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Multidimensional Observation for the Elderly in Ambient Digital Environment

This study explores how older people interact with ICTs in a smart home environment, focusing on control, representations, and intentions. The research protocol involved voluntary retired individuals over 60 years old in a transdisciplinary team setting. The results show positive changes in opinions about technology, preferring voice and tactile inputs. Participants valued the speech voice of the smart house for its comforting and reassuring presence and preferred multimodal interaction modes. Concerns about equipment costs were expressed, but participants desired to maintain autonomy at home without anticipating loss. The study provides insights for the future development of ambient digital environments for the elderly.

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Multidimensional Observation for the Elderly in Ambient Digital Environment

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  1. Multidimensional observation methodologyfor the elderly in an ambient digital environment Adrien Van den Bossche Eric Campo, Jenny Duchier Elizabeth Bougeois,,Mathilde Blanc Machado Thierry Val, FrédéricVella, Nadine Vigouroux Université de Toulouse, UPS, Toulouse, France ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  2. Introduction • Longer life increases the number of people with loss of autonomy1 • The use of ICT’s2 –tactile and speech modalities3- can improve the well being of older people at home • Need to observe and question, in an ambient environment (MIB- smart home of Blagnac, France) • how older people take control of ICT ‘s? • what their representations and intentions about ICT’s are? 1Chappell, N.L., Cooke, H.A.: Age Related Disabilities - Aging and Quality of Life. In: JH Stone, M Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation. Available online: http://cirrie.buffalo.edu/encyclopedia/en/article/189/ (2010) 2Bierhoff, I., van Berlo, A. Abascal, J. et al. Chapter 3. Smart home environment. Towards an inclusive future: Impact and wider potential of information and communication technologies. In: Roe P.R.W. (ed.): pp.110-156, (2007) 3Schlögl, S., Chollet, G., Garschall, Tscheligi, M.M., Legouverneur, G. Exploring Voice User Interfaces for Seniors, 6th Conf. on Pervasive Technologies Related To Assistive Environments, Rhodes Greece, (2013) ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  3. The MIB, smart home of Blagnac, France Equipped to follow health and security of inhabitants and to enable remote and human communication ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  4. Observation platform ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  5. A transdisciplinary research protocol ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  6. Experiment protocol Recruitment of 33 retired voluntary persons by AG2R La Mondiale (pension insurance institution) > 60 years old No exclusion criteria 3 main steps: ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  7. A volunteer using the tablet in the kitchen Tactile system to control lights, stores and furniture Tactile control of motorized furniture ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  8. Interdisciplinary team 2 researchers in human and social sciences 2 researchers in human computer interaction 2 researchers in sensors and signal processing 2 researchers in network and protocols 1 researcher in home automation for elderly ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  9. Quantitative results (1/2) A great majority of participants change positively their opinions about ICT  need to demonstrate the potential benefit of these technologies The change of opinion about technologies ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  10. Quantitative results (2/2) • Preference interaction mode • Voice input Tactile ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  11. Qualitative results (1/2) • High importance of the speech voice of the smart house, perceived as: • An incarnation of the smart home • a reassuring presence “the voice tranquilizes me, it reassures me”; “I am most impressed, amazed by the voice” • a strong element of comfort “the voice of the house helped me, it's great” • Speech input • A natural way to interact with the smart house • Several modes of voice commands have been observed : keywords or continuous speech) • Commands are also contextualized “light on” and concerns the smart home objects “TV select the chain 2” ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  12. Qualitative results (2/2) • Importance of redundancy of several modes of interactions (tactile and vocal) • Offering the choice of interaction mode for interacting with the objects of the smart house ; “voice command offer free hand to do anything” • Possibility of giving multimodal commands ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  13. Conclusion and future work • Participants express a fear about the cost of the equipment • Participants wish to stay at home as long as possible but do not anticipate any loss of autonomy • Heterogeneity of representations and behaviours and no influence of the age (> 60) on the results • necessity to individualize and adapt smart cities to very different needs • Future works : • The experiment is carried on to sharpen the results and merge them with the social-cultural and health profiles of the participants. • Extension of the results about 150 participants ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  14. Thanks a lot For more information : Contact : vigourou@irit.fr, eric.campo@univ-tlse2.fr Project partially funded by AG2R La Mondiale and MSHS-T Toulouse, France ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

  15. Joker : Quantitative results Input and output voice systems are the most appreciated devices Which devices at home? ICCHP 2016 - Multidimensional observation methodology for the elderly in an ambient digital environment - Toulouse, FRANCE

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