The roots -man- and -ped- • The roots -man- and -ped- are both Latin. They come from the words manus, meaning “hand,” and pes or pedis, meaning “foot” or “of the foot”. For example, manufactured goods, today made by machine or by hand, were once made only by hand. A pedal is a foot operated part of a machine, such as a bicycle. All four-footed animals are classified as quadrupeds. Not all words containing -man- or -ped- have a “hand” or “foot” meaning. Whenever you run across words with these roots, then, you need to use both common sense and a dictionary to be sure of their meanings
emancipate (ĭ-măn´sə-pāt´)
Verb To set free; liberate • Roman slaveholders sometimes emancipated slaves as a reward for good service.
impede (ĭm-pēd´)
Verb To slow down the progress of; block. • A stalled car impeded the flow of rush-hour traffic.
manipulate (mə-nĭp´yə-lāt´)
Verb a. to arrange or operate with the hands. b. to change data dishonestly for personal gain • It takes training to manipulate a large movie camera.
manual (mă´yōō-əl)
Adjective a. operated or done by hand b. requiring physical rather than mental effort • Does your car have a manual or an automatic gearshift?
pedestrian (pə-dĕs´trē-ən)
noun a person traveling on foot • Pedestrians should always walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.