. • TASKS • Provide information on the impacts on government of the emergency to the NGEM. • Confirm the contact information for the CER Representative and the emergency team. • Provide the regulatory input into the development and amendment of the Situation Report (SITREP). • Ensure that all relevant government departments and agencies are briefed on the emergency. • Provide the regulatory input into the development and amendment of the Action Plan. • Implement any NGEM Directions and requests for government powers in accordance with the ‘Arrangements for Obtaining Emergency Powers’ below. • Monitor the effectiveness of Action Plan and report to the Gas Emergency Response Team as appropriate. • Provide all relevant information, logs and documents to the NGEM for the post emergency review and report. CER TASKLIST Task List Return

  47. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Support Team…… • To ensure that the Gas Emergency Response Team has access to all required facilities and to provide guidance to the NGEM on the application of the plan. • The Gas Emergency Response Team – Support Team is provided by BGN and has three key roles. • Support Manager • Provide leadership for the support team. • Ensure that the Response Team has all required office facilities. • Ensure that the Response Team has all required communications. • Provide guidance to the NGEM on the application of the plan. • Information Manager • Gather and assess all information from responders. • Develop and maintain the Situation Report (SITREP). • Develop and maintain the Action Plan. • Issue SITREPS and NGEM Directions. • Log Keeper • Maintain an emergency log recording all relevant information and actions. • Hold copies of all relevant documentation and Directions, • Maintain contact information for all Response Team members. • The NGEM may request additional specialist roles in the support team, including; • Legal Representation. • Press Office Representation. • Technical Representation. SUPPORT TEAM Task List Return

  48. Natural Gas Emergency Plan Five Steps of a Gas Emergency Response…… STEP 1 • Declaration of Potential Emergency • Seek voluntary maximisation of supplies • Seek voluntary load reduction • Interrupt storage injection STEP 2 • Declaration of Actual Emergency • Formal declaration of an emergency by the NGEM • Formal request for maximisation of gas supplies STEP 3 • Firm Load Shedding • Power Generation • Large Daily Metered Consumers • Daily Metered Consumers • Non Daily Metered & Domestic Appeal STEP 4 • Allocation & Isolation • Allocation of available gas supply • Isolation of networks as necessary Task List STEP 5 • Restoration • Notification of end of emergency • Progressive restoration of supplies • Note: the NGEM can implement restoration at any point in the emergency Return

  49. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP - Transmission…… The NGEP – Transmission describe the detailed procedure for managing a gas supply emergency in accordance with the Natural Gas Emergency Plan. The plan describe the of the emergency response. Five Steps Task List Return

  50. Natural Gas Emergency Plan NGEP - Distribution…… • The NGEP – Distribution describes how Bord Gais networks will respond to local and national gas supply emergencies complying with the directions of the NGEM. • The plan describes the arrangements for the following; • Firm load shedding of daily and non-daily metered consumers, • Isolation and restoration of distribution networks and • The management of priority and vulnerable consumers. Task List Return

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