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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Smarter Balanced Spring 2014 Field Test Workshop for LEAD TECHNOLOGY TEACHERS. February 28, 2014. Overview. Purpose of the Smarter Balanced Field Test. “Test the test” Evaluate testing software

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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

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  1. California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Smarter Balanced Spring 2014 Field Test Workshop for LEAD TECHNOLOGY TEACHERS February 28, 2014

  2. Overview

  3. Purpose of the Smarter Balanced Field Test • “Test the test” • Evaluate testing software • Ensure quality of test questions • Evaluate the effectiveness of the test administration and training materials • Establish scoring and reporting levels • “Dress rehearsal” for operational assessments in 2015 • “Stress test” LEA technology • Familiarize educators, administrators, and students with online testing

  4. Field Test Participation in California • Who will take the Field Test? • Grades 3–8: All students • Grades 9 and 10: Only students selected for the scientific sample • Grade 11: Students selected for the scientific sample; all others encouraged to participate • Consideration for EAP testing at grade 11 • The only students exempt from participating in the Field Test are: • Students participating in the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) • For the English language arts/literacy (ELA) test only, English learners (ELs) who have been attending school in the United States for less than 12 months

  5. Field Test Participation in California • 5% of students will take Field Test items from one content area (ELA or mathematics) . • 95% of students will take Field Test items from both content areas. • All students will receive onePerformance Task (PT) in either ELA or mathematics. • There is roughly the same amount of testing time for all students. • Content areas will be assigned by grade and school level. • Content area assignments will be available in March (projected availability, 3/10). There are four scenarios:

  6. Field Test Format • Note: The Field Test is computer-based, notcomputer adaptive. • Need to try out the test questions during the Field Test before tests can be made adaptive for the first operational administration in 2015. • Two components: • Performance task (PT) • A set of complex questions that is centered on a common theme or problem; requires classroom activity • Non–performance task (non-PT) • E.g., Selected Response, Drag and Drop, Matching Tables

  7. Roles and Responsibilities

  8. New Terminology for Roles Other important roles • LEA Technology Coordinator- Kris Boneman & Jack Hipp • LEA CALPADS Administrator- Tracy Walsh

  9. Test Site Coordinator (SC)BUSD has LTT • LTT will - Train TAs • Ensure that testing in the school is conducted in accordance to test security policies. • Help- create/approve test schedules and procedures for the school. • Work with technology staff to confirm devices are ready in accordance with test schedules. • Monitor testing and address problems, as needed. • Report test security incidents to the SC or Admin.(They will report to Mark Rodgers) • Increase comfort levels and reduce anxiety of TAs.

  10. Test Site Coordinator (SC)SC & Admin SC • Collect security affidavits from Test Administrators (TAs) and retain at your test site. • Set appropriate supports and accommodations in TIDE (Test Information Distribution Engine). • Ensure that testing in the school is conducted in accordance to test security policies. • Help- create/approve test schedules and procedures for the school. • Monitor testing and address problems, as needed. • Report test security incidents to the DC.(Mark Rodgers) • Increase comfort levels and reduce anxiety of TAs.

  11. Test Administrator (TA)Teacher • Carefully and completely read and sign new security affidavit. • Complete test administration training. • View student information prior to testing to ensure it is correct. • Ensure that appropriate designated supports and accommodations have been set prior to testing. • Set up and proctor testing. • Report all potential test security incidents to the SC. • Increase comfort levels and reduce anxiety of students. Encourage students to do their best.

  12. Technology

  13. Secure Browser • A secure browser must be installed on all student computers/devices. • Updated and reinstalled annually • Technology Coordinators: Ensure the secure browsers are correctly installed • Specifically designed by Smarter Balanced to provide secure access to the Field Test. • Prevents students from accessing other hardware and software functions. • ‘CA’ will need to be selected on each instance of secure browser the first time it is run. • Test Administrator computers will use a standard Web browser.

  14. Secure Browser (cont.) Prior to testing, TAs should verify that: • External user applications are closed • The secure browser will not work if the computer detects that a forbidden application is running. • No testing on computers with dual monitors • Students must not take the test on computers connected to more than one monitor.

  15. Preparing Students and Staff for the Field Test

  16. Field Test Item Types • Selected response • one correct response • multiple correct responses • two-part • Matching tables • yes/no • true/false • Fill-in tables • Select or order text or graphics • Drag and drop • Graphing • Equation or numeric response • Short text • Long essay

  17. Training Tests • Released on January 30. • Available by grade band (3–5, 6–8, and high school) • There are 6–8 items per content area per grade band • Allow students to experience interface features and functionality. • Do not include PTs or scoring guides. • Highly encouraged to have teachers and students access the Training Test Site before the FT. • Teachers are encouraged to conduct a group walk-through with students. • Two ways to access Training Tests: • Web • TA interface

  18. Practice Tests • Released in May 2013. • Available for grades 3–8 and grade 11 in ELA and mathematics. • Approximately 30 items per test, including one PT and scoring guide. • Archived Practice Test Webcast is available on http://californiatac.org.

  19. Accessing the Training Tests and Practice Tests • CDE Web site: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/index.asp OR • California Smarter Balanced Portal: http://sbac.portal.airast.org/ca/practice-test-ca/

  20. Screenshot of Practice Tests and Training Tests

  21. Field Test Registration

  22. Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) TIDE is a password-protected Web site that provides administrators with tools to manage users and students participating in the Smarter Balanced Field Test. • Repository for student information, including initial test settings and accommodations • Different levels of user access • Just for the Field Test, not remaining paper-pencil tests

  23. Field Test Student Registration Student demographic data Aeries 3 Designated supports and accommodations entered manually by SC as indicated by IEP Student registration

  24. Importance of CALPADS • CALPADS is the sole source for student demographic and program participation data for TIDE. Data for CALPADS comes from Aeries. • Student accommodations and supports will not be uploaded in CALPADS. • We cannot update student demographic or program participation data in TIDE; must be updated in CALPADS. • Processing time from CALPADS to TIDE is 48 hours.

  25. Importance of TIDE • Test Site Coordinator (SC) must set designated supports and accommodations for students in TIDE. • Demographic data or program participation cannot be updated directly in TIDE.

  26. Student Registration • The student’s grade level must be correct in TIDE before testing. (Only correctable in CALPADS.) • Eligible students must appear in TIDE. • If a student’s designated supports and accommodations information is incorrect, it must be updated in TIDE before he or she can test.

  27. Accessing TIDE • Users may access a link to the California Smarter Balanced Portal on the California TAC website at http://californiatac.org. Selecting the portal link will bring you to the page below. • To access TIDE, select the Field Test link. • A direct link to the California Smarter Balanced Portal may be found in the TIDE User Guide.

  28. Accessing TIDE • Select the Online TIDE System for California Users card. • When logging into TIDE for the first time, users will be prompted to change their password.

  29. TIDE: First-Time Users • When a user is added to TIDE, the user will receive an automated email from Smarter-CA-DoNotReply@airast.org that contains the following: • User role • Temporary password that must be changed upon initial login • If user has not received the e-mail with temporary password, he or she should contact CalTAC. • Note: The domain airast.org should be whitelisted to ensure users receive these e-mails.

  30. Accessing TIDE

  31. TIDE: Logging In • To log in, the user should enter his or her username and password. • If a user has access to multiple schools or districts, he or she may be prompted to choose an LEA, and/or a school.

  32. Field Test Administration

  33. Scheduling Testing Time: Things to Note • Tests and PTs will be presented in up to three separate tests. • For 95%, 3 tests total: 2 condensed tests (ELA and math) and 1 PT • For 5%, 2 tests total: 1 test (ELA OR Math) and 1 PT in same content area • ELA PTs have 2 parts; math PTs have 1 part • Reminder: Overall testing time will be the same, regardless of content assignment (approximately 3.5–4 hours).

  34. Scheduling Testing Time: Things to Note • Scheduling is a collaborative effort. • Each school is assigned a 6-week window. • Recommended: Test first, PT second. • Classroom activity should be completed within 3 days prior to starting the PT. • ELA PTs have 2 parts and can be completed over 2 days. • Math PTs have 1 part and can be completed in 1 day. • Recommended: PT should not be administered on the same day as test.

  35. Scheduling Considerations for Special Populations • Students taking CAPA will appear in TIDE but should not be tested. • English Learners in US schools for 12 months or less should not be given any ELA items. • SCs must ensure that TAs know which students are not to take the FT. • Schedule activities for students not taking exam (or that finish early).

  36. Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions • Displayed information (on bulletin boards, chalkboards, or dry-erase boards, etc.) that might be used by students to help answer questions must be removed or covered, including: • Rubrics, vocabulary charts, student work, posters, graphs, charts, etc. • Make appropriate seating arrangements prior to test administration. • Establish procedures to maintain a quiet testing environment throughout the test session. • Remember that some students will finish more quickly than others.

  37. Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions (cont.) • Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed to be used during testing (i.e., turned off and put away). • Place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door. • Post an “Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at Any Time During the Testing Session” sign so that it is clearly visible to all students. • May also be helpful to post signs in halls and entrances rerouting hallway traffic.

  38. General Rules During the Field Test • Students must answer all test items on a page before moving on to the next page. • Students may not return to a test segment once it has been completed and submitted. • Students must answer all test items before the test can be submitted. • Students may not return to a test once it has been completed and submitted. • There is a difference between “segment” and “session.” • Expiration and pause rules vary between PT and non-PT.

  39. Test Administrator Interface • TAs need to use the interface to administer a test session. • The Test Administrator User Guide will be available on the California Smarter Balanced portal under Field Test > Resources and Documentation. • This document will contain complete instructions on how to complete tasks in the Test Delivery System. • Reminder: The easiest way to reach the California Smarter Balanced Portal is by visiting http://californiatac.organd selecting the portal button.

  40. Accessing the Test Administrator Interface • On the California Smarter Balanced Portal, select [Field Tests] on the left-hand side of the page. • The TA Interface button will be available to select.

  41. Test Administrator Home Page • After you log in, you will see the home page of the TA Interface. Figure 1. Before Starting a Test Session Figure 2. After Starting a Test Session

  42. Starting a Test • Using the TA Interface (not TIDE), TAs must start a test session before students can log in to a test. • A test can be selected by selecting the checkbox next to the test’s name.

  43. Student Login • To log in to the FT, each student will need: • Confirmation Code: Student’s legal first name as spelled in CALPADS • State-SSID: State abbreviation (CA) followed by a hyphen and the student’s Statewide Student Identifier • Session ID Note:TAs must follow the “DFA SAY” script exactly each time a test is administered. Refer to the DFA section of the Test Administration Manual.

  44. Distributing Student Login Information • TAs need to provide students with the Test Session ID, SSID, and confirmation code (CALPADS student first name) for login. • District Office will provide stickers with Student’s First name, State SSID *secondary schools will provide district with teacher name for printing (English?) • TAs may write the Test Session ID on the board or where students can see it. • Make sure students know the Test Session ID must be entered exactly as it is written, without extra spaces or characters. • NOTE: Student personal information is secure and must be collected at the end of a test session and destroyed at the end of testing.

  45. Approving Students for Testing • TAs can either select [Approve] for each individual student (recommended) or select [Approve All Students]. • Reminder: If any student’s test settings are incorrect, do NOT approve that student. • To refresh the list of students awaiting approval at any time, select the [Refresh] button at the top of the pop-up window.

  46. Test Settings and Accommodations • Confirm or select settings. • Select [Set] to confirm the current test settings and return to the list of students awaiting approval. You will still have to approve the student for testing. • Select [Set & Approve] to establish the updated settings and approve the student for testing. • Select [Cancel] if you want to return to the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen.

  47. Monitoring Student Progress • The “Students in Your Test Session” table displays students who have logged in and been approved for testing.

  48. Pausing Tests • Through the TA Interface, TAs may: • Stop an entire session; or • Pause individual student tests. • Users should exit or log out of the Test Administrator Interface only after stopping the test session. • If there is a technical issue (i.e. power outage or network failure), students will be logged out and the test will automatically be paused. • Regardless of when or how users log out or navigate away from the Test Administrator Interface, student data will NOT be lost. • Note: If a test is paused for any reason or length of time, the student must log in again to resume testing. Highlighted text and item notes will not be preserved.

  49. Pause Rules During the Field Test: Non–Performance Task • During the field test, if testing is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student is: • Presented with the test page containing the test item he or she was last working on (if page contains at least 1 unanswered item) OR • Presented with the next test page (if all items on the previous test page were answered); • NOT permitted to review or change any test items on previous test pages.

  50. Pause Rules During the Field Test: Performance Task • There is no pause rule for the performance task. • Even if a test is paused for 20 minutes or more, the student can return to the current section and continue. • ELA PTs are divided into 2 parts. After a student completes Part 1, he or she cannot return to it.

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