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Team 10 George Brussenskiy Christopher Chiarella Vishal Nagda

Team 10 George Brussenskiy Christopher Chiarella Vishal Nagda. Sponsored by Central Florida Inpatient Medicine. Motivation. Maximize time efficiency and productivity in a user’s daily routine Be an unobtrusive technology system Expand home automation to the bathroom.

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Team 10 George Brussenskiy Christopher Chiarella Vishal Nagda

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Team 10 George Brussenskiy Christopher Chiarella Vishal Nagda Sponsored by Central Florida Inpatient Medicine

  2. Motivation • Maximize time efficiency and productivity in a user’s daily routine • Be an unobtrusive technology system • Expand home automation to the bathroom *image via simplymirrors.com

  3. Goals and Objectives • Automatic sleep and wake system • Provide personalized and relevant data via Apps to the user • Provide an intuitive gesture-driven GUI • Temperature/Humidity protection system

  4. Specifications

  5. System Design Diagram Temperature Regulation System MCU Microphone Control PC Webcam Speakers Processing (Software) Leap Motion PCB (Hardware) Hardware Components

  6. System Design Diagram Temperature Regulation System MCU Microphone Control PC Webcam Speakers Leap Motion

  7. Control PC System • The main control software • Handles GUI • Interacts with: • Leap Motion Controller • Webcam • MCU • Speakers

  8. Control PC Hardware

  9. PC Components Temperature Regulation System MCU Microphone Control PC Webcam Speakers Leap Motion

  10. Leap Motion Component • Contains 2 IR cameras and 3 IR LEDs • Captures 200 FPS • Can recognize: • Two hands • 10 Fingers • Can interpret: • Swipes • Finger Taps • Circles

  11. Webcam Component • 1080p Recording • 15MP Camera • Required for Auto-Sleep and wake • Image data will be processed for motion detection *image via amazon.com

  12. MCU and PCB Temperature Regulation System MCU Microphone Control PC Webcam Speakers Leap Motion

  13. MCU Selection

  14. Custom Arduino Uno • Balance of speed and power management • More Focused board • Minimal learning curve for programming • Lots of documentation

  15. Temperature Regulation Subsystem • Prevent hardware damage from high temperatures and high humidity • Used for regulation by providing data to issue user warning and system shutdown • Includes: • Temperature Sensor • Humidity Sensor *image via newark.com

  16. Temperature Sensor Selection

  17. Humidity Sensor Selection

  18. PCB Schematic

  19. PCB Layout

  20. Housing Overview • Stained wooden frame • Two-Way Mirror • Compartments for: • Webcam • Mirror/TV • Speakers • Leap Motion Controller • Control PC is separate

  21. Housing Overview Front Side

  22. Software Design Diagram MCU Temperature Humidity Hardware Control PC Data Processing Voice Processing GUI Serial Data Leap Motion Motion Detection Apps

  23. Control Software IDE • Creating Windows 8 Store Application • Using Visual Studio 2013 • Windows API access • Programmable with C++ and XAML • XAML used for GUI *image via www.visualstudio.com

  24. Control Software State Diagram

  25. Control Software State Diagram

  26. Motion Detection State Diagram

  27. Motion Detection State Diagram

  28. GUI Normal Minimized

  29. GUI Expanded

  30. Supported GUI Gestures *images via leapmotion.com

  31. Applications Twitter Calendar To-Do List Weather Music News

  32. Application Class Diagram

  33. Administrative Content

  34. Work Distribution Chris (CpE) Vishal (EE) George (EE) Temperature and Humidity PCB Control Software System Integration Custom MCU GUI Design Mirror Housing Custom MCU Embedded Software Motion Detection Processing

  35. Budget Final Estimated Total: $1426.55

  36. Issues • Limitations of the Windows Store App C++ Environment • Voice Module vs Software solution • Determining PCB power source • Sizing housing for various components

  37. Questions

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