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Waterways Forward General Overview Delft, 12 February 20 10 Kick-off meeting. Content. O bjectives, P artners and M ethodology M anagemen t structure M eeting schedule B udget overview C onditional approval and project start up. 1. Project objectives.
Waterways Forward General Overview Delft,12 February 2010 Kick-off meeting
Content • Objectives, Partners and Methodology • Management structure • Meeting schedule • Budget overview • Conditional approval and project start up
1. Project objectives Main objective: improve the management of regional inland waterways and the regions adjacent to them by promoting an integrated, sustainable and participatory approach. Strategic objective: develop recommendations for state of the art governance models for more integrated regional policies to boost the socio-economic development of inland waterways and adjacent areas in a balanced way, respecting nature and environment.
1. Sub-objectives • Improved governance: better structures and models to streamline national & regional regulations; integrated approach between policy sectors; balanced structure of responsibilities for management of regional inland waterways resulting in a jointly defined best governance model for regional waterways • Creating a balance between strengthening multifunctional use of regional inland waterways and potential negative effects on nature and the environment taking into account WFD policies for river basins and the effects of climate change on these waterways.
1. Methodology – sequence of activities Two horizontal themes: • governance • climate change& environment Activities organised in three phases: • Phase 1: systematic analyses of the experiences in each partner region resulting in regional reports + development of a synthesis of the regional reports • Phase 2: a) selection of good practices in a so called "Demo Toolbox"; and b) intensified knowledge exchange in the form of peer reviews • Phase 3: policy recommendations and regional action plans including investment opportunities
17 partners from 11 countries Lead Partner: SRN (Netherlands) PP2: South Tipperary County Council (Ireland) PP3: Waterways Ireland (UK) PP4: British Waterways (UK) PP5: Association Regio Water (Netherlands) PP6: Telemark County Council (Norway) PP7: County Administrative Board of Värmland (Sweden) PP8: SavolinnaRegio Federation of Municipalities (Finland) PP9: Central Directorate for Water and Environment (Hungary) PP10: Province of Ferrara (Italy) PP11: Navigli Lombardi s.c.a.r.l. (Italy) PP12: French Waterways (France) PP13: SIRGA (Spain) PP14: PWMC VodeVojvodine Office for European Affairs (Serbia) PP15: Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia) PP16: Municipality of BrzegDolny (Poland) PP17: Municipality of Dunaújváros (Hungary)
2. Management Structure PMT Steering Committee Thematic Group 1 Thematic Group 2 Working Group LP PP2 PPN-1 PP17
2. Management Structure (2) Project Management Team: • Project Manager (PM) – Nico van Laamswerde • Financial manager (FM) – Manon van Meer • Communication Manager (CM) – Glenn Millar (PP4) • Supported by external experts Steering Committee • Decision makers from Project Partners representing political, decision-making level of the partner organizations Working Group • PMT • Partner Project Managers (PPM)
2. Management Structure (3) Thematic Groups 1 and 2 • 1 expert per partner throughout a series of 10 meetings + 2 virtual processes Regional Stakeholder Platforms (13) • to ensure bottom up stakeholder involvement • to provide input to the TG meetings • 3 meetings of each linked to the 3 phases
5. Conditional approval – project start up The approvalprocedure: • Positive MC decisionon 5 November 2009, BUT withconditions • Individualconsultationwith JTS – November 2009, Brussels • Multipleroundnegotiationsviawrittenprocedurewiththe JTS - December 2009 – January 2010 • Finalapprovalof the AF and theConditionsForm – 28 January 2010 • SubsidyContractsentto LP by JTS (electronically) – 8 February 2010 • Signature of theSubsidyContract – assoonasitarrivesto LP inhardcopy • Jointfinalisation and signature of PartnershipAgreement - Febr 2010
5. Conditional approval Changes in the AF (see finalapproved AF): • Terminology: Political Board → Steering Committee ; Steering Committee → Working Group • Work plan: rescheduling due to delayed project start date • Indicators: corrections in indicators • Travel and meeting costs: reallocation of costs among components and to a slight degree among partners Justifications: budget and its allocation, role of partners (see Conditions Form)