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Explore Greece's debt crisis from 2011 to present and its impact on Europe's future, including biblical insights on global events and potential outcomes.
Greece Special Report The following slides are taken from previous Weekly World Watch slides. They start in 2011 and come right up to date. There are 11 slides in total but seeing them grouped together helps you see the developing story and the Biblical perspective on what is happening. THE FOURTH REICH Europe as it stands is NOT the final and last stage of the beast in Revelation 17. There is a one more stage to come. The Fourth Reich. It is 10 nations that sign up to total integration and give up their sovereign ability to rule themselves. It is a new empire. It is an empire that will literally fight against Christ and the saints when the kingdom has been established. But what causes the new empire to rise out of the bottomless pit? Answer: the collapse of the system as we know. The collapse could well be triggered by Greece exiting the Euro. From the chaos that unfolds Germany will pull together a core group of strong nations that forge a united alliance - a new empire based on the ancient Holy Roman Empire. In fact when you look at Revelation 17 in detail you can see it clearly - it's all there. TO LISTEN TO AN AUDIO TALK ON THIS PLEASE CLICK HERE.
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.Beast = Europe Kings = individual nations in Europe Greek crisis: EU leaders must act now or face disaster The Guardian, June 21 , 2011 The International Monetary Fund has warned European leaders that their hesitant response to Greece's debt crisis risks triggering the world's second global financial meltdown in three years. As EU finance ministers scrambled to build a second bailout of Greece in the space of a year, but delayed throwing Athens a €12bn lifeline until next month, the IMF delivered its bluntest public criticism to date of the way EU leaders have handled the crisis. "Policymakers are yet again facing uncomfortable dilemmas, raising uncertainty about the final outcome," the fund said in its annual assessment of the eurozone. "With deeply intertwined fiscal and financial problems, failure to undertake decisive action could rapidly spread the tensions to the core of the euro area and result in large global spillovers … a disorderly outcome cannot be excluded." The warning came as the Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, was trying to secure agreement from MPs for a package of measures to cut the country's huge debts that would mean deep wage cuts and sweeping privatisation. Tonight, he faces a crucial parliamentary vote of confidence that could yet derail the delivery of the rescue funds. EVENT The credit crunch a few years ago did a very significant thing. It transferred the problem from the banks to the governments. It was the governments who bailed out the banks that were broken. However the problem was still there. Too much debt. The UK (one of the strongest nations affected) still has to make enormous cutbacks to clawback the debt it is in. A nation like Greece however is totally bankrupt. The Bible speaks of a total financial collapse at the time of the end. This financial crisis may even bring some nations of Europe even closer together – they will never give up on the European vision COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12,13)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. The 10 nations that were covered or partially covered by the HRE and in the Euro are, Holland, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Slovenia, Belgium, Luxemburg Greece 'out of euro' if bail-out fails Daily Telegraph, January 3, 2012 The extent of the Holy Roman Empire around 1600, superimposed over today's state borders Greece will crash out of the eurozone unless it can agree the terms of a €130bn (£108bn) international bail-out agreement an Athens official has warned, signalling the start of another tense countdown for European leaders to avert a default. As European bond markets strained ahead of a vital round of debt auctions, Pantelis Kapsis, a government spokesman, said: "The bail-out agreement needs to be signed otherwise we will be out of the markets, out of the euro. The situation will be much worse." Greece is struggling to push through tough austerity measures needed to secure the second bail-out. International officials preparing to conduct a financial inspection in Athens that will decide the terms of the rescue package that was agreed in principle in October. Greece is also racing to clinch a deal with the private holders of its sovereign bonds. Both deals have to be secured if Greece is to avoid defaulting at a major bond redemption in March. EVENT An extremely interesting scenario is developing in relation to Europe. 27 nations use the Euro. Many of them are bankrupt. Germany proposed at the end of 2011 that there should be an exit strategy and a way for nations who are bankrupt to leave the Euro! Germany is also suggested that those nations that remain form a close political union – far greater than has been seen so far. A federal union. A united states of Europe. In Bible language this is the resurrected Roman beast of Revelation 17. When you look at the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) and superimpose the area it covered over modern nations it actually covers (or partially covers) TEN nations. Greece, Spain, Portugal are NOT in those nations! Nor is Hungary which was declared bankrupt this week. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-13)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. S&P rating Germany AAA, Holland AAA , Luxemburg AAA , France AA+, Austria AA+, Belgium AA, Czech Rep AA, Slovenia A+, Poland A, Italy BBB+ Only Italy as a poor rating out of the 10. Debt crisis: Eurozone back on the brink as France has credit rating downgraded Daily Telegraph, January 13, 2012 The eurozone crisis entered a dangerous new phase as France and eight other European countries had their credit ratings downgraded. Stock markets and the single currency fell sharply as Standard and Poor’s cut France’s AAA rating. Italy saw its long-term rating drop by two notches, along with Spain, Portugal and Cyprus. Austria, Malta, Slovakia, and Slovenia had their ratings lowered by one notch. The move triggered a backlash from European politicians and led to calls for Britain to be downgraded too. It represents a further loss of confidence in the single currency and the European Union’s ability to rescue indebted eurozone members. The Treasury believes that any collapse of the euro could seriously damage the British economy and banking system, pushing the UK back into a deep recession. The agency’s move also threatens to torpedo the main European bail-out fund set up to support struggling countries such as Greece and Portugal. EVENT We reported last week how this crisis may lead to an inner core of European nations move ahead into closer political union. It could well be the “stronger” nations that do this. There is also increased speculation this week that Greece may have to exit the Euro as talks to solve its debt crisis stalled again. So we have a likely situation of some nations leaving the Euro and some coming closer together. The 10 nations that the original Holy Roman Empire covered (completely or partially) are..Holland, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, France, Slovenia, Belgium, Luxemburg. Interestingly these are some of the strongest of the nations within the Euro. The weakest not covered by the HRE are Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-13)
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. Greece on brink of collapse Daily Telegraph, May 15, 2012 Europe’s financial crisis lurched into a perilous new phase as dire predictions emerged of a collapse in Greece’s economy, with a run on its banks bringing an inevitable end to its membership of the euro. As leaders in Athens accepted the need for a new general election to end a national stalemate, the International Monetary Fund said Europe’s leaders should prepare for the possibility of a Greek departure from the single currency. Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, warned she was “technically prepared for anything” and said the utmost effort must be made to ensure any Greek exit was orderly. The effect was likely to be “quite messy” with risks to growth, trade and financial markets. “It is something that would be extremely expensive and would pose great risks but it is part of options that we must technically consider,” she said. Raising tensions further, Germany warned Greek voters that the wrong result in next month’s election will force their country out of the single currency. EVENT Will Greece exit the Euro? Do the scriptures indicate what may happen? It may surprise some that the Bible speaks about Europe at all. But it does. In fact the final book of Revelation is almost entirely concerned about events in Europe. From the Roman Empire, to the Holy Roman Empire right up to modern Europe. The Bible describes the Holy Roman Empire coming out of a bottomless pit. It describes 10 kings who give their power and strength to this new Empire. This new empire makes war on Christ and the saints. Europe is trying to build an empire and it has created economic union. For it to be a true empire it needs to be a political union. We may see weak countries leave the Euro and possibly 10 nations continue into a closer political union. At this stage the Holy Roman Empire beast will ascend and make war on Christ…. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:9)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, Greek eurozone exit 'would spark a UK referendum’ The Times, May 25, 2012 Senior government sources claim David Cameron will be forced to hold a referendum on Britain's place within Europe if Greece leaves the single currency, it has been reported. A Greek departure, which is widely expected to take place on January 1, 2013, would require the remaining members of the EU to redraw the various treaties which govern the union. This in turn would spark calls from Tory MPs to hold a referendum to redetermine Britain's place within the EU and to decide whether to remain in the social chapter. The coalition have already pledged to hold a referendum should the EU treaty be changed resulting in further powers be passed from Parliament to Brussels. However many believe Brussels would be wary of the fact that major changes to the treaty would spark a UK referendum, something they would be keen to avoid. EVENT There is growing talk almost everyday about the eventual exit from the Euro by Greece. The latest crisis is coming because the austerity measures that Europe agreed with Greece are in jeopardy because the coalition government has collapsed. The anti austerity parties are leading in the polls. If they are elected in a few weeks time and then they withdraw from commitments made on the loans they have been given there will be no choice for Europe but to allow Greece to leave the Euro. If this happens there could be a meltdown of the Euro and its institutions. Britain we hear this week could well opt for a referendum on its position in Europe. This would occur if Europe tried to strengthen political ties with those nations who wanted to continue in the Euro. We could well see a new political block of nations that mirror the ancient Holy Roman Empire emerge with the nations of Britain, Greece, Spain and Portugal etc left outside COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-14)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, Euro break-up: Let Germany lead the northern core Daily Telegraph Comment by Economist Roger Bootle, July 5, 2012 Rgoer Bootle's break-up suggestion: A northern monetary union centred on Germany, and including Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and perhaps Finland and Belgium, with a French-led bloc of former eurozone nations. It is widely recognised that some form of euro break-up is on the cards. Yet what form? It may be that only one country leaves, with the rest continuing as now. But this prospect seems unlikely to me. Although Greece is an extreme case, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain are all shaky. Alternatively, there could be a complete break-up, with all current member states returning to national currencies. This also seems unlikely, not least because there is still a strong desire in key countries to preserve the single currency idea. The optimal reconfiguration would probably involve the retention of a northern monetary union centred on Germany, and including Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and perhaps Finland and Belgium. It would be perfectly plausible for these countries to form a full fiscal and political union. EVENT We have been writing in the WWW for some months (since January 2012) about the possibility of a northern core of European nations led by Germany forging ahead in a political union. We have said that these nations would leave the other weaker nations behind and create a new “empire” based on the original Holy Roman Empire. Remarkably this week the respected economist Roger Bootle has just won £250,000 and claimed the Wolfson Economics prize for suggesting exactly that! The Bible itself says that 10 nations will give up their power and strength (sovereignty) and give it to the “beast”. The beast was in fact in its previous form the Holy Roman Empire centred on Germany. The beast will indeed rise again as prophesied…. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-14)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. The wheels are coming off the whole of southern Europe Daily Telegraph, July 10, 2013 Europe’s debt-crisis strategy is near collapse. The long-awaited recovery has failed to take wing. Debt ratios across southern Europe are rising at an accelerating pace. Political consent for extreme austerity is breaking down in almost every EMU crisis state. And now the US Federal Reserve has inflicted a full-blown credit shock for good measure. None of Euroland’s key actors seems willing to admit that the current strategy is untenable. They hope to paper over the cracks until the German elections in September, as if that is going to make any difference. A leaked report from the European Commission confirms that Greece will miss its austerity targets yet again by a wide margin. It alleges that Greece lacks the willingness and capacity to collect taxes. In fact, Athens is missing targets because the economy is still in freefall and that is because of austerity overkill. The Greek stabilisation is a mirage. EVENT The whole of southern Europe is on a cliff edge – though you would perhaps never know it with stock markets booming! But it is. The healthier countries like Germany certainly will not want to be pulled over the edge of the cliff with the weaker countries. The trouble is they are all joined together in the Euro. So what might well happen when Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain etc finally tip over the edge will be that Germany and the northern European nations cut themselves free and allow the others to fall. This would be a desperate measure and one taken only of there was no other way out. But what this could lead to is a smaller group of say 10 nations coming together into a political and economic union. It would be almost identical in shape to the original Holy Roman Empire. This block of nations may well be the block described in Revelation 17. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:112-13)
“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb We want a United States of Europe says top EU official Daily Telegraph, January 8, 2014 A campaign for the European Union to become a "United States of Europe" will be the "best weapon against the Eurosceptics", one of Brussels' most senior officials has said. Viviane Reding, vice president of the European Commission and the longest serving Brussels commissioner, has called for "a true political union" to be put on the agenda for EU elections this spring. "We need to build a United States of Europe with the Commission as government and two chambers – the European Parliament and a "Senate" of Member States," she said. Mrs Reding's vision, which is shared by many in the European institutions, would transform the EU into superstate relegating national governments and parliaments to a minor political role equivalent to that played by local councils in Britain. Under her plan, the commission would have supremacy over governments and MEPs in the European Parliament would supersede the sovereignty of MPs in the House of Commons. EVENT There is a growing gulf between Britain and Europe. Mrs Reding's comments illustrate that Europe’s committed to "ever closer union”. Meanwhile Britain is pushing to reduce the EU's powers. One EU official said this week "We assume Britain's leaving the EU so we don't even bother thinking about British sensitivities at the moment.” There is also growing concern in Europe because anti EU feeling is growing in France, the Netherlands and Greece. Anti EU parties are leading the polls. This is why there is a new push towards creating a superstate which EU officials think will help stop anti EU sentiment! We know that an EU superstate is coming. It is described in Revelation 17 as a beast. Ten kings will give their power and strength to the beast. The beast goes back to Daniel 7 – the fourth beast which was Roman. Europe is the latter day beast…. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-14)
The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings • Greek stand-off pushes Europe to the brink Daily Telegraph, February 6, 2015 Greece saw its credit rating cut on Friday night, with Standard & Poor's warning the country's cash constraints could force it to leave the euro. S&P downgraded Greece to B- from B, one notch above default range, and kept the outlook on the nation at "negative", meaning further cuts to the rating are possible. The ratings agency said the amount of time Greece’s new government has to reach an agreement with its creditors over its €240bn bailout has shrunk, with its worst-case scenario seeing the country being forced to leave the euro after European funding dries up. S&P said the downgrade “reflects our view that the liquidity constraints weighing on Greece’s banks and its economy have narrowed the timeframe during which the new government can reach an agreement on a financing programme with its official creditors”. EVENT The new left-wing Greek government elected last week wants to reverse some of the reforms that Europe imposed when it received a huge bailout. Creditors who lent Athens €240bn to save it from bankruptcy obviously want the reforms to continue. The new Greek government wants some of this debt written off. A showdown is coming. How far will the Greek government push Europe? European leaders are telling Greece that they have the best deal already and they won’t renegotiate. If Greece does push Europe they may well be forced out of the Euro. There is no provision for a nation to leave the Euro. If it does happen we may well see other nations breakaway. This could then lead to a core group of inner nations forging ahead giving their power and strength to “the beast” i.e. the resurrected Holy Roman Empire COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-15 NIV)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: • Greece: Greenspan predicts exit from euro inevitable BBC, February 8, 2015 The former head of the US central bank, Alan Greenspan, has predicted that Greece will have to leave the eurozone. He told the BBC he could not see who would be willing to put up more loans to bolster Greece's struggling economy. Greece wants to re-negotiate its bailout, but Mr Greenspan said "I don't think it will be resolved without Greece leaving the eurozone”. Earlier, UK Chancellor George Osborne said a Greek exit would cause "deep ructions" for Britain. Mr Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006, said: "I believe Greece will eventually leave. I don't think it helps them or the rest of the eurozone - it is just a matter of time before everyone recognises that parting is the best strategy. "The problem is that there there is no way that I can conceive of the euro of continuing, unless and until all of the members of eurozone become politically integrated - even just fiscally integrated won't do it." EVENT he COMMENT Alan Greenspan is an American economist who served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the United States from 1987 to 2006. He is someone people listen to when he speaks about financial matters. And so this week when he said that the current crisis would not be resolved without Greece leaving the Euro – people take notice. What is even more interesting is that he went on to say that the Euro could only continue if “ALL MEMBERS OF THE EUROZONE BECOME POITICALLY INTEGRATED”. This is so true. You cannot run a currency forever with different nations having different political systems. Eventually you must have one political body that governs it all. The Bible says exactly this. 10 kings (or rulers) will one day give their power and strength (political power) to the beast (Europe) for a short period of time. This has not happened yet. It will happen. A superpower in Europe will emerge… BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-14)
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: • Grexit would be 'beginning of the end' for Europe Daily Telegraph, March 13, 2015 A disorderly Greek exit from the eurozone would mark "beginning of the end" for the currency union and spark a dangerous domino effect of market contagion across the continent, according to the EU's top finance commissioner. Seeking to soothe talk of an "accidental" Grexit, Pierre Moscovici said any move to eject Greece from the bloc "would be a catastrophe - for the Greek economy, but also for the eurozone as a whole.” "If one country leaves this (monetary) union, the markets will immediately ask which country is next, and that could be the beginning of the end," the former French finance minister told Der Spiegel magazine. Mr Moscovici's comments come after days of fractious exchanges between Greece and its international creditors. EVENT Europe is not quite at the stage pictured in Revelation 17- yet. Revelation 17 tells of a beast that comes out of the bottomless pit. So in other words the beast disappeared into a black hole but then reappears again. The beast was originally the Roman Empire. But it then morphed into the Holy Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire was an Empire encompassing Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands and parts of Northern Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and France. Notice no Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Britain etc. In fact if you remove Switzerland (who are not in the Euro) you have 10 nations. If Greece does exit the Euro we may well see a core group of 10 nations forge ahead - giving up their power and strength to a true political and religious union. This will be the point when the beast ascends out of the bottomless pit – this single block make war on Christ & saints. COMMENT BIBLE QUOTE (Revelation 17:12-14)
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