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Welcome. What is the Adventist Health Message?. Dr Bevan Hokin BSc MAppSc PhD Director of Pathology SYDNEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL. The Adventist Health Message is:. BIBLE Based John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (NIV)
What is the Adventist Health Message? Dr Bevan Hokin BSc MAppSc PhD Director of Pathology SYDNEY ADVENTIST HOSPITAL
The Adventist Health Message is: • BIBLE Based • John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (NIV) • 1 Cor 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (NIV) • 1 Cor 6:19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you?… Therefore honour God with your body (NIV)
The Adventist Health Message is: • Spirit of Prophesy based • Originated with and is strongly supported by Mrs E.G.White. • Was developed from around 1880 to 1915 when many of the ideas were contrary to the beliefs of the day • Is detailed primarily in the books Ministry of Healing and Counsels on Diet and Foods
The Adventist Health Message is: • Strongly supported by modern science The US Government has spent over $US69 million studying the health of Seventh-day Adventists (Adventist Lifestyle Studies). Over 250 peer reviewed papers have been published on the resulting positive findings. The WHO, and the American Dietetics Association have modified their positions on diet as a direct result of these findings.
This,The Adventist Health Message presentation, is Sourced from: • The Holy Bible • The writings of Mrs E.G. White - particularly Ministry of Healing and Counsels on Diets and Foods • The book Seventh-day Adventists Believe • Peer reviewed scientific papers published in reputable journals • Papers presented at the 3rd and 4th International Conferences on Vegetarian Nutrition
The Adventist Health Message is: • NOT a means of “currying favour” - or earning brownie points with God - as a means of salvation. Gal 5:4 You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace (NIV)
The Adventist Health Message is: • NOT an excuse to do whatever we like. Since works cannot save us, some are tempted to believe it is OK to do whatever we like. Gal 5:13 You, my brother, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature. (NIV)
The Adventist Health Message is: • NOTJudgemental There is real common sense in dietetic reform. The subject should be studied broadly and deeply, and none should criticise others because their practice is not, in all things, in harmony with his own. MH 319
The Adventist Health Message is?: So what IS the Adventist Health Message?
The Adventist Health Message is Balanced: • Those who understand the laws of health and who are governed by principle, will shun extremes, both of indulgence and of restriction. MH 319
The Adventist Health Message is Balanced: • With many persons the reform consists merely in discarding certain unwholesome foods. They do not understand the principles of health, and their tables, still loaded with harmful dainties, are far from being an example of Christian temperance and moderation…… (MH 318)
The Adventist Health Message is Balanced: • Another class, in their desire to set a right example, go to the opposite extreme…they adopt an impoverished diet. Their food does not supply the elements to make good blood. Their health suffers, their usefulness is impaired, and their example tells against, rather than in favour of reform in diet. (MH 318)
The Adventist Health Message is Balanced: ....people are at different stages in their progression toward vegetarianism. We should consider the situation of the people and the power of life-long habit, and should be careful not to urge even right ideas, unduly. None should be urged to make the change abruptly. (MH 317)
The Holistic nature of the Adventist Health Message is important because: • Spiritual: God through the Holy Spirit, can only communicate through our minds. It is important therefore, that the mind be clear. • Mental: We have an obligation learn all we can about salvation, about living and to prepare for service - this is only possible with a clear mind
The Holistic nature of the Adventist Health Message is important because: • Social: We have been put on earth to interact with others - to be “loving and lovable Christians” - to improve the welfare of all with whom we come into contact • Physical: We need to be as healthy as we can be for as long as possible, so as not to deprive others of the service we can offer.
The Adventist Health Message advocates: regular exercise: • Regular exercise is the simple formula for increased energy, a firm body, stress relief, healthier skin, more self-confidence, effective weight control, improved digestion and regularity, reduced depression, and reduced risks of cancer and heart disease. It is not an option - it is essential to maintaining optimal health, both physical and mental.
The Adventist Health Message recognises the benefits of sunlight: • Sunshine promotes health and healing • Sunshine (in moderation) is involved in the production of vitamin D in the skin - essential for calcium metabolism (Rickets and osteoporosis) (Note findings of 3rd World Conference on Vegetarian nutrition). • Sunlight kills germs and mould and promotes a clean environment
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of water: • Used for cleanliness and relaxation!! • Water is lost through exhaled air, perspiration and excretion of waste • Must be replaced • Require 6-8 X 250mL glasses per day • Thirst plus 1/3 rule • WATER is superior to all other sources of fluid, including fruit juices
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of fresh air: • Fresh air provides the oxygen essential for every cell in the body • Polluted air contains excessive amounts of dust, nano-particles, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide • Polluted air can contain dangerous chemicals such as lead, and other industrial pollutants
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of rest: • Proper rest is critical to a healthy body and mind. • Rest is more than sleeping or ceasing our regular work. • Weariness is not always caused by stress or working too hard. Our minds can be wearied by over stimulation through the media, sickness or personal problems
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of rest: • A compassionate Christ said “ Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest”. Mark 6:31 (NIV) • Periods of rest provide times of quietness for communion with God. “Be still, and know that I am God”. Ps 46:10 (NIV) • God stressed our need for rest by setting aside the 7th day of the week, as a day of rest.
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of sleep: • In addition to rest, we need 6 to 10 hours sleep each night, depending on the individual and the type of work performed. • Require a comfortable bed, a comfortable temperature and good ventilation in the bedroom
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of sleep: • A lack of sleep induces the production of a hormone that stimulates hunger - leads to over eating • Sleep apnoea
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of regular meal times, & avoidance of snacking: • “Regularity in eating is of vital importance. There should be a specified time for each meal. At this time let everyone eat what the system requires and then take nothing more until the next meal”.MH 303
The Adventist Health Message recognises the importance of regular meal times, & avoidance of snacking: • Snacking impacts stomach emptying function. • Excess calories lead to childhood obesity • Poor breakfast- morning tea. Not hungry at lunch time, so poor or no meal. Hungry at afternoon tea - snack. Not hungry at dinner, but “haven’t had a decent meal all day”, so have a large meal just before bed-time…. • “Another pernicious habit is that of eating just before bed-time…” MH 303
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of harmful drugs: • Illegal drugs - heroin, ecstasy, amphetamines, LSD are clearly harmful • Medicinal drugs. Mrs White is referring to drugs in use in her day which included arsenic, mercury, opium, tobacco • Modern drugs, carefully and thoughtfully used are acceptable • Prevention of disease through a healthy lifestyle, is preferable
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of tobacco: • At a time when tobacco was prescribed for lung conditions, Mrs White wrote in 1864: (MH 327-330): • Tobacco is a slow, insidious, but most malignant poison • It is more subtle (than intoxicating drink) and its effects are difficult to eradicate from the system • Multitudes have fallen victims to its poisonous influence. They have surely murdered themselves by this slow poison
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of alcohol: • Alcohol, the most widely used drug, has devastated untold millions of lives. • It hurts the user, and society in general through child abuse, wife beatings, broken homes, accidental death and poverty. • God communicates with us only through our minds…alcohol adversely affects every body function, clouding the mind and impairing judgement
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of alcohol: • As the level of alcohol in the system rises, the drinker progresses through loss of co-ordination, depression, confusion, intolerance leading to explosive anger, disorientation, stupor, anaesthesia, coma and death. • Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages results in loss of memory, lack of judgement and reduced learning ability.
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of alcohol: • Many who would not be guilty of serving wine or liquor of any kind, will load their table with food which creates such a thirst for strong drink that to resist the temptation is almost impossible. Wrong habits of eating and drinking destroy the health and prepare the way for drunkenness. (MH 334) • Lab animals when fed the typical ‘teenager diet’, choose alcohol to drink, instead of water when offered both at the same time.
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of alcohol: But what about the ‘benefits’ of red wine? • There is evidence that the moderate consumption of red wine (1 - 2 X 125 mL glasses/day) reduces the incidence of coronary artery disease. • The same beneficial effect can be obtained from drinking red unfermented grape juice. The benefit comes from the grape skin (Resveratrol), not the alcohol!
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of coffee, (and cola): • Tea, coffee and other popular drinks act as a stimulant…there is short-lived increased energy to the entire system. When the influence of the stimulant is gone, the unnatural force abates and the result is a corresponding degree of languor and debility. (MH 326) • The continued use of these nerve irritants is followed by headache, wakefulness, palpitations of the heart, indigestion, trembling and many other evils…that wear away the life forces. (MH 326)
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of coffee, (and cola): • Caffeine is addictive - its action is damaging • Coffee contains nitrosamines which are carcinogenic • Adventist lifestyle findings: • men who drank two or more cups of coffee a day had twice the risk of fatal bladder cancer, and a modest increased risk of colon cancer • men drinking 1-2 cups of coffee a day had a 50% higher risk of heart disease, while women had a 20% increased risk.
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of coffee, (and cola): • Actions of caffeine: • Acts on sympathetic nervous system to increase heart rate • Acts on adrenal glands to increase production of adrenalin – flight or fright hormone • Acts on adenosine receptors in the brain (ATP to ADP to AMP to A) Receptor-bound A lass available for energy production in cells
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of tea drinking: • Ellen White does not differentiate between tea and coffee - both are equally condemned for the same reasons • Claims that tea is a good source of anti- oxidants are true. • There are plenty of other sources of anti-oxidants that do not have the harmful effects of tea.
The Adventist Health Message recommends the avoidance of tea drinking: Antioxidants Caffeine Addictive Diuretic >BP
The Adventist Health Message recommends consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables 1: • In order to know what are the best foods, we must study God’s original plan for man’s diet…Grains, fruits, nuts and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in a simple and natural manner…are the most healthful and nourishing. (CDF 81)
The Adventist Health Message recommends consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables 2: • Nicely prepared vegetables and fruits in their season will be beneficial (CDF 200) • …fruit are essential to health (HFM 39) • We are to regard the trees laden with fruit as the gift from God, just as much as though he placed the fruit in our hands (1BC 1081) • Vegetables, fruits and grains should compose our diet. (CDF 380)
The Adventist Health Message recommends consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables 3: • Of 156 scientific studies examining the relationship of fruit and vegetable consumption and the risk of developing cancer, 128 showed a protective effect. • Persons with low fruit and vegetable consumption (those in the lowest quarter of the population) had double the risk of developing most cancers, compared with those who ate the most fruit and veges.
The Adventist Health Message recommends consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables 4: • Those consuming 2 or more servings of fruit/day had 26% (1/4) the risk of developing cancer compared with those eating fruit less than 3 times/week. • Those who consume less than 3.5 servings of fruit/day increase their risk of developing cataracts by 500% • Those over age 60 who are high consumers of fruit had an overall mortality of 30% compared with low consumers.
The Adventist Health Message advocates consumption of nuts 1: • Grains , fruits, nuts and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our creator (CF 363) • When properly prepared, olives like nuts, supply the place of butter and flesh meats (CDF 359) • Some nuts are not as wholesome as others Almonds are preferable to peanuts (CDF 364)
The Adventist Health Message advocates consumption of nuts 2: • SDA Health Study: • men who ate nuts at least 4 times each week, had half the fatal heart attacks as those who rarely ate nuts • Walnuts and almonds lower blood fats, including cholesterol • Nuts are an excellent source of essential Omega-3 fatty acids
The Adventist Health Message recommends the use of dried fruit: • Wherever dried fruits such as raisins, prunes, apples, pears, peaches, and apricots are obtainable at moderate prices, it will be found that they can be used….freely…with the best results to the health and vigour of all classes of workers.(CDF 95) • SDA Health study: Those who use dried fruits regularly had only 19% of the usual risk of getting pancreatic cancer and a 50% reduction in prostate cancer risk.
The Adventist Health Message recommends the use of whole grains and whole-wheat breads: • Fine-flour (white) bread cannot impart to the system the nourishment that you will find in unbolted-wheat (wholemeal) bread (CDF 320) • For use in bread making, white flour is not the best…it is lacking in nutritive elements to be found in bread made from whole wheat. Its use is neither healthful nor economical. (Ibid)
The Adventist Health Message recommends the use of whole grains and whole-wheat breads: • There are two types of fibre in the diet; • soluble fibre helps lower cholesterol and triglycerides, hence reduce heart attack risk. Best sources include oats, beans, apples, barley. • insoluble fibre as in wheat bran, reduces the risk of colon cancer. • SDA Health Study: Men who customarily ate whole wheat bread had a 44% decreased risk of having a heart attack.
The Adventist Health Message recommends the (moderate) use of dairy products: • Fruits, grains and vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease (animal fat) of all kinds, make, with milk or cream, the most healthful diet. (CDF 92)
The Adventist Health Message recommends the (moderate) use of dairy products: • The time will come when we may have to discard some of the articles of diet we now use, such as milk and cream and eggs; but my message is that you must not bring yourself to a time of trouble beforehand, and thus afflict yourself with death. (CDF 206)
The Adventist Health Message recommends the (moderate) use of dairy products: • The incidence of some cancers is reduced in those who use milk: stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, bladder cancer. • There has been reported an increased risk of prostate cancer in high consumers of meat, milk and cheese. (?contribution of the meat v dairy) • Recommend modest use of low fat milk as a source of vitaminB12