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ROVING SEMINARS FOR FARMERS ON WEATHER AND CLIMATE : INDIA AND SRILANKA. Dr. V. Radha Krishna Murthy , Ph.D Professor (Academic) Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Administrative Office, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030. 1. INTRODUCTION.

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  1. ROVING SEMINARS FOR FARMERS ON WEATHER AND CLIMATE:INDIAANDSRILANKA Dr. V. Radha Krishna Murthy, Ph.D Professor (Academic) Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University Administrative Office, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030

  2. 1. INTRODUCTION • Weather and climate are some of the biggest risk factors impacting on farming performance and management • Extreme weather and climate events such as severe droughts, floods, temperature shocks, etc., often strongly impede sustainable farming development • Factors such as climate variability and change contribute to the vulnerability of individual farmers and rural communities • This also particularly impacts on regional and world food security

  3. However, weather and climate forecasting is just one of many risk management tools that play an important role in farming decision making • More effective approaches to delivery of climate and weather information to farmer may need the incorporation of a more participatory and cross disciplinary approaches • Given the current concerns with climate change and its impacts on crop productivity, especially in the developing countries of the semi-arid regions, there is an urgent need to sensitize the farmers about the projected climate change

  4. Examples of more general decisions that can be aided by targeted weather and climate information include strategic and tactical crop management options • It is with this background that the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is promoting the organization of a series of one-day roving seminars on weather climate and farmers in different regions of the world to sensitize farmers about the weather and climate information • Also, these seminars will increase the interaction between the local farming communities and the local staff of NMHSs • The feedback is crucial for NMHSs in providing better services to agricultural community

  5. 2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of these seminars are: • To make farmers become more self reliant in dealing with weather and climate issues as the same affect agricultural production on their farms • To secure farmer self reliance, through helping them better informed about effective weather / climate risk management by sustainable use of natural resources for agricultural production.

  6. 3. ORGANIZING THE SEMINARSA.INITIAL PREPARATIONS The one day seminars bring together farmers of 2-3 villages to a centralized location. Criteria followed in selection of villages : • Representative of as much possible of geographical area as possible with regard to weather and crops • Gender equality, age, etc • Large, medium and small farmers in equal proportion

  7. Meeting the farmers at home

  8. Meeting the farmers at field

  9. Meeting the farmers at work place

  10. Meeting the farmers at farm house

  11. Meeting the farmers along with resource persons

  12. Meeting the farmers at his work

  13. 3. B. PARTNERS AND PARTICIPATION BY AGENCIES • Roving seminars are organized in full co-operation with NMHSs, local agricultural extension services with the active involvement of the agricultural research personnel from a regional agricultural research station or agricultural university in a region.

  14. 3.C. Budget for the seminars • The average cost of organizing the roving seminars depends on location. The amount covers the cost of hiring an appropriate location, suitable training material in local language, organizational costs transport, tea, lunch for all participants and travel and honorarium for the resource personnel etc., to farmers has to be provided. Enough money shall be earmarked for providing information on “weather – climate – Agriculture” in the form of pamphelets, small booklets, study material etc.

  15. 3.D. NUMBER OF SEMINARS ORGANIZED To achieve the above objectives in the State of Andhra Pradesh in India, nine (9) roving seminars were organized from October to December, 2007 and two (2) in December 2009 in Srilanka. 3. E. FARMERS ATTENDANCE The number of farmers attended each seminar ranged from 70 to 95. The women farmers were given lecture modules separately suitable to their farm activities involving weather. Different groups of farmers participated.

  16. 4. TECHNICAL ASPECTS 4.A. LECTURES • Enough care and caution was taken to make lectures more interactive and promote good dialogue with farmers. Selection of villages was completed 10 days before seminar. General climate and weather of the region and village and its influence on crops was documented in advance in the lectures. • These lectures in local language (Telugu / Simhalese ) by the Director / Co-director / Senior Resource persons, etc., selected for seminars focused on the following aspects;

  17. Introduction to weather and climate • Use of short term weather forecasting in agricultural operations • Introduction to clouds, weather map, etc. • Climate risk in production and drought alerts in different crops • Introduction to better risk management • Introduction to measurement of weather elements • Planning cropping strategy, water requirements, etc. • Display of wall posters, laminated diagrams on weather and climate.

  18. 4.B. MURTHY'S DAILY WEATHER AND AGRICULTURE (MDWA) During each seminar the farmers were shown / given the daily weather data for the last 30 days. This data was collected from the daily newspapers available in the villages where the seminar is being organised. After showing this huge and valuable information on weather that is available in their own village then the farmers responded with unparalleled enthusiasm to do the same on their own for their own farm and also community benefits.

  19. MDWA Continued …. Some farmers agreed to copy/write the weather information available daily on television and radio and transmit / exchange the same with other farmers. This operational agrometeorological tool "DVV (Dinasari Vatavaranam- Vyasayam)" involves no money because the newspapers are bought by villagers / farmers for learning and enlightening themselves on several issues. Also, in India and Srilanka newspapers are very inexpensive and Television and Radio are available in all villages.

  20. MDWA Continued …. Based on the trends observed (analysis of weather data) the management options and guidance is made available to the farmers within the hand outs as also the "Vyavasaya Panchangams (Agricultural Dairy)" and book written in local language by Murthy distributed during these seminars. This concept was explained in brief in local language to all the farmers.

  21. 5. MATERIAL FOR BANNERS AND PAMPHLETS5.A. GENERAL QUOTATIONS FOR MAKING BANNERS • “Use the power of Weather – Harvest higher yields without any investments” • “Weather is a non-monetary input in agriculture” • “Weather has life like you, me, plants and soil” • “Rain water soaked soil gives support for germination of innumerable types of seeds” • “Weather wise – Otherwise unwise” • “Good rain after anthesis and pollination gives abundant yields of crops”

  22. General quotations Continued …. • “Rainwater shall be retained and soaked only in the field (do not allow run off)” • “Summer ploughing – Best for rainfed agriculture” • “Summer pulse crops – Farmer’s money earners” • “Ploughing field before rains – Helps controlling soil erosion” • “Plough such that top soil is not allowed to go out of the field - Harvest good crop” • “Adopt contour cultivation – Save soil from erosion and increase soil water retention capacity” • “If seed is good – crop is very good”

  23. General quotations Continued …. • “Pre-monsoon ploughings kill soil born disease organisms grubs, eggs of pests” • “Spray the chemicals against pest and diseases in the direction of winds” • “Use protection cloths while spraying chemicals – Keep your health sound” • “Use green manures - Improve your soil health and get better quality crop yields” • “Every hard working farmer in the field is a special agricultural scientist”

  24. 5. B. SPECIFIC QUOTATIONS FOR MAKING BANNERS ON RICE • Formation of alley ways in paddy fields control gall midge • Reduction in average air temperature (4-5 days) followed by rain causes attack by stem borer • Dry and hot winds enhance grasshoppers that cause extensive damage • Increase in atmospheric humidity coupled with cloudy weather and less sunny days (5-6 days) enhance damage by gall midge • Increase in atmospheric humidity (3-4 days) and no air movement increases damage by brown plant hopper

  25. Specific quotations Continued …. • When South-West monsoon is delayed Select medium (130-135 days) or short duration (110-120 days) varieties • Use aged seedlings (45-50 days) and plant closely with 2-3 seedlings per hill. • Use 2/3rd of Nitrogenous fertilizer as basal dose (before transplanting) and remaining 1/3rd at flowering as top dressing.

  26. 5.C. SOME GOLDEN TIPS • During South West monsoon period plough the soil after a minimum of 75 mm rain is received • During South West monsoon top dress the fertilizer only when 20mm rain is received • Do not spray chemical or apply fertilizers when rain is forecast in 12 hours. • Unscientific and over use of chemicals and fertilizers results in soil air and water pollution, in addition causes unwanted and dangerous residues in crops • Repeat chemical spray if it rains within 3 hours

  27. Golden tips Continued …. • Uncontrolled use of fertilizers results in not only elimination of friendly insects but also increases outbreak of pests and diseases. • Use castor as trap crop in cotton and groundnut and control flying insects. • Use chrysanthemum as trap crop in cotton and Bengal gram crops. • Use Bhendi as trap crop in cotton • Use chrysanthemum as trap crop in redgram.

  28. 5. D. FLOODS – CROP PROTECTION • Short term measures • Select crop varieties which are : • Spreading type • More leaves • Withstand flooding water • Produce abundant strong roots • Flower after floods (2-3 times i.e. flushing varieties) • Avoid poultry • Avoid dairying • Avoid pisciculture

  29. Floods Continued …. • Medium and Long term measures • Establish social forests • Irrigation canal and tank bunds must be strengthened periodically • Don’t allow inhabitation houses for humans and animal sheds in the down stream of rivers • Construct proper drainage system in the villages and also for all crop fields • Grow vetiver hedges in all the fields at proper contours • Insure crops • Stake the harvested crop produce in sheds / houses with enough strength to avoid floods impact.

  30. 5.E. SEED TREATMENT • Take an earthen pot of medium size. Put the seed in it. Add seed treatment material (@3-4 grams of captan, thiram per kilogram of seed). Cover and tie the mouth of earthen pot with a cloth. Shake the earthen pot till the seed treatment material is mixed and coated over the seed. Use the treated seed for sowing after 24 hours.

  31. Seed treatment Continued …. Advantages of Seed Treatment • Controls seed born diseases • Controls soil born diseases • Increase in germination percentage of seeds • Optimum initial growth of seedings • Enough protection from sucking pests and diseases • Reduce in environmental pollution • Reduce cost of cultivation of crops

  32. 5. F. PRECAUTIONS FOR CHEMICAL SPRAYING • Carefully read the instructions on the bottle or pocket of the chemical • Don’t mix the chemical with hand • Don’t spray any chemical before and immediately after harvest • Don’t use sprayers which are leaking • Spray chemical in the direction of wind • Protect all parts of body like mouth eyes etc with appropriate cover cloth, glovers, etc. • Wash hands and take head bath after chemical sprays.

  33. 6. FIELD VISITS AND METHOD DEMONSTRATIONS 6.1 INDIA 6.1.A. Yemmangandla village on 31st October, 2007 • Lodged paddy crop due to untimely rain

  34. Continued 6.1.A. Yemmangandla village on 31st October, 2007 • 2% common salt spray to avoid sprouting of seed

  35. Continued 6.1.A. Yemmangandla village on 31st October, 2007 • 2% common salt spray to avoid sprouting of seed

  36. 6.1.B. Loddipally village on 13th November, 2007 • Method demonstration on Sun drying of groundnut pods

  37. Continued 6.1.B. Loddipally village on 13th November, 2007 • Method demonstration on Sun drying of groundnut pods

  38. 6.1.C. Vuyyalawada village on 14th November, 2007 • Method demonstration on Basel dose of fertilizer application

  39. 6.1.D. Siddaramapuram village on 28th November, 2007 • Method demonstration on Leaf area production

  40. 6.1.E. Dendulur village on 23rd December, 2007 • Method demonstration on Vari-Puri (Paddy Bins)

  41. continued 6.1.E. Dendulur village on 23rd December, 2007 • Method demonstration on Vari-Puri (Paddy Bins)

  42. 6.1.F. Gopannapalem village on 24th December, 2007 • Method demonstration on Propping of Sugar Cane crop

  43. 6.1.G. Kandukur village on 30th December, 2007 • Method demonstration on Vegetable crops

  44. 6.2. Srilanka 6.2.A. Mathugama village on 22nd December, 2009 • Method demonstration on weeding in Paddy

  45. 6.2. Srilanka 6.2.A. Agalawatta village on 24th December, 2009 Method demonstration on Pulse Crops

  46. continued 6.2.A. Agalawatta village on 24th December, 2009 Method demonstration on Paddy Harvest

  47. continued 6.2.A. Agalawatta village on 24th December, 2009 Method demonstration on Animal Rearing

  48. Method demonstration on sowing in the seed on sunny side of ridges

  49. 7. SEMINARS IN THE VILLAGES Seminar in Chandur on 30th October,2007

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