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6 th Grade 2013-2014. Mrs. Bryant – Reading/ELA Ms. Harris – Math/Pre-AP Math Mrs. Tate – Science/Social Studies. School Day. 7:20 – Doors open. Students may go to cafeteria for breakfast, gym, or library. 7:50 – Students dismissed to class. 7:50-8:00 – Morning work/announcements.
6th Grade 2013-2014 Mrs. Bryant – Reading/ELA Ms. Harris – Math/Pre-AP Math Mrs. Tate – Science/Social Studies
School Day • 7:20 – Doors open. Students may go to cafeteria for breakfast, gym, or library. • 7:50 – Students dismissed to class.
7:50-8:00 – Morning work/announcements. • 8:05-9:30 – 1st Period • 9:33-11:03 – 2nd Period • 11:06-12:06 – 3rd Period • Ms.Harris – 12:06-12:16 – Recess • 12:21-12:51 – Lunch • Mrs. Bryant – 12:09-12:19 – Recess • 12:24-12:54 – Lunch • Mrs. Tate – 12:12-12:22 – Recess • 12:27-12:57 - Lunch
After lunch – 1:26 – 3rd Period • 1:30-2:00 – JAG time (tutoring/study hall) • 2:05-2:50 – Specials (PE/Art/Music/Band/Orchestra) • 2:55-3:00 – Dismissal Please put in writing if your child has a dismissal change or call the office before 2:00.
ATTENDANCE POLICY • Attendance is taken at 8:00. If your child arrives at school after 8:00, they are counted absent. Students must attend 90% of all school days (and subjects) to be promoted to the next grade level (excused and unexcused days).
Dress Code (copied from RISD website) Rockwall ISD Dress Code • Extremely sloppy, sagging, or torn clothing items are not permitted. • Jeans, slacks, shorts and all other pants must be worn at or about the waist at all times – no matter the length of the shirt covering the pants. • Inappropriate, see-through or revealing clothing is not permitted. • Spaghetti straps, halter tops, and shirts exposing shoulders (off the shoulder/tube tops), midriff or back are not permitted.
Inappropriate exercise clothing will not be permitted without an appropriate covering garment. • Clothing items with provocative, offensive, drug-related or gang-related pictures or paraphernalia, items depicting or promoting acts of violence, guns, weapons, death, dismemberment, disfigurement, or other vulgar items are not permitted.
Clothing normally considered as undergarments should not be visible – muscle shirts, tank tops, pajama bottoms and the like – are not permitted to be worn as outerwear. • Undergarments must be covered at all times – whether in sitting, bending or standing positions. • Shorts must be below fingertip length, loose, of modest fit, and hemmed (no cut off shorts).
Shoes • Shoes must be worn at all times and should promote the safety of the student. • Shoes with wheels, house shoes, slippers and the like are not permitted. • Tennis shoes—deemed as athletic shoes must be worn in PE class. • For safety reasons, students are not permitted to wear rubber flip-flops.
Accessories • Caps, bandanas, hats, head rags, sunglasses and other headwear are not permitted to be worn inside the building (except on designated days). Hair • Hair must be worn above the eyes, well groomed and clean at all times. • Extreme hairstyles or unnatural hair coloring is not permitted.
Females: • Dresses and skirts must be below fingertip length and of modest fit. • Shirt straps must, at least, be wide enough to cover undergarments (no exposed straps) and the hem long enough to extend below the waist. • Dresses or skirts worn to PE class must have shorts, dress code length, worn underneath. • Skirts must, during all activities, cover undergarments. It is recommended that shorts, covering undergarments be worn.
Males: • Shirts with sleeves must be worn at all times (no muscle shirts). Any other apparel or grooming that is extreme or distracting may be deemed unacceptable by the building administrator and, therefore, is not permitted.
Grading Policy RISD 2013-2014 Grading Policy • This year tests count as 50% of the total grade in the class with daily work making up the other 50%. Projects usually count as test grades. • For all Pre-AP classes, tests count as 70% of the total grade and daily work is 30%.
Grading policy • Students will beallowedtoredo3failedformative assessments (daily grades) persubjectpertermwithinareasonabletime. Theteachermayallowthestudenttoredotheassignment, makecorrectionsonthesameassignment, orcompleteanalternativeassignment. Theoriginalassignmentandredowillbeaveragedforafinalgrade.
Students who score below 70% on a Summative Assessment (major test or project) are allowed to retest within a reasonable time. The reassessed grade will replace the original grade up to a maximum grade of 85. LATE WORK Late work is defined as any assignment that is not turned in at the time and date designated by the teacher when the student is present. Late work will be accepted the following day, but 10 points will be deducted.
Agendas will be checked weekly and students will be given a weekly conduct and work habits grade. Their grade will go down one letter grade for each mark given for that week.
Family Access • Please check your child’s progress on Family Access through the Rockwall ISD website. • If there is an * for an assignment, it means that assignment has not been graded. It DOES NOT mean that the assignment is missing.
Family Access • If you have alerts set up, you may get an email that an assignment “has not been recorded and is past the due date.” That still means that the assignment has not yet been graded, not that it is missing. Please look at Family Access to see if there is an * for the grade.
Early Release Days Early Release dates are: • September 18 • October 30 • December 20 • January 29 • February 26 • June 5 • Students are released at 12:00 noon.
Other Information • All students should have an agenda. They are $5 and available in the school office. We use these every dayin every class period. • Class of 2020 t-shirts. We are asking for every child to purchase a class of 2020 t-shirt. We will be sending order forms home soon. We will wear these on every field trip, field day, 6th grade track day, and on designated days throughout the year.
Reading/English Language ArtsMrs. Bryant • Lots of vocabulary development (Greek/Latin roots and affixes; academic vocabulary; foreign words and phrases used in English). • Make inferences and draw conclusions about theme and genre in different cultural and historical contexts. • Make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry.
Understand the structure and elements of fiction and provide textual evidence to support understanding. • Understand varied structural patterns and features of nonfiction. • Read independently for sustained periods of time and produce evidence of their reading (reading response sheets). • Read in all of the reading genres (fiction, expository, poetry, mystery, drama).
Writing/Grammar • Use the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text. • Write poems using alliteration, onomatopoeia, and other figurative language. • Write in all of the writing genres (narrative, expository, persuasive, imaginative, and descriptive) using proper grammar. • Research and synthesize the research into a written presentation.
1st Novel TUCK EVERLASTING By Natalie Babbitt DUE IN CLASS ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25! Mrs. Bryant’s Remind101: Text @7d684 to (202) 738-5448
6th Grade Science Science Notebook Unit Tests & Daily Grades Science Experiments
Science Year at a Glance 1st Semester Science Safety & Procedures Physical Properties of Matter Elements Compounds Energy Resources Conservation of Energy
2nd Semester Force & Motion Solar System & Exploration Earth Materials Plate Tectonics Taxonomic Groups Ecosystems
Social Studies • Journal • Unit Tests & Daily Grades
Social Studies Year at a Glance 1st Semester North America Celebrate Freedom Central America/Caribbean South America Europe Russian-Eurasian Republics East Asia
2nd Semester Southeast Asia South Asia Southwest Asia & North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Australia & Oceania Independent Study & Innovation
6th Grade MathMs. Harris Homework most nights Work started in class STAAR formatted packets after Winter Break. Remind101, Text (469)698-3028 with the message @2ndand3rdp. Grading : 50% Daily and Homework 50% Test & Projects
6th Grade Pre-AP MathMs. Harris • Homework most nights • Work started in class • STAAR formatted packets after Winter Break. • Remind101, Text (469)698-3028 with the message @1140d. • Grading: • 30% Classwork and Homework • 70% Test & Projects
Teacher Contact Information Stacey Bryant • Email: stacey.bryant@rockwallisd.org • Teacher website: https://wiki.rockwallisd.org/groups/sbryant/ Nikki Harris • Email: nicole.harris@rockwallisd.org • Teacher website: https://wiki.rockwallisd.org/groups/nharris/ Katrina Tate • Email: katrina.tate@rockwallisd.org • Teacher website: https://wiki.rockwallisd.org/groups/katrinatate