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Futures Tools for Everyday Life and Work Integral Futures: knowing ourselves, our businesses and our contexts in richer ways Dr Stephanie Pride StratEDGY Strategic Foresight. In this session . . . Why use tools? What is Integral Theory? Unpacking the Four Quadrants
Futures Tools for Everyday Life and Work Integral Futures: knowing ourselves, our businesses and our contexts in richer ways Dr Stephanie Pride StratEDGY Strategic Foresight
In this session . . . • Why use tools? • What is Integral Theory? • Unpacking the Four Quadrants • Applying the Four Quadrants to • understanding contexts • self understanding for leadership • understanding your organisation • Discussion/questions
“We shape our tools, thereafter they shape us” John Culkin, after Marshall McLuhan
“the Integral Approach helps you to see both yourself and the world around you in more comprehensive and effective ways” Ken Wilber, ‘Introduction to Integral Theory and Practice’ 2005
“I” - Intentional (interior/individual) http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henri_Rousseau_-_Il_sogno.jpg
Interior/individual “I’ – Intentional: thoughts emotions memories states of mind
“It” - Behavioural(exterior individual) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:View_of_Viscera_Page_82.jpg#mediaviewer/File:View_of_Viscera_Page_82.jpg
Exterior/individual“It” - Behavioural • Individual organism • material body and brain (e.g. valves, blood vessels, neuro-transmitters) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Skull_and_brain_normal_human.svg
“We” - Cultural (interior/collective) http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henri_Rousseau_-_Il_sogno.jpg
Interior/collective“We” - Cultural collective interior experiences shared values, language, meaning, relationships culture traditions
“Its” - Social (exterior/collective) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki File:Bowen_House_Beehive_Parliament.JPG#mediaviewerFile:Bowen_House_Beehive_Parliament.JPG
Exterior/collective“Its” - Social social, political, economic systems & processes organisational systems exterior forms and behaviours of the group
Understanding Contexts: The Four Quadrants Applied to Health
Understanding Contexts:Four Quadrants Applied to the ‘eco-crisis’
References/further reading • ‘Introduction to Integral Theory and Practice: IOS BASIC AND THE AQAL MAP’ Ken WilberAQAL, Spring 2005, Vol. 1, No. 1 • ‘An integral theory of consciousness’ Ken Wilber, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4 (1), February 1997, pp. 71-92Imprint Academic http://imprint.co.uk/Wilber.htm