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TechnoServ AS Leader of the Russian System Integration Market. TechnoServ A/S Company Profile. Major activity – system integration, complete solutions in IT-services, telecommunications, engineering facilities. Established in 1992 Staff – more over 1000 employees
TechnoServ A\SLeader of the Russian System Integration Market
TechnoServ A/S Company Profile Major activity – system integration, complete solutions in IT-services, telecommunications, engineering facilities. Established in 1992 Staff – more over 1000 employees Major business areas: transportation, telecommunications, government, banking & finance, oil & gas, manufacturing, industry Number of customers – over 900 Major partners: IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco Systems, Avaya, Sun Microsystems, EMC, StorageTek, Siebel, SAP, Oracle, Fujitsu-Siemens, Xerox, APC, F.G. Wilson, Airdale, others. Federal authorizations: 22 governmental licenses Business infrastructure: 5000 m2 office in Moscow, 2 data centers, service and technical centers, transportation service, regional offices in Saint-Petersburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and a wide network of regional partners. 2005 revenue – $529,6mln.
TechnoServ A\SBusiness Dynamics 529,6 2005 Revenue – $529,6 mln Revenue growth – 32% Staff – more then 1000 persons Staff growth – 24% 402,2 303,4 1000 163,8 733 150,7 620 490 460 101,2 352 68,3 247 Revenue ($ mln) Staff (persons) 1999 2000 2001 2005 2002 2003 2004
TechnoServ A/SLeader of the Russian IT Market in 2005 Business Index Business Efficiency 1. TechnoServ A/S 966 0,73 2. Croc Inc. 581 0,44 3. LANIT 523 0,16 4. IBS 479 0,36 5. Open Technologies 373 0,3 6 Verysell 356 0,47 7. R-Style 338 0,15 8. I Teco. 334 0,5 9. Microtest Invest 322 0,72 10. Compulink 272 0,3 IT service providers(including project distribution) Source: iOne (a leading Russian IT analytical agency)
TechnoServ A\SOrganisational Chart Company Management 129 30 107 3 Information Technologies Division Project and pre-sale Department Secretariat&Office Sales in Railways Division Business Development Division Administrative Division Transport Department General-system technologies Department 6 41 .Material supply Department Computing Systems Technical Center Sales in State Structures Division Marketing Department 31 Network Technologies Department Call-Center Purchasing Division 12 12 Service Department 198 Sales in Svyasinvest Division Regional Business Division ERP Division 5 SAP R/3 Department Logistics Division 16 Internet technologies Department 3 Sales in TelecomDivision Product ManagementDepartment 8 Document Management systems Department 10 Human Resources Division ERP for SMB Division IT in education Department 23 Sales Division № 1 70 Financial and Economic Service 175 Complex Projects Division 8 Project Department Sales Division № 2 14 Projects Management Department Automation Department Ensuring Systems Technical Center 19 26 UPS Systems Sales Department Service Department 53 Applications Technologies Division Security Management Division Sales Implementation Infrastructure
IBM Business Partner – Systems Integrator Sun Microsystems Premier Partner Hewlett Packard Preferred Partner EMC Premier Velocity Partner STK Authorized Distributor SAP Local Alliance Partner GOLD Certified Partner TechnoServ A/SHighest Level of Partnership
TechnoServ A/SRegional Offices Saint-Petersburg N. Novgorod MOSCOW Ekaterinburg Far East (Khabarovsk or Vladivostok) Rostov-on-Don Krasnodar Novosibirsk Established Are to open in 2006. Tashkent
TechnoServ A/SCustomers АвтоВАЗ АК им. С.В. Ильюшина АКБ им. А.С. Яковлева Альфа-банк Алма-Атинская железная дорога Апатит (г.Кировск) Аэрофлот - Российские авиалинии Байкало-Амурскаяжелезная дорога МПС России Балаковские волокна Башинформсвязь Брянсксвязьинформ Восточно-Сибирская железная дорога МПС России Внешэкономбанк ВНИИЖТМПС России ВолгоградЭлектросвязь Воронежсвязьинформ Вычислительные центры Министерства обороны РФ ГВЦ МПС России ГК НПЦ им. Хруничева Горьковскаяжелезная дорога МПС России Государственный таможенный комитет РФ Дальневосточная железная дорога МПС России Дальневосточная компания электросвязи Доверительный и Инвестиционный банк Забайкальская железная дорога МПС России Зарубежнефть Западно-Казахстанская железная дорога Западно-Сибирская железная дорога МПС России Ивтелеком Ижевский механический завод Казанский вертолетный завод Кемеровская железная дорога МПС России Красноярская железная дорога МПС России Ленсвязь Липецкэлектросвязь ЛУКОЙЛ-резерв-инвест Мартелком Мобильные ТелеСистемы Московская городская телефонная сеть Московская железная дорога МПС России Московский междугородный и международный телефон Мотовилихинские заводы Мосэнерго МТТ Нижегородсвязьинформ МТУ-Информ ОКБ им. Сухого Октябрьская железная дорога МПС России Омскагрегат Пенсионный фонд РФ Петербургская телефонная сеть Петербург Транзит Телеком Приборостроительный завод (Златоуст-36) Приволжская железная дорога МПС России РИВЦ Министерства связи Таджикистана РТКомм.РУ Русский Алюминий Менеджмент Сахалинская железная дорога МПС России Росэнергоатом Сберегательный банк России (центральный аппарат, 25 территориальных банков) Связьинформ Астраханской области Северная железная дорога МПС России Сибирьтелеком СПбММТ Татнефть ТашАПО им. В.П.Чкалова Тулателеком Химкомбинат (г.Кирово-Чепецк) Центральный банк России (41 Главное управление в 35 областях и 6 республиках) Удмурттелеком Узбекгеофизика Ульяновскэлектросвязь Электрохимзавод (г. Красноярск-45) “Электросвязь“ Калиниградской области "Электросвязь" Орловской области “Электросвязь“ Рязанской области “Электросвязь“ республики Карелия “Электросвязь“ Приморского края "Электросвязь" Оренбургской области «Электросвязь» Ставропольского края “Электросвязь“ Иркутской области "Электрическая связь" Омской области "Электросвязь" Московской области “Электросвязь” Калининградской области Юго-Восточная железная дорога МПС России ЮжнаяТелекоммуникационная Компания Южно-Уральская железная дорога МПС России ЮКОС 900 complex integrated projects • 300 Mainframe projects • 450 UNIX projects • 150 Network projects • 65 Application projects • 400 Engeneering projects
Russian Corporate Top 20 Revenue 2004 (mln. USD) Business Area 1. Gazprom oil & gas 33 904.1 2. LUKOIL oil & gas 33 845.0 3. RAO “UES of Russia” energy 23 591.0 4. JSC Russian Railways transport 22 658.8 5. YUKOS (GAAP) oil & gas 22 100.0 6. TNK-BP oil & gas 17 097.0 7. Surgutneftegaz oil & gas 10 001.0 8. Sybneft oil & gas 8 890.0 9. MMC “Norilsk Nickel” metallurgy 7 033.0 10. EvrazHolding metallurgy 5 924.6 11. Sistema JSFC telecommunications 5 710.0 12. AvtoVAZ engineering 5 572.2 13. RUSAL metallurgy 5 400.0 14. Rosneft oil & gas 5 275.0 15. Tatneft oil & gas 5 234.1 16. Transneft transport 5 221.8 17. Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MMK) metallurgy 4 829.0 18. Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK) metallurgy 4 538.7 19. Severstal metallurgy 4 525.4 20. Mobile TeleSystems telecommunications 3 887.0 TechnoServ A/S Customers Source: RBC-rating «Top-400 Russian Company, 2004» 15.08.05
TechnoServ A\SCompetitive Advantage • Strategic partnership with IT leaders • Good understanding of partner’ products, technologies and initiatives • Positive dynamics of financial results • Dedicating time, recourses and money to new technologies • Reference point to large scale, complex projects • Average project value in 2005 – $0.8M • Numerous successful projects • Using all necessary types of equipment/technologies • Combining exploitation and Implementation with world-class service and support • Well developed business co-operation with customers • Large existing customer base • Strong, long-term customers relationships • Best-on-class customer focus • Human capital, the best in Russian business • Company unique culture • High qualification and hands-on experience of managers and specialists • Good reputation
TechnoServ’s solutions for Information system of WMO • WIS is very perspective line. Question: What can we do to improve WIS in cooperation with Russian meteorological service? What should be done?
I. Creation of Data collection and Production Centers • Creation of these centers - increasing of efficiency,quality and accessibilityof meteorological data. • Should be done next “levels”: • National Data Collection and Production Centers (may be, some national centers); • Regional Data Collection and Production Centers; • Meteorological stations.
II. Creation of a national infrastructure of an exchange of the meteorological data • The received data should be transferred on processing to a higher level, where they will be going and to be analyzed. For this purpose the creation of a high-speed (with sufficient throughput) data network covering all centres of the collecting and data processing is necessary.
III. Creation of data archive system • Data volume, received during meteorological observations, is very great. • For their effective use it is necessary to create the modern high-technology electronic archives. • The electronic archive of meteorological data should allow store the large volumes of the data and to carry out effective search and extraction given from archives.
IV. Creation of Data Warehouse Creation of Data Warehouse is necessary for analysis of the meteorological data. Should be developed: • Model of data, given for a storage of meteorological observation and products; • Means of the automated filling of a database, which will allow to collect the various meteorological data from any sources to the uniform base; • High-level visual means of the data analysis, which will allow to make the different analysis of the saved data
V. Integration of the National data centers to the WMO network • Following questions should be resolved: 1) High-speed network connection with the WMO international centres; 2) Integration of national information system with WMO information system.
VI. • System engineering of access to the meteorological data for the consumers, including, creation the national meteorological Internet - portal.
13/2 Yunosti St., Moscow,111395,Russian Federation Phone: +7-495-727-0989 Fax: +7-495-727-0988 E-mail: tsas@technoserv.ruWWW: http://www.technoserv.ru