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Murata .Lab 2012 Last Group M eeting. Correlation signal OASys to Zero field. Rikkyo University Murata.lab / RIKEN Master course 2nd Kentaro Watanbe. motivation : What is OASys signal ??. ④. ⑤. ③. half octant . half octant . ⑥. ②.
Murata .Lab 2012 Last Group Meeting Correlation signalOASys to Zero field Rikkyo UniversityMurata.lab/ RIKEN Master course 2nd KentaroWatanbe
motivation : What is OASys signal ?? ④ ⑤ ③ half octant half octant ⑥ ② I investigatethe correlation half octant movement to the most inner OASys camera on each half octant. ① ⑦
South Arm track map March Zero field Run9 South Arm Conditions ・octant 7 half octant 1 is dead area. track efficiency movment octant 7 half 1 South Arm track map May Zero field octant 7 half 1
Normalized Sagitta distribution March Zerof & May Zerof Black: March data , Red May data Southarm sagitta distribution is normalized -2cm to 2cm
South Arm : the movement of Zero field mean & OASys dead octant Octant 4-2 dead octant Octant 7-1 ↑ it seems to be healthy tracks South Arm に関してはdeadoctant (oct 7-1) を除くと、その変位は80日間でOASys、Zero field共に±200μmである。 この中に相関があるかどうかを評価したい。
South Arm : the movement of Zero field mean & OASys ④ Almost half octant ID is 1 ⑤ ③ half octant half octant Almost half octant ID is 2 ⑥ ② しかし、大事な点はOASysとZero fieldの間に相関があるかどうか? ① ⑦
North Arm : the movement of Zero field mean & OASys こりゃ非道!!! Zero field 合ってる?? これが本当だと大変な事だ もっかい解析して
North Arm : the movement of Zero field mean & OASys March st1 march : oct 2-2 dead st1 march : recovered May st3 march : oct 5-1 dead
統計量の変動 the efficiency par half octant is different in the term ??
Normalized Sagitta distribution March Zerof & May Zerof Black: March data , Red May data North arm sagitta distribution is normalized -2cm to 2cm
800μmとかズレちゃう連中。0 拡大して見て更にわかる様に中心値はズレています。fittigによるズレでわなく。生データの段階でズレてます。よって、このmeanのズレはBGの揺らぎから来ているのか?tarckのイベントセレクションを行う事で、変化するのであろうか??んー疑わしいが、イベントセレクションしてみます。