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Are you looking to reduce shopping cart abandonment of your eCommerce website? Shopping cart abandonment is one of the most common problems faced by almost every eCommerce website. Sometimes your eCommerce website design drives away shoppers, Whereas most of the time checkout page issues give rise to shopping cart abandonment. Other than eCommerce website design and checkout page issues there are other problems that abstain customers. Read more on https://bit.ly/3hwssqe
Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment Using Different Techniques In2020 Are you looking to reduce shopping cart abandonment of your eCommerce website? Shopping cart abandonment is one of the most common problems faced by almosteveryeCommercewebsite.SometimesyoureCommercewebsite
designdrives away shoppers, Whereas most of the time checkout page issues give rise to shopping cartabandonment. Other than eCommerce website design and checkout page issues there are other problems that abstain customers from performing the desired action. So the question is how to reduce shopping cart abandonment issues? Don’t worry our marketing and eCommerce website design experts have got you covered, Below we have listed all the problems and solutions for reducing cart abandonment. But before that look at the below statistics to know what encourages cartabandonment? In this article, we will help you to identify the reasons behind shopping cart abandonment and how you can resolve those issues to reduce cart abandonment. If you are looking to improve your eCommerce sales and conversions then checkourblogonCheckoutPageOptimization:DifferentWayTo Improve Checkout Page Conversion In2020 What is CartAbandonment? Cart Abandonment refers to the term used in eCommerce when a customer adds the item into the cart and leaves the page without completing the action. Even if your customer moves the cart item into the checkout page and leaves the website without making the final purchase then it is considered as Shopping cartabandonment. Cart abandonment differs depending on the different industry as shown in the above bar chart. If you wish to calculate the shopping cart abandonment rate then you can do it by dividing the total numberof
completed purchases by the number of carts created subtract by 1 X 100 to get the cart abandonmentrate. Why do customers abandoncarts? Whether you are aware or not but today more than 70% of the shoppers abandon the cart after facing various problems during the checkout process. Yes, its true earlier customers used to compromise, but with the increase in the number of eCommerce websites, it has become essential for every website to minimize every smallmistake. Lack of transparency into checkout process elements like hidden shipping cost, no detail about the return policy, and more are the reason behind shopping cart abandonment. But it’s not limited to that, there are other reasons that give rise to shopping cartabandonment. So, Before jumping onto how to reduce shopping cart abandonment first we need to identify why customers abandon carts? Once you are aware of the problem then it will become easy for you to find the proper and effective solution. Confusing Checkout process: You the customer are landing on your eCommerce website to get satisfactory and easy navigating to final purchase. Creating a long and baffling eCommerce checkout process frustrates customers and becomes the major reason behind the shopping cart abandonment. A multi-step checkout process can benefit you but it frustrates customers and slows dons their buyingprocess. High shipping cost: Shipping costs are not visible at the beginning of the page, customers come across those shipping costs only after entering into the checkout page. If your customer comes across high or unexpected shippingcoststhattheydidn’tanticipatethenitwilldirectlyaffectthefinal
purchase. Offering high shipping costs automatically drives the customer away from the checkout page that becomes the reason for shopping cart abandonment. Security Issues: There is no doubt that today every user wants their account and payment details to be secured. With the increase in online frauds, users are becoming more cautious about security. If your site visitor fails to find a secured environment or HTTPs secured website then without any hesitation they will abandon thecart. Forcing visitors for Account Creation: Visitor’s details help eCommerce websites in different ways like contacting them, retargeting and more. But forcing them to create an account before purchasing any provides leads to cart abandonment issues. A first-time shopper may not show interest in creating an account. If your e-commerce website is making it mandatory for users to create an account then you are already losing lots ofcustomers. Unclear Refund And Return Policy: Whether you are aware or not but today many online shoppers have started to face difficulties like getting the damaged product, color change, receiving the different products, and more. A clear refund policy encourages shoppers to buy the product. Whereas an ambiguous return policy gives rise to car abandonment. Every shopper expects a clear refund and returns policy so that if they receive a wrong or damaged product they can easily return and receive a newone. Ambiguous Delivery date and time: Online Shoppers prefer accuracy if your checkout page is displaying unclear delivery time and date like within 10 days delivery, get it between 5-10, and more then your shopper will abandon the cart without even getting next thought. There are many websites that are offering accurate delivery time like get it on Wednesday 10 June andmore.
Quantity Restriction: Most of the time shoppers don’t add product quantity just to check whether they can buy them or not. But there are times when your product can be liked by multiple people and the shopper might be ordering for every one of them. Putting restrictions on product quantity can frustrate the customer and they may abandon the cart without even making a singlepurchase. Less payment option: Every shopper has a different payment method some may prefer to make payment through PayPal, Skrill, Apple pay, and more. Whereas most of them like to make payments through Credit Card, debit card, or gift cards. Offering fewer payment options to shoppers gives rise to shopping cartabandonment. Slow website and app: It falls under SEO but a slow loading website and checkout page give rise to shopping cart abandonment. Very few customers show interest in making a successful purchase after getting a slow website experience. Mainly if your checkout page is slow and flooded with bugs then your shopper may face difficulties in filling the shipping as well as personal details. These types of problems drive away shoppers and give rise to cartabandonment. Checkout page without the “Apply Coupon/Promo code” option: There shouldn’t be any discussion on the importance of coupons. It is one of the most effective ways to drive conversion. If your eCommerce website is failing to offer coupons and promo code then your shopper will not hesitate to abandon the cart. Because there are a lot of competitors out there that are offering various coupon codes to attractshoppers. Next after identifying shopping cart abandonment issues let’s dive in and check how you can reduce cart abandonment. Read moreon https://www.sfwpexperts.com/reduce-shopping-cart-abandonment-using-dif ferent-techniques-in-2020/
ContactDetails: 213-277-9177 la@sfwpexperts.com Web design LosAngeles Other BlogsLink: 14 Best Ways To Increase eCommerce Conversion Rate2020 Top 10 Ecommerce Web Design Trends 2020 For Your OnlineStore