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GHLL Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning

Discover what GHLL offers and how it supports PSHE education in Gloucestershire. Reflect on your role as a teacher to promote health and wellbeing.

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GHLL Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning

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  1. GHLLGloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning Belinda Heaven, Pete Kirby and Phil Matthews

  2. Aims: • To know what GHLL is and what we offer • To understand the landscape of PSHE and how GHLL supports this in Gloucestershire • To be able to reflect on your role in promoting health and wellbeing as a teacher

  3. What does PSHE stand for?

  4. What does PSHE stand for?

  5. PSHE is a statutory requirement in Primary School True or False?

  6. The 2014 National Curriculum states that: • Para 2.5: All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), drawing on good practice. • https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum DfE Guidance on PSHE states that: • Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. All schools should teach PSHE, drawing on good practice... • https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-social-health-and-economic-education-pshe/personal-social-health-and-economic-pshe-education

  7. New RSE and health education curriculum

  8. Three Strand Approach Knowledge

  9. What is the role of knowledge in shaping our decisions?

  10. Three Strand Approach Knowledge Skills Attitudes

  11. Gloucestershire Online Pupil Survey 2018 • This survey • Allows the voice of children and young people from across Gloucestershire to be heard • Involves Years 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 and over 30,000 young people take part from 309 schools • Takes place every 2 years – this is our 12th year, 160,000 surveys! • Is anonymous, secure and confidential • The results help schools provide PSHE education and pastoral support to address student needs • Helps the council and their partners improve their services for children and young people by informing policy & practice, “You said, we did!”

  12. GCC OPS 2018 OPS 2018 Themes • Healthy eating, exercise & sleep • Smoking (including e-cigarettes), alcohol & substances • Free time, part-time jobs & reading • Vulnerable groups, e.g. SEN, disabilities, children in care, young carers, FSM (free school meals) • School experience, including poor attendance/exclusions • Information, advice & support at school • Safety, run away, police, gangs, grooming & abuse • Internet safety including Sexting • Self-harm including overdose • Sociability, mental health, happiness, depression • Bullying • Sex and relationships • Confidence about the future and achievements • Further education prospects • ACES- Adverse Childhood experiences (Year 12 & FE only)

  13. What percentage of Y6s report having never or only infrequently been bullied in the last year? • 45% • 58% • 84%

  14. What percentage of Y6 in Gloucestershire report being very good, good or OK at making and keeping friends? • 69.2% • 75.2% • 93.0%

  15. What percentage of Y8s in Gloucestershire have never or not often smoked a cigarette? • 51.4% • 72.9% • 97.9% NB This has increased from 91.9% in 2006

  16. What percentage of Y8 in Gloucestershire report having never or not often drunk alcohol? • 45.3% • 62.1% • 89.4% • …and almost two thirds of Year 10 (63%)

  17. Promote the positive social norms in your school! What are the positive behaviours displayed by the majority of your pupils?

  18. www.ghll.org.uk

  19. ‘People IN the Know’ Ensuring that your Safeguarding / PSHE Curriculum is meeting the needs of your Children and Young People

  20. A planning toolThings to consider… • What is the structure of your PSHE curriculum? • What do your students need? • What do we want to cover in each year group? • What do we want as a progressive topic to follow on in each year group? • What are the definite ‘yes’ topics you need to cover? • What topics do we want to cover that aren’t on the list? • What resources do you have?

  21. GHLL Healthy Schools Award:Review, interventions and accreditation

  22. What is Mental Health? “….in effect, refers to the capacity to live a full, productive life, as well as the flexibility to deal with its ups and downs. It is especially about the capacity to learn, to enjoy friendships, to meet challenges, to develop talents and capabilities” Young Minds

  23. Why mental health? • Increase awareness of mental health issues • Celebrate high quality provision for whole school/college • Link between good mental health and achievement • Chance to focus on mental health

  24. Aims of Mental Health First Aid in Schools • To preserve life where a young person may be a danger to themselves or others • To provide help to prevent the mental health problem developing into a more serious state • To promote the recovery of good mental health • To provide comfort to a young person experiencing a mental health problem • To raise awareness of mental health issues in the community • To reduce stigma and discrimination

  25. What does an emotionally Healthy School look like?

  26. Examples of GHLL Resources

  27. Training • Subscribe to GHLL Alerts • Training programme online Courses include: • Superheroes – building resilience • GHLL RSE resource for primary settings • Keeping Myself Safe • Mental Health First Aid • Stonewall Equality - primary • E-learning for mental health • Etc.

  28. GHLL Lead Teachers

  29. www.ghll.org.uk

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