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5 th and 6 th Grade Instrumental Music Classroom Expectations 2012-2013 Mr. Maurer & Ms. Carranza Each student who successfully completes instrumental lessons through the 5 th and 6 th grade Instrumental Music program will be able to:
5th and 6th Grade Instrumental Music Classroom Expectations 2012-2013 Mr. Maurer & Ms. Carranza Each student who successfully completes instrumental lessons through the 5th and 6th grade Instrumental Music program will be able to: Perform alone, and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Read and notate music. Listen to, analyze, and describe music. Evaluate a music performance, citing strengths, weaknesses, and possible solutions for improvement. Understand music in relation to culture and history. Make connections between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Lessons: Instrumental lessons are provided weekly to each member of the program on a pull-out basis. Middle school students will receive one 25-minute lesson per week. Lessons are scheduled on a rotating schedule to ensure that your student does not have lessons during the same block every week. Lessons will begin the week of September 3rd. Preparation for Lessons: Students in the 5th and 6th grade Instrumental Music Program are expected to practice at least 100 minutes per week. (Spreading the practice time over four to five days will help develop consistency in your student’s playing.) Students should record the amount of time practiced on his/her practice log each week and obtain a parent/guardian signature. Students that attend a lesson unprepared (did not practice throughout the week) may be dismissed from that lesson and asked to return the following week. Materials and Method Books: Students are expected to bring the following to each lesson: instrument, method book (see below), completed practice log including a parent signature, a pencil, and his/her agenda. This year 5th grade band students will complete the “Standard of Excellence Book 1” method book and upon completion, begin study in the “Standard of Excellence Book 2” method book. 6th grade students will use the “Standard of Excellence Book 2” method book and upon completion, move into the “Standard of Excellence Book 3” book. All percussion students will use the “Roy Burns” method book and then move into “Developing Dexterity.” Exercises for the study of mallet instruments will be provided to percussion students. Order forms for these books, as well as other supplies, are available from Mr. Maurer and Ms. Carranza upon request.
Classroom Procedures: Upon entering the band room, students are expected to: 1. Get instrument from the storage room. 2. Place practice log on his/her stand. 3. Assemble his/her instrument and be seated. 4. Open method book to current assignment. Before leaving the room, students are expected to: 1. Record assignment on his/her practice log. 2. Disassemble instrument and gather all belongings. 3. Properly store instrument in the storage room, if applicable. Attendance Students are expected to attend and prepare for each weekly lesson. Students that attend a lesson unprepared (did not practice throughout the week) may be dismissed from that lesson and asked to return the following week. If the student should forget his/her instrument or any necessary materials, he/she is still required to attend the scheduled band lesson, as new concepts and skills will be presented. In the event of an absence, the student MUST meet with Mr. Maurer or Ms. Carranza to receive any missed assignments. Students who are regularly tardy, miss their scheduled lessons, or continually attend without an instrument may be asked to withdraw from the program. In preparation for performances, students are expected to attend all scheduled full band rehearsals. Rehearsal dates will be received under separate cover. Performances Students are expected to participate in scheduled performances. The 5th grade band and 6th grade band students will have the opportunity to perform at the Holiday Concert on Thursday, December 6, 2012 and our Spring Concert on Thursday, May 9, 2012.In September you will receive a schedule of after-school band rehearsals for the fall. Please note, students that are just beginning an instrument this year will be invited to join the after school bands once they have reached a level of proficiency that will allow them to be successful in this setting. Progress Reports Students enrolled in the 5th and 6th grade instrumental music program do not receive grades on their report card. Instead, at least once per academic year, students will receive a formal progress report indicating areas of proficiency and areas in need of improvement. A sample of the progress report will be emailed home. (Hard copies will be given to those that do not have email access. We are looking forward to a great year! If you have questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to contact us: Mr. Kevin Maurer Ms. Eryn Carranza Email: Ksmaurer@southfayette.org Email: Ecarranza@southfayette.org Phone: (412) 221-4542 Ext. 622 Phone: (412) 221-4542 Ext. 570