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MANAGEMENT OF PEOPLE. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF STAFF. LEARNING INTENTIONS: I understand the processes that HRM use to employ new staff for an organisation. SUCCESS CRITERIA:
LEARNING INTENTIONS: I understand the processes that HRM use to employ new staff for an organisation. SUCCESS CRITERIA: I can explain the process of RECRUITMENT and describe the purpose of a JOB DESCRIPTION, PERSON SPECIFICATION, VACANCY ADVERTISING and APPLICATION FORMS/CVs. I can explain the process of SELECTION and describe the purpose of SHORT LEETING, INTERVIEWING, TESTING and REFERENCES. LEARNING INTENTIONS/SUCCESS CRITERIA
RECRUITMENT The RECRUITMENT part of HRM’s work involves trying to ENCOURAGESUITABLE PEOPLE to APPLY FOR any VACANCIES (jobs that they need workers for) that the business has.
RECRUITMENT PROCESS The steps in the recruitment process are to: • Identify the job vacancy • Carry out a job analysis • Prepare a Job Description • Prepare a Person Specification • Advertise the job • Sent out application forms
HOW DO JOB VACANCIES ARISE? Can you think of reasons for a job vacancy arising? Some are: • An employee has left, retired or been promoted • The business is expanding • A busy time for the business is approaching eg Christmas • A current member of staff is going to be absent eg due to a long-term illness
JOB ANALYSIS Job analysis involves finding out everything about what a job involves by identifying the following: • Tasks to be completed in the job • Responsibilities of the job • Technology that is used in the job • Knowledge needed to carry out the job • Skills needed to carry out the job • Level of initiative needed from staff
JOB DESCRIPTION This document is prepared using the information gathered during the job analysis. As the document name suggests, the information in this document is all about THE JOB, forexample: • JOB TITLE and DEPARTMENT • POSITION IN BUSINESS • PURPOSE OF THE JOB • DUTIES OF THE JOB (ie work to be done) • WORKING CONDITIONS (ie hours, holidays, etc) • TARGETS TO BE MET The Job Description is usually sent out to candidates applying for the job vacancy so that they can judge if they are suited to the job.
PERSON SPECIFICATION This document is also prepared using information from the job analysis. As the name suggests, this document is all about the MOST SUITABLE PERSON for the job in terms of: • SKILLS eg communication skills, IT skills, leadership skills • QUALIFICATIONS eg Nat 4/5’s, Highers, HND, Degree • PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE eg 2 years experience in a similar role • PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS eg able to work on own initiative, customer service focus, attention to detail These will be classified as ESSENTIAL or DESIRABLE and will be used as an internal checklist to determine which applicants are most suited to a job.
ADVERTISE THE JOB Candidates cannot apply for a job unless they know it exists and this is where advertising comes in. The information for the advert will be taken from the Job Description and Person Specification. A job vacancy can be advertised: • INTERNALLY eg by email or a poster on a staff noticeboard (this results in existing staff being promoted which will create another vacancy) • EXTERNALLY eg in a local or national newspaper, on the business website, via a social networking site, via a recruitment agency or at a Job Centre (this results in a new member of staff being found)
RECEIVE APPLICATIONS Applications can be received in 2 ways: • By a candidate completing an APPLICATION FORM (either on paper or on-line) • By a candidate sending a copy of their CV(Curriculum Vitae) Businesses may prefer the Application Form as all candidates answer the same questions in the same order, which makes it easier for them to compare each candidate’s application.
INFORMATION ON APPLICATION FORM/CV Information collected by either method should contain details of each applicant’s: • Personal details eg name and contact details • Qualifications and skills • Previous work experience • Reasons why they want the job/feel suited to the job • Specific questions relating to the job • A personal statement • Referee’s contact details
TASK Complete Worksheet 38 in your jotters.
SELECTION The SELECTION part of HRM’s work involves trying to decide who is the best person (from those who have been recruited) to fill a VACANCY.
SELECTION PROCESS • Identify the best candidates from those that have applied • Draw up a short leet • Interview the candidates on the short leet • Carry out testing of the candidates • Check the candidates references • Select the best person for the job
IDENTIFYING THE BEST CANDIDATES The APPLICATIONS for the job vacancy have to be ANALYSED by checking whether or not they match the requirements detailed in the PERSON SPECIFICATION. Those who MATCH most CLOSELY will be CONSIDERED for INTERVIEW. Those who DO NOT MATCH the requirements will be sent a LETTER informing them that they have been UNSUCCESSFUL in their application.
DRAWING UP A SHORT LEET A short leet, or short list, is the list of applicants who have MET the REQUIREMENTS of the PERSON SPECIFICATION MOST CLOSELY. They are the people who will be sent a LETTER inviting them FOR INTERVIEW.
INTERVIEWING CANDIDATES An interview is a TWO WAY discussion between an organisation and a job applicant. Interviews may be conducted in a series of rounds and can be ONE-TO- ONE (one interviewer) or PANEL based (several interviewers). The purpose of the interview is for the business and the job applicant to FIND OUT MORE INFORMATION about each other by discussing specific questions. The interview should ASSESS in more detail if an APPLICANT is really SUITED TO THE POST (in terms of experience and personality).
ADVANTAGES OF THE INTERVIEW PROCESS The advantages of an interview are: • Can check the validity of the applicant’s Application Form/CV details • Can see the personality and appearance of the applicant • Allows the applicant to ask questions too
DISADVANTAES OF THE INTERVIEW PROCESS The disadvantages of an interview are: • They are very time consuming to carry out • Some people do not perform well in interviews, but might be still the most suited to the job • They are subject to interviewer bias
TASK In pairs, create a list of questions that you think could be asked at the interview for the 2 job vacancies we looked at in Worksheet 38. Make a note of the answers you will be looking for. GROUP 1 – questions for Apple Retail Genius GROUP 2 – questions for Boots Trainee Dispensing Assistant
TESTING APPLICANTS Testing may be carried out to back up or get more information about a job applicant. Examples of tests that may be carried out are: • PRACTICAL TESTING(to assess a skill, eg driving ability) • PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING(to assess personality, eg leadership ability) • MEDICAL TESTING(to assess the health and fitness of an applicant) • ROLE PLAY SITUATIONS (to assess how an applicant may react in difficult situations) • PRESENTATIONS– to assess ideas a person may have for the job role or to assess their presentation skills
CHECKING REFERENCES These take the form of a REPORT(VERBAL OR WRITTEN) from a PREVIOUS EMPLOYER OR SCHOOL/COLLEGE about the RELIABILITY OF AN APPLICANT. They should include questions about the applicants’ ability to carry out the job, comments on SKILLS, PERSONAL QUALITIES and their ATTENDANCE record. They can be taken out before or after the interview and testing stages of the selection process.
SELECTING THE BEST APPLICANT The final stage of the selection process is to CONSIDER ALL THE EVIDENCE gained from APPLICATIONS, INTERVIEWING,TESTING and taking out REFERENCES to select the BEST CANDIDATE for the job. A LETTER will be sent to this candidate OFFERING them the JOB. After the successful candidate has accepted the offer of the job, LETTERS will be sent to all OTHER APPLICANTS on the short leet, informing them that their APPLICATIONS have been UNSUCCESSFUL.
TASK GROUP 1 – using the questions you made up in the previous task and the Person Specification details, act as a panel about to interview applicants for the post of Apple Retail Genius. Applicants are the people in Group 2. Select the best applicant for the job. GROUP 2 – using the questions you made up in the previous task and the Person Specification details,act as a panel about to interview for the post of Boots Trainee Dispensing Assistant. Applicants are the people in Group 1. Select the best applicant for the job.
WORKSHEET Complete Worksheet 39 in your jotters.