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Software work at the French Computing Center (CCF)

Software work at the French Computing Center (CCF). CCF : The French Computing Center Phenix @ CCF LLR @ Phenix @ CCF. Fréd é ric Fleuret LLR-Ecole Polytechnique. Phenix Collaboration Meeting. French Computing Center (IN2P3). The Institute IN2P3 computing center.

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Software work at the French Computing Center (CCF)

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  1. Software work at the French Computing Center (CCF) • CCF : The French Computing Center • Phenix @ CCF • LLR @ Phenix @ CCF Frédéric Fleuret LLR-Ecole Polytechnique Phenix Collaboration Meeting Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  2. French Computing Center (IN2P3) • The Institute • IN2P3 computing center IN2P3=Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particles = Institute of the CNRS (~26000 people, 12000 scientists)  American NSF ~ 3300 people, 1700 permanent scientists = 18 laboratories + 1 Computing Center (~45 people) The IN2P3 Computing Centre was created to meet the needs of these laboratories. This centre must be capable of making readily available a very large amount of data (several hundred terabytes) in a secure manner, distributed between disks and tapes managed by robots. Computing power must be rapidly extensible and data access must be as transparent as possible. Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  3. French Computing Center (IN2P3) • Power : Linux Machines status (12/01) • PCIII Linux 12 machines • 2 proc. / machine (500 MHz) • Memory : 256 MB • PCIII Linux 96 machines • 2 proc. / machine (750 MHz) • Memory : 1024 MB • PCIII Linux 93 machines • 2 proc. / machine (1000 MHz) • Memory : 1024 MB Today 10,000 SpecInt95 Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  4. French Computing Center (IN2P3) • File Storage : • HPSS : • 36000 Cartridges • 6 Cartridge Mounting silos • Capacity : 720 TB on line • File Transfer : • BBFTP is a software designed to quickly transfer files accross a wide area network. It has been written for the babar experiment in order to transfer big files (more than 2 GigaBytes) between SLAC (California) and the In2p3 Computing Center (Lyon,France). 36000 cartridges 400 cartridges 1.3 TB 1.3 TB 7 TB 50 GB Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  5. Phenix @ CCF • HPSS storage status @ CCF (July 02) • Phenix : low usage so far... • Group Space (GB) • TOTAL 162,239 • Agape 373 • Aleph 155 • Alice 1,547 • AMS 558 • Archeops 156 • Atlas 2,503 • Babar98,498 • Clas 1,116 • CMSF 2,472 • D0 8,119 • Delphi 0 • Eros 2,034 • Heral 477 • Indra 0 • LHCb 2,020 • Nusol 367 • Pauger 19,008 • Phenix 205 • Snovae 192 • Virgo 3,635 Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  6. Phenix @ CCF • HPSS Phenix Uses @ CCF : • Large storage capability (today, up to 50 TB for Phenix) • Low usage, so far... PHENIX @ CCF (200 GB) D0 @ CCF (8 TB) BaBar @ CCF (100 TB) Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  7. Phenix @ CCF • Network traffic @ CCF : • IN (US  CCF) : 1.2 – 2.0 MB/secs. • OUT (CCF  US) : ~1.5 MB/secs. BNL  CCF (~1.2 MB/sec.) CCF  FNAL (~1.5 MB/sec.) SLAC  CCF (~2 MB/sec.) Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  8. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF • The « guru » :Albert Romana • Code implementation • Run complete simulation/reconstruction chain, both interactively and on batch @ CCF. • Code development • Database for file storage @ CCF • Tutorials & script to run phenix code (run_phnx) • Start working on nanoDSTs for muons Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  9. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF • HPSS database @ CCF (Albert Romana) • Get information about files stored in HPSS • Updated automatically when storing files in HPSS • Accessible on the web • Ready to store files (in HPSS) @ CCF Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  10. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF Tutorial to run Muon Software @ CCF Tutorial to run Muon Software @ RCF • Tutorials (Raphaël Granier) • 1 tutorial on Muon Reconstruction Code. • 2 tutorials on Phenix Muon Software (based on Yajun Mao Tutorial). Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  11. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF • run_phnx (Albert) • Run any of the PHENIX programs : • genp (Pythia), genh (Hijing) • pisa, resp • reco, dst • Syntax : run_phnx genp 1000 • By default, uses the scripts, macros and files installed by Raphael in his tutorial. • Allows to execute programs either interactively or by batch. • Upgrade version : use java and create panels to run run_phnx. Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  12. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF • Data Simulation : Hijing (Geun-Beom Kim) • Adapted to CCF • Ready to produce Hijing events @ CCF c************************************************ cPISA INPUT INTERFACE TO HIJING 1.35 (F77 Syntax) c************************************************ $hijing_inp nruns = 1000, elgev = 200.0, ref = 'CMS', chproj = 'A', chtarg = 'A', n1 = 197, iz1 = 79, n2 = 197, iz2 = 79, bmin = 0.0, bmax = 0.0, iseed = 1, iseed_skip = 0, jet_trigger = 0, pthard = 0.0, nthetamin=90.0, nthetamax=90.0, sthetamin=143.0, sthetamax=171.0, ppmin=0.0, $end Yp+p- Au-Au@200GeV/A Mp+p- Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  13. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF • Data Simulation : Pythia (Frédéric) • adapted to CCF • Ready to produce Pythia events @ CCF !============= CONTROL DATA CARDS FOR PYTHIA INITIALIZATION ===========* ! 'MSEL=0' ! turn OFF global process selection 'MSTP(51)=5005' ! structure function for GRV LO94 'MSTP(52)=2' ! structure function for GRV LO94 'MSUB(86)=1' ! g+g -> J/psi+g turned ON 'MSUB(87)=1' ! g+g -> chi0_c+g turned ON 'MSUB(88)=1' ! g+g -> chi1_c+g turned ON 'MSUB(89)=1' ! g+g -> chi2_c+g turned ON 'MDME(721,1)=0' ! J/psi -> ee turned OFF 'MDME(722,1)=1' ! J/psi -> mumu turned ON 'MDME(723,1)=0' ! J/psi -> random turned OFF 'MRLU(1)=35476291' ! starting random number ! $pyth_par tnumevt = 100 sqrts = 200. $end ! !================ CONTROL DATA CARDS FOR GEOMETRICAL SELECTION =======* $nmlglo thmi_no = 9. thma_no = 37. no_on = .false. thmi_su = 143. thma_su = 171. su_on = .true. $end ! !================ CONTROL DATA FOR SIGNAL DESCRIPTION ================* $nmlsig isig1 = 443 iprod1 = 13 nprod1 = 1,1 isig2 = 443 iprod2 = -13 nprod2 = 1,1 mi = 0.,100. $end ! !================ CONTROL DATA CARDS FOR OUTPUTS SELECTION ===========* generated J/Y dimuons pp@200GeV reconstructed dimuons Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  14. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF • Data Reconstruction @ CCF : • PRDF  DSTs  mDSTs : proof of principle (Raphaël) • mDST  muon nanoDSTs (Geun-Beom & Frédéric) • copied 4600 mDSTs segments from RHIC disks • 1 one MuID road events (filtered by Atsushi Taketani) • Used bbftp  able to transfer directly to HPSS-CCF • Produce nanoDSTs • output merge nanoDST ~ 200 MB • ~ 370 000 events total (~35000 with  2 muons) Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  15. LLR @ Phenix @ CCF Red : Opposite Sign Blue : Like Sign (0.27 GeV) • Data Reconstruction @ CCF : • mDST  muon nanoDSTs (Geun-Beom & Frédéric) • Selection cuts : • 2  ntracks  4 events (90% of the entire stat) • -38 cm < event Zvertex < 38cm • track PT > 1 GeV. • Ready to reconstruct data @ CCF QM Poster (Hiroki Sato) Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  16. Software work at the French Computing Center (CCF) • Conclusion : we have done … • File transfer • Tutorials for using muon code @ CCF & RCF • Simulations • Reconstruction • First nanoDSTs pass for muons Frédéric Fleuret LLR-Ecole Polytechnique Phenix Collaboration Meeting Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

  17. Software work at the French Computing Center (CCF) • Prospects • Ready to help producing nDSTs, uDSTs, DSTs… • Ready to help producing Monte Carlo data for signal and background analysis. • More work on muon analysis. Frédéric Fleuret LLR-Ecole Polytechnique Phenix Collaboration Meeting Frédéric Fleuret - LLR

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