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Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development. EASTERN REGION. Eastern Region of India. West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand 107 districts 22% to the total population 2.5% to the TGA of India 1455 Blocks 21,818 panchayats. Eastern region : At a Glance. Agro-climatic Zones.
Eastern Region of India • West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and Jharkhand • 107 districts • 22% to the total population • 2.5% to the TGA of India • 1455 Blocks • 21,818 panchayats
AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONE VII- EASTERN PLATEAU & HILLS REGION • Development of suitable crop, livestock mixed farming system technology. • Integrated watershed management involving water harvesting , pond, recycling for production of crops for drylands in the zone. • Developing of suitable technology for increasing production of dryland fruits. • Development of suitable agroforestry and farming system based on livestock and crops specially for small and marginal farmers of the region • AGRO-CLIMATIC ZONE IV- MIDDLE-GANGETIC PLAIN REGION • Developing suitable farming systems for heavy soils • Development of suitable cultivation technology for paddy–wheat- maize system. • Specific research efforts on magnesium action dominated soil salinity problems of the region
Jharkhand- Overview • Lowest on Social Development Index (0.01 – 0.3) • Lowest on infrastructure development index (0.01- 0.1). • Per capita net production of cereals for India is 523 gms/day. Whereas in Jharkhand the per capita production is 230 gms/day which is lower than 318.40 gms/day which is the per capital availability in Bihar • The productivity of the crops in Jharkhand is below the national average with respect to cereals and oilseeds. • The current level of productivity is very low and is about 0.98 tones per Ha with the lowest productivity in the agro climatic zone five (0.72 tones/Ha) • The average yield of paddy and wheat, the two major crops of kharif and Rabi seasons varies between 9-12 q/ha compared to national average of 23.3 q for paddy and 18.7 q/ha
Livelihood basket • Private land • Food security from agriculture (partial mostly) • Income from Mahua, Lac, Karanj, char and mango etc • Income from Forest • NTFP and sale of firewood • Tubers and roots for food • Income/support from Common Property Resource • Income from livestock • Wage Labour • Local • Migration
Weak links in the livelihood basket • Low agricultural productivity • Practice of subsistence agriculture under adverse and risky conditions • Poor soil and water resource condition • Lack of access to inputs • Poorly/ non managed CPR Leading to • High incidence of wasteland and severe rural poverty
APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES Staggered trench Upland treatment (30’ x 40’ Model) Medium land treatment (5% Model) Home stead land (Hapa) Small Dug well Tank renovation/excavation Micro lift irrigation
Staggered Trench after treatment Checked Soil Erosion & Run off Water Improve Moisture and Soil Fertility Converted into Productivity Land
Checked Soil Erosion Increased Moisture in the Upland Area Increasing Fertility In The Land Converted Into Agricultural Land Checked The Run off Water Assure Mixed Cropping
Assured Paddy Cultivation Transplanting Paddy in Proper Time Irrigation In Dry Spell Pisciculture in the Pit Increased Ground Water Assured Second Crop Cultivation Checked Run Off Water Increase in Production
Drought Coping Mechanisms • Crop diversification • Varietal diversification • Storage of food and seeds • Livelihood diversification
FOOD SECURITY OUTCOME (FSO) STATUS Based on Food security atlas of Rural Jharkhand by UNFP & IHD
Result 1: • Farm level action • Need to further break it according to land type • Upland- Mostly acidic(jharkhand), field bunding, bringing more area under dryland crops millets, pulses, oilseeds and maize • Mixed cropping • Increase in biomass cultivation on denuded uplands • Green manuring crops on uplands and field bunds • Nitrogen fixing crops • Mediumland • Need to promote medium duration crop • System of rice intensification • Nitrogen fixing crops on residual moisture • Lowland
Action for promoting Food security • Need to propagate multiple compost systems • Nutritional garden in the BADI upland • Vegetable cultivation through micro irrigation • Documentation of present diversity and practices • Group farming • Grain bank and seed bank • Promotion of Poultry and small ruminants • Action Research to be undertaken to screen potential local varieties( as per tillering potential, drought resistance, pest resistance and productivity) • Action research for introducing some principles of intensification in pulses and millets
Actions for Food security… • Green manuring and fodder shrubs and trees on field bunds • IPM and INM practices module for different crop type needs to be developed( use of self cultivated and forest produce, mahua cake, neem cake, karanj cake, kusum cake, mustard cake for nutrient management) • Mulching and minimum tillage practices will be used to make maximum use of residual moisture after kharif crop • Soil testing needs to be done for better nutrient management • Action research on a contiguous patch of 25-30 acres in each agro-climatic sub-zone. • Crops for upland- Pulses, maize, millets( finger millet, kodo, kutki, gondli • Productivity low- 0.3 to 0.6 t/ha oilseeds; 0.4 t/ha to 0.6 t/ha (millets); 0.5 to 1 t/ha pulses higher for maize 1.3t/ha • Lac cultivation