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Kick off Conference and Forum of CB integration of strategic projekt iCON

Kick off Conference and Forum of CB integration of strategic projekt iCON. Creativity and Innovations in SMEs iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship Tomaž Vadjunec tomaz.vadjunec @ rra-sp.si Gorizia , 3 0.1 1 .2010. Summery of the presentation.

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Kick off Conference and Forum of CB integration of strategic projekt iCON

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kick off Conference and Forum of CB integration of strategic projekt iCON Creativity and Innovations in SMEs iCON: Competitiveness of SMEs through Innovation and Collaborative Entrepreneurship Tomaž Vadjunectomaz.vadjunec@rra-sp.si Gorizia, 30.11.2010

  2. Summery of the presentation • Current state of the art of Sustainable development and innovations • Synergies between Open Innovations and Sustainable Innovations • What is Innovations Space • Core Best Practices for Achieving Competitive Advantage in Hypercompetitive Business Environment Development of the business model for the SMEs

  3. What is innovation? “Innovation is the means by which theentrepreneur either creates new wealth-producing resources or endows existing resources with enhanced potential for creating wealth.” Peter F. Drucker “The Discipline Of Innovation,‖ Harvard Business Review, December 1998”

  4. The CEO’s Innovation Dilemma and the Accidental Innovator • current products representing more than 70% of today's sales will be obsolete in less than five years. • Innovation is random event for majority of the current companies. • Immoderate cooperation and dependence from outside developmental centers is critical for sustainable development of company. • Over the next few years, as much as 50% of a company’s product-specific expertise and intellectual capital will simply dissipate as the ageing workforce retires.

  5. Starting points for different manner of management of innovations • Management of Innovations can be systemized. • Key success factor are: • With deeper knowledge about innovation elements can be increased number of creative solving problems and • Efficient accepting of solutions. • Management and owners of the company are key element of implementation of new doctrine such us open innovations or/and sustainable innovator.

  6. Key elements of the Innovation culture • Management and owner are responsible for implementation of the values that are presenting innovativeenvironment in the company. • Implementation can be made by internal PR, education and training of employees and use of innovative platforms. • Innovative platforms are based on the use of the methods and tolls that are used by the innovator (ICT tools, TRIZ method ect.) or other employees in the company.

  7. Synergies between Open Innovations and Sustainable Innovations

  8. Innovations Space Risk Risk

  9. TRIZ metod: • TRIZ is a system of laws and principles forinventive problem solving developed from theanalysis of successful patents. • Key principles ofTRIZ are: • 1. The evolution of engineering systems is not arandom process, but obeys certain laws. • 2. Innovation usually occurs when technicalsystems are evolved to overcomecontradictions, most often by using moreminimal resources. • 3. Most fundamental technical tasks havealready been solved. A solution exists for>99% of all problems, often in otherdisciplines or contexts. Innovative problemsolving occurs when a prior solution is foundand modified to fit new requirements. • 4. Inventiveness and creativity can be taught.

  10. Core Best Practices for Achieving Competitive Advantage in Hypercompetitive Business Environment ?

  11. Kick off Conference and Forum of CB integration of strategic project iCON Thank you for listening Contacts: Tomaž Vadjunectomaz.vadjunec@rra-sp.si Tel: +386 5 33 06 681 Projekt iCON sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013 iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev. Progetto iCON finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per laCooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013, dal Fondo europeo disviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali. Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze

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