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. . . . What is Danisco doing? . Danisco's transformation. . . . .
1. Danisco: Leading supplier to the global food industry Rundt regnet hver anden is i verden indeholder ingredienser fra Danisco. Det kan blandt andet være mel fra johannesbrødkerner, pektin fra citrusfrugternes skal eller sukker fra nordeuropæiske sukkerroer.
Ingredienser i en ispind
sukker – giver sødme og konsistens
sødemidler – giver sødme og konsistens
aroma – giver smag, f.eks. vanille
emulgatorer – binder vand og olie i en jævn blanding. I en ispind med chokoladeovertræk bidrager emulgatorer til den cremede fornemmelse og sikrer et jævnt chokoladeovertræk.
stabilisatorer – binder vand og sikrer, at der dannes iskrystaller under frysningen. Stabilisatorer giver også isen bid og konsistens.
funktionelle systemer – er blandinger af emulgatorer og stabilisatorer. I moderne fødevareproduktion er det sjældent, at én ingrediens kan opfylde alle de funktioner, producenten ønsker at give en fødevare. Frem for at anvende tre ingredienser, kan producenten anvende ét funktionelt system, der allerede er blandet til formålet.
Ingredienser fra Danisco giver isen, og en hvilken som helst anden fødevare, den smag og konsistens, som forbrugeren efterspørger. Rundt regnet hver anden is i verden indeholder ingredienser fra Danisco. Det kan blandt andet være mel fra johannesbrødkerner, pektin fra citrusfrugternes skal eller sukker fra nordeuropæiske sukkerroer.
Ingredienser i en ispind
sukker – giver sødme og konsistens
sødemidler – giver sødme og konsistens
aroma – giver smag, f.eks. vanille
emulgatorer – binder vand og olie i en jævn blanding. I en ispind med chokoladeovertræk bidrager emulgatorer til den cremede fornemmelse og sikrer et jævnt chokoladeovertræk.
stabilisatorer – binder vand og sikrer, at der dannes iskrystaller under frysningen. Stabilisatorer giver også isen bid og konsistens.
funktionelle systemer – er blandinger af emulgatorer og stabilisatorer. I moderne fødevareproduktion er det sjældent, at én ingrediens kan opfylde alle de funktioner, producenten ønsker at give en fødevare. Frem for at anvende tre ingredienser, kan producenten anvende ét funktionelt system, der allerede er blandet til formålet.
Ingredienser fra Danisco giver isen, og en hvilken som helst anden fødevare, den smag og konsistens, som forbrugeren efterspørger.
3. Pricing flexibility
Gross margin above 50 pct. on order driven goods (SBN)
Gross margin 20-30 pct. on stock driven goods (SBN)Pricing flexibility
Gross margin above 50 pct. on order driven goods (SBN)
Gross margin 20-30 pct. on stock driven goods (SBN)
4. Danisco's transformation
5. This is the familiar Danisco business model.
As you know: in addition to supplying ingredients we facilitate value creation in
the development of new foods and assist in making the production of these possible. This is the familiar Danisco business model.
As you know: in addition to supplying ingredients we facilitate value creation in
the development of new foods and assist in making the production of these possible.
6. Danisco acquired and sold 50+ companies
8. 8 Innovation driven
9. Media for dialogue Competent, highly qualified staff are the backbone of our company. At present, we have more than 30 global knowledge teams that focus on products, applications and technologies.
To promote knowledge development throughout our organisation, we place considerable emphasis on global collaboration with universities, research institutes, equipment manufacturers and, last but not least, our customers. Competent, highly qualified staff are the backbone of our company. At present, we have more than 30 global knowledge teams that focus on products, applications and technologies.
To promote knowledge development throughout our organisation, we place considerable emphasis on global collaboration with universities, research institutes, equipment manufacturers and, last but not least, our customers.
11. Danisco Knowledge Teams
12. Virtual teams
13. Danisco Learn Virksomheder er vidt forskellige – forskellig parathed til e-learning
10 decentrale divisioner
Multikulturel tilgang til læring – svag fælles læringskultur
Begrænsede HR-resourcer – stærkt share holder value focus
Virksomheder er vidt forskellige – forskellig parathed til e-learning
10 decentrale divisioner
Multikulturel tilgang til læring – svag fælles læringskultur
Begrænsede HR-resourcer – stærkt share holder value focus
15. Danisco Intranet Portal The Portal will expand along four dimensions:
ContentAdditional content on the pages / Additional sub-menu pages in the PortalBusiness unitsMore business units will join DIPLocationsMore local sites will implement site intranets in the portalFunctionalityMore functionality - for instance through log-on such as My News, My Bulletins.
Global Innovation Intranet Site is our internal website for general facts, news, policies and guidelines as well as any other information of interest to all of us within Global Innovation.
Innovation Knowledge Base offers our application teams worldwide access to all research and application trials performed within our company.
Application Guide is a worldwide sales and innovation tool including industry, market and competitor information, all Danisco technical literature, demo kits and news as well as information about our organisation.
Partnerweb is our online customer centre from which we provide a broad range of business-to-business information valuable to our customers.
Danisco Internet Site is our website for general facts about Danisco and information of interest to the public.
The Portal will expand along four dimensions:
ContentAdditional content on the pages / Additional sub-menu pages in the PortalBusiness unitsMore business units will join DIPLocationsMore local sites will implement site intranets in the portalFunctionalityMore functionality - for instance through log-on such as My News, My Bulletins.