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Early On Data Webinar

Early On Data Webinar. May 2, 2013 Presented by Allan Knapp, PhD Michigan Part C Data Manager Early On Training and Technical Assistance. Starter News Item. A math teacher was arrested at the airport yesterday with a compass, protractor, and calculator – weapons of math instruction.

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Early On Data Webinar

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  1. Early On Data Webinar May 2, 2013 Presented by Allan Knapp, PhD Michigan Part C Data Manager Early On Training and Technical Assistance

  2. Starter News Item A math teacher was arrested at the airport yesterday with a compass, protractor, and calculator – weapons of math instruction. EOTTA Data Webinar

  3. Today’s Contents • Resource Reminders • New Formula Allocation calculations • Status of Fall Collection updates • Brief Look at MSDS Information on web • MSDS End Of Year Information • New MSDS fields coming in FALL 2013 • Question and Answer interspersed and at the end EOTTA Data Webinar

  4. Data Related Topics To Be Covered in Future Webinars • 1. OSEP Part C Regulations (SEA Notification) • 2. Public Reporting • 3. Using MSDS for Indicators 1, 7, and 8 • 4. Using MSDS for Assessment Data (Wayne State University grant) • 5. Fall 2013 MSDS Collection update • 6. Reporting Homeless Information • 7. Destruction of old electronic information EOTTA Data Webinar

  5. Data Group Listserv - reminder • The listserv uses Yahoo Groups; all you need to do is check “listserv only” • To join, you need to be invited; for an invitation, send an email to Allan Knapp allangknapp@gmail.com or call • (517) 485-8181 • If you received an email from the listserv on Tuesday, April 30, then you are effectively on the listserv EOTTA Data Webinar

  6. New Data Profiles • Go to www.earlyondata.com • The exit count has confused some. The Data Profile count includes MICIS June exits and MSDS Fall exits, for the 12 months from 10/4/11-10/3/12. The Profile count does not match either collection count. In the future it will be the sum of exits from the last two collections. • The Fall 2012 portraits will be finalized shortly. • The End Of Year 2013 portraits should be available in September. EOTTA Data Webinar

  7. FERPA rules for Data • It is a potential FERPA violation to send a child’s name or other identifying information in an open email. • You can say a child’s name in a phone call • You can encrypt (require a password to view) a Word or Excel file and attach the file to an email. • A free WinZip trial is available at http://www.winzip.com/downwz.htm EOTTA Data Webinar

  8. Formula Allocation Birth Counts - METHOD • We have always used MDCH birth counts by COUNTY. Previously, we added counts together for multi-county SERVICE AREAS (e.g. Char-Em) • The State Demographer compared federal CENSUS population counts for counties and Service Areas, at the street address level. He developed ratios to apply to current and future county counts in order to calculate service area counts. EOTTA Data Webinar

  9. Formula Allocation Birth Counts - RESULTS • The counts by Service Area are much more accurate because the boundary differences between County and Service Area lines are accounted for. • We will use the same RATIOS until the next census in 2020. The calculation of birth counts by Service Area will get a little fuzzier as the population shifts in coming years, but the changes should be small. EOTTA Data Webinar

  10. Formula Allocation for 2013-14 • The new allocation method, approved by the State Board on 2/12/13, will eliminate peer groups and use a natural logarithm calculation, which avoids big dollar jumps for some small count changes. • The final numbers won’t be known until US ED provides Michigan with it total federal allocation - in July. (Note: update received last week) • You can see the latest estimates(with sequestration impact) and discussion of new allocation at http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/2013-2014_Part_C_Tentative_Allocations_blast_memo_413968_7.pdf (Just Google Michigan Early On and choose the state website. This document is half way down the page.) EOTTA Data Webinar

  11. Fall 2012 Data Cleanup Issues and Results • Duplicate records for same child • Active records from June 2012 MICIS collection not present in Fall 2012 MSDS collection • Missing Exit Data • Enrollment Date after 10/3 • Unread Special Ed Component EOTTA Data Webinar

  12. Duplicate Records for Same Child • Once the MSDS collection is finished, CEPI goes through an internal File Update process. • CEPI then creates frozen data files, collectively called the GSR (Good Student Record). These are good records, not evaluated students. • A file of data for all the GSR children with an EarlyOncomponent is sent to Early On. • We were able to identify duplicate records based on UIC. Most duplicates were due to clear reasons – multiple assessments or eligibilities. But some are a mystery. We will work with CEPI to examine the End Of Year collection and reporting more closely. EOTTA Data Webinar

  13. June Records Missing In Fall Count • Our initial submission to OSEP for 2012-13 Child Count was much lower than previous years. We want to increase the count in time for the OSEP open window for corrections in May 2013. • By comparing the June 2012 MICIS Active count to the Fall 2012 MSDS file, we discovered 2060 “missing” records. • We asked Service Areas to review a spreadsheet of the June records in question and CONFIRM Active, Exited, or Not Reportable status • 28 Service Areas reviewed the data and we were able to add >1740 records to the Fall 2012 cumulative count • Confirmed records will be added to the Data Profile counts. • NOTE: If you confirmed any records in this process, please add the records to your SIS so they can be submitted in the EOY collection and included in the CEPI longitudinal data system. EOTTA Data Webinar

  14. Missing Exit Data • Two kinds of records need to have an Exit Date and Exit Reason • A child who turned three on or before count date • A child whose latest IFSP was more than a year old on count date. • There were about 220 of these records without exit data in the Fall Collection. Before and after the EOY collection, we will be contacting service areas for the missing data fields, which must be reported to OSEP in November. • New business rules will be in place for Fall 2013 to enforce appropriate Exit Data. • NOTE: Exit Dates should not be after the third birthday. Services provided after the third birthday are not to be paid from Early On funds. EOTTA Data Webinar

  15. Enrollment Date After Count Date • This was not supposed to be allowed. CEPI has changed the business rule programming to make sure such data is flagged as an error. • If you submitted any records with incorrect enrollment dates in the fall count, please change the enrollment date for the EOY collection. EOTTA Data Webinar

  16. Spec Ed Component Data 1 • Some Service Areas had an unexpectedly low (zero!) percentage of their children identified as eligible for Special Ed. • We think the problem has been identified • The counts will not be updated for the Fall 2012 collection • The counts for the EOY 2013 collection should be correct. • The following slides explain the submission expectations. EOTTA Data Webinar

  17. Sped Ed Component Data 2 • There are three different ways in MSDS to submit records for children who are eligible for both Early On and Special Ed. Each has its own interpretation. The key distinguishing phrase is this: “The district that submits the Special Ed Component will be considered to be the district that is providing Special Ed services.” EOTTA Data Webinar

  18. Sped Ed Component Data 3 • The Early On component is always submitted by the ISD • The Special Ed component can be submitted by the ISD, by a separate LEA, or by both. • If only the ISD submits the SE component, then the ISD is assumed to provide the services • If only a separate LEA submits the SE component, then that LEA is assumed to provide the services • If the SE component is submitted by both the ISD and a separate LEA, then it is assumed that both are providing SE services. EOTTA Data Webinar

  19. ISD provides all the SE services Only one record is submitted; the ISD submits both the SE and EO components. All SE (and EO) services are provided by the ISD. ISD (000) submitted record Early On Component Special Ed Component EOTTA Data Webinar

  20. LEA provides all the SE services Two records are submitted. The ISD submits the EO component. The LEA submits the SE component. All SE services are provided by the LEA. ISD (000) submitted record LEA (non-000) submitted record Special Ed Component Early On Component EOTTA Data Webinar

  21. SE services are provided by both the LEA and the ISD Two records are submitted. The ISD submits EO and SE components. The LEA submits the SE component. Services are provided by both entities. ISD (000) submitted record LEA (non-000) submitted record Special Ed Component Early On Component Special Ed Component EOTTA Data Webinar

  22. Finding MSDS Information • Go to www.michigan.gov/CEPI • Choose the CEPI Applications option on the left • Then choose the Michigan Student Data System option OR Go to • http://www.michigan.gov/cepi/0,4546,7-113-986_50502---,00.html EOTTA Data Webinar

  23. CEPI Web Site Help Contents - Top For submitters and reports Details by Component EOTTA Data Webinar

  24. CEPI Component Matrix Most Likely Components for Early On Collection “R” is Required for all records Choose PDF or Excel Format to view Component Details EOTTA Data Webinar

  25. CEPI Web Site Help Contents - Bottom EOTTA Data Webinar

  26. Suggestions for Learning MSDS • Take a half-hour (or more) and just explore the information web site. Take notes of • Questions • Points where you get stuck • Areas to explore later • Make use of the CEPI Help Desk. • The best contact method is to send an email to cepi@michigan.gov , providing details (without personal student information). • You can also call (517) 335-0505; they will likely take down information and call back later. EOTTA Data Webinar

  27. End Of Year MSDS Collection Facts • “End Of Year” means end of school year • Early On data, including Part C Assessment data, is collected in the General Collection, NOT in the Early Childhood Collection • The 2013 EOY submissions open 5/2 • The EOY “Count date” is June 30 • The 2013 EOY data must be certified by July 1! - Plan your IFSPs, entry work, reporting, and submissions accordingly. EOTTA Data Webinar

  28. New Rules Coming For Fall2013. Act like they are in effect now • An Early On child three or older must have an exit reason and exit date • Enrollment date cannot be after the count date (program malfunction in Fall count) • If there is a District Exit Date, there must be an Early On Exit Date and Reason • If a PartCAssessment component is submitted, an EarlyOn component must also be submitted EOTTA Data Webinar

  29. Specific EOY Submission and Review Tips • You may submit and resubmit your data as often as you like. When you resubmit the same data set, you likely will want to delete the old submission first. Each time, run your file through an XML validation tool to ensure it is a valid file. • If you have submitted your data by about June 15, you may receive an email notice about potential DQ (Data Quality) issues. Flags are raised when • Your snapshot count varies more than 10 and more than 10% from the Fall count • You have Snapshot children from the Fall count who will have turned three by June 30 – they need an exit date and exit reason EOTTA Data Webinar

  30. Potential Problem with IE 10 on a Windows 8 Machine • CEPI sent an email to its listserv in March saying “We’ve had several users run into issues where their system froze up during an upload process or while trying to run reports in MSDS using Internet Explorer version 10 on a windows 8 machine. While we’re still trying to investigate and figure out what the long term solution will be, it does seem that switching to an older version of IE, or a different browser, will let these processes run properly.  In addition, users of IE 10 can enter “compatibility mode” by pressing the F12 key, then selecting version 9 or earlier from the compatibility screen.  This should let you continue on with IE 10 if another browser isn’t an option for you. When we have a longer term solution, we’ll let everyone know.” EOTTA Data Webinar

  31. Fall 2013 MSDS Collection Facts • The MSDS should be open for submissions around September 25 • The Count Date is the first Wednesday in October – 10/02/2013 • Data must be submitted by Wednesday, November 6 • Data must be certified by Wednesday, November 13 (Dates based on last year’s deadlines) EOTTA Data Webinar

  32. Component and Characteristic changes Coming for Fall 2013 (1) • PartCTransition Component will be eliminated and its characteristics divided between two other components • TransitionIFSP and TransitionConference will be added to the EarlyOn Component • SEANotification and LEANotification will be added to the new PartBReferral Component – this new component is only for referrals from Early On to Part B. EOTTA Data Webinar

  33. Component and Characteristic changes Coming for Fall 2013 (2) • NEW: PartBReferral Component • PartBReferral only submittable by the ISD • If there is a PartBReferral component, there must be an EarlyOn component. • PartBReferral Component contains • SEANotification and LEANotification • Parent Information: last name, first name, address1, address2, city, zip, phone number • Parent address unknown (yes if no address data) • Parent phone unknown (yes if no phone data) EOTTA Data Webinar

  34. Component and Characteristic changes Coming for Fall 2013 (3) • New Characteristic in the InitialIFSP Component • InitialIFSPDate • New Characteristic in the InitialIEP Component • InitialIEPCompletionDate EOTTA Data Webinar

  35. Data Related Topics To Be Covered in Future Webinars • 1. OSEP Part C Regulations (SEA Notification) • 2. Public Reporting • 3. Using MSDS for Indicators 1, 7, and 8 • 4. Using MSDS for Assessment Data (Wayne State University grant) • 5. Fall 2013 MSDS Collection update • 6. Reporting Homeless Information? • 7. Destruction of old electronic information EOTTA Data Webinar

  36. Ending Question If someone’s twelfth half-birthday was 12/12/12, how old were they that day? Answer: eleven EOTTA Data Webinar

  37. Question and Answer… EOTTA Data Webinar

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