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HSCWLWG (March 17, 2009). Mass Density Profiles of Strong Lensing Clusters. Keiichi Umetsu (ASIAA, LeCosPA/NTU). Radial Density Profiles of Self-Gravitating DM Halos. Logarithmic density slope : Inner density slope , g( r ) @ r 0 > Collisional nature of DM particles
HSCWLWG (March 17, 2009) Mass Density Profiles of Strong Lensing Clusters Keiichi Umetsu (ASIAA, LeCosPA/NTU)
Radial Density Profiles ofSelf-Gravitating DM Halos Logarithmic density slope: • Inner density slope, g(r) @ r0 > Collisional nature of DM particles > DM equation-of-state (cold, warm) > Degree of velocity anisotropy: dynamics > Affect the DM annihilation rate (rDM2) • Outer density slope, g(r) @ rRvir > Smooth accretion after early fast collapse > boundary condition (finite mass) • Mass Concentration(e.g., Cvir=R-2/Rvir) > Imprints of structure formation > Growth of outskirts (Rvir, or Mvir) > Progenitor formation epoch (R-2): DE, Structure formation (s8)
Empirical NFW Profile for CDM Halos Simulation based prediction for gravitationally-bound CDM halos: Universal density profile of CDM halos Navaro,Frenk,& White (NFW) 96, 97 Outer: ρ∝r^ -3 Inner: ρ∝r^ -1 Equilibrium-state dlnr/dlnr, sensitive to DM nature N-body CDM halos Clusters Groups Galaxies Jing & Suto 99
LCDM Predictions? • Universal NFW profile(Navarro, Frenk, White 1996, 1997) N-body based empirical form: • DM “Entropy”(Bertschinger 1985; Taylor & Navarro 01; Hansen 04),related to a proximity to the coarse-grained phase-space density, Q(r) N-body simulations show a power-law behavior in equilibrium regions: a-profile (Navarro+08; Lapi & Cavariere 08,09) a-profile + Jeans eq. allows for an analytical modeling of equilibrium-state CDM halo profiles (Lapi & Cavariere 08,09) Range of density slope is constrained, with some correction by the velocity anisotropy, b(r)
Mass and Velocity Structure of A1689 (z=0.183)
Weak and Strong Lensing (Subaru/S-Cam + HST/ACS) • Broadhurst, Takada, KU et al. 05, ApJL • Oguri, Takada, KU, Broadhurst 05 • Medezinski, Broadhurst, KU+07, ApJ • Broadhurst, KU et al. 08, ApJL • KU & Broadhurst 08, ApJ • KU+ 09, ApJ (AMiBA+Subaru)
Equilibrium-State DM Density Profile ACS high-resolution imaging inner SL profile (<1’) S-Cam wide-field imaging outer WL profile (1’<r<20’) Observational evidence of the continuously steepening density profile, dlnr/dlnr(r), expected for collisionless, non-relativistic (Cold) DM Surface mass density profile Tangential shear profile A1689 Broadhurst,KU+08, ApJL KU & Broadhurst 08, ApJ NFW (CDM) consistent profiles
Weak/Strong Lensing and Cluster Dynamics (Subaru/S-Cam, HST/ACS, VLT/VIMOS) • Lemze, Broadhurst, Rephaeli, Barkana, KU 09, ApJ accepted
Velocity Caustic Structure Velocity Caustic Diagram (Diaferio 1999) -- Application to A1689 Projected velocity distribution of ~500 members from VLT/VIMOS spec data • Symmetric, smooth caustic curves steadily declining @ r>300kpc relaxed, no-prominent velocity substructure • Reaching the zero velocity @~2Mpc/h, matching the lensing-derived virial radius clear boundary at Rvir, well-isolated cluster • Caustics clearly separate cluster and field galaxies, allowing for an accurate measurement, s1D= (1400 +/- 60) km/s A(R): ~escape velocity A1689 (z=0.18) Zero escape-velocity meeting @ the lensing derived Rvir =2.1Mpc/h Lemze, Broadhurst, Rephaeli, Barkana, & KU 08, ApJ acceptd (arXiv:0810.3129)
Multi-Wavelength Dynamical Analysis for the 3D Velocity Anisotropy Jeans equation with “static”, “spherically symmetric” spatial distributions, but including 3D velocity anisotropy from strong/weak lensing Solve J.Eq. for (1) the 3D galaxy density profile (ngal(r)) and (2) the 3D velocity anisotropy profile (b(r)) constrained by observed projected profiles: • Projected galaxy distribution as measured from S-Cam (Vi’) imaging • Projected velocity dispersion profile from 500 caustic-identified member galaxies
Inner/Outer Density Slopes With the analytic DM “entropy” model in the framework of LCDM, L+C09 showed that the standard LCDM can explain simultaneously the observed flatter inner density slope and the steeper outer slope, assuming a central velocity-anisotropy dominated by tangential orbits (b(0)=-0.15). (Lapi & Cavaliere 09, ApJL accepted)
Radial Mass Density Profile of the Strong Lensing Cluster CL0024 (z=0.395) • Zitrin, Broadhurst, KU et al. 09, ApJ submitted • KU+09, ApJ in prep.
HST ACS+NIC3 BVgriJH imaging for accurate photo-z of background galaxies 33 multiply lensed images (11 BG galaxies) in 8”<r<48”
ACS vs. Subaru Data HST/ACS (2’x2’ region) 33 multiply lensed images (11 BG galaxies) in 8”<r<48” Cluster virial radius (8’)
Weak Lensing and SZE (Subaru/S-Cam + AMiBA)
Mass and Hot Baryons in a Merging Cluster Color: AMiBA SZE decrement (Wu+09) electron pressure Contours: Subaru WL (Okabe & Umetsu 08; Umetsu+09) mass (~DM) A2142 (z=0.09) • First AMiBA7 papers: • Ho et al. 2009, ApJ in press (arXiv:0810.1871) • Nishioka et al. 2009, ApJ in press (arXiv:0811.1675) • Umetsu et al. 2009, ApJ in press (arXiv:0810.0969) • Wu et al. 2009, ApJ in press (arXiv:0810.1015) • Koch et al., ApJS, submitted • Lin et al., ApJ, submitted • A few more science/instrumentation papers to be submitted to ApJ soon Ho+09
Weak/Strong Lensing, SZE, and X-ray (Subaru/S-Cam + HST/ACS + AMiBA + TX)
Cluster Hot-Baryon Fractions • Averaged fgas profile of 4 AMiBA-lensing clusters with <Mvir>=1.2e15 Msun/h(A1689,A2142,A2261,A2390) • (22 +/- 16)% of the baryons are missing from the “hot” cluster environment (~5% accounted for by cold baryons) • First WL+SZE based fgas measurements on large scales (up to r200) without the hydrostatic-equilibrium assumption • Consistent with X-ray based measurements with the hydro-equilibrium assumption Umetsu+09, ApJ in press (arXiv:0810.0969)