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A Summary of W-7X Pulse Schedule Editor Proposals. J.G.Krom 2009-07-29. Reading List. Editor - ScenarioSpec 1-HXA0-T0048 HiLevelParameterMotivation 1-HXG1-T0007 Scenario Editor Talk 1-HXA0-T0045 EditorUseCases_2006 1-HXA0-T0050 ExperimentVorbereitungGesamt 1-HXA0-T0047
A Summary of W-7X Pulse Schedule Editor Proposals J.G.Krom 2009-07-29
Reading List • Editor - ScenarioSpec 1-HXA0-T0048 • HiLevelParameterMotivation 1-HXG1-T0007 • Scenario Editor Talk 1-HXA0-T0045 • EditorUseCases_2006 1-HXA0-T0050 • ExperimentVorbereitungGesamt 1-HXA0-T0047 • ExperimentProgramm_Temporal 1-HXA0-T0046 • ExperimentProgramm_Temporal 1-HXA0-T0052 • Architektur Editorentwicklung 1-HXA0-T0049 • Editor Spezifikation 1-HXA0-T0051 • Editor_Spezifikation_short03.doc 1-HXG1-T0000 • Konzept zur Organisation der Experimentbetriebsphasen im Projekt W7-X1-DBB21EA101-T0008.0 • Konzept zur Planung von segmentgesteuerten Experimenten imSteuerungsprojket W7-X 1-DBB21EA101-T0007 • Workflows for experiment planning and experiment processing at W7-X 1-DBB21EA101-Y0004.0 • Konzept der Organisation der Experimentbetriebsphasen 1-DBB21EA101-Y0003.n • Konzept zur Planung von Experimenten im Projekt W7-X 1-DBB21EA101-Y0005 130 pages text, similar number of slides. Please summarize in 2 × 3 slides
Main proposals for the design of a W-7X Pulse Schedule Editor • Formal-design orientated approach “ScenarioEditing” • Implementation orientated description “SegProgBox” Not discussed: • High Level Parameters • Administrative handling of experiment proposals
Scenario processing & experiment programs F Experiment scenario 2 Scenario presentations: 1-HXA0-T0048; 11.03.09 - CoDaC: Editor_ScenarioSpec_2009Mar_1.ppt 1-HXG1-T0007; 22.11.07 – XDV/W7XC: HiLevel_Parameter_Motivation.ppt 1-HXA0-T0045; 12.03.07 – W7X-Sem: Editor_ScenarioSpec_2007Feb_2.ppt 1-HXA0-T0050; 23.11.06 – XDV: EditorUseCases_2006.ppt 1 F Dependencies Ranking of resolution Restriction of F-parameter ranges F segmentation Entry F Component scenario Experiment program: 1-HXA0-T0047; 24.10.2006 - Experiment_Vorbereitung_Gesamt.doc 1-HXA0-T0046; 21.06.06 - CoDaC: ExperimentProgramm_Temporal_2006Jun.ppt Restriction of T-parameter ranges Time domain restrictions T segmentation T Dependencies 4 3 Editor development: 1-HXA0-T0049; 14.04.09 - CoDaC: Architektur_Editorentwicklung.ppt 1-HXA0-T0051; 16.10.2003 – XDV: EditorUseCase_Seg3.ppt 1-HXG1-T0000; 24.06.2003 – XDV/W7XC: Editor_Spezifikation_short03.doc T component segment sequence 13-Sep-14 G. Kühner G. Kühner 4
SZENARIO :: name → { ( name,attriba,t1,t2)k, ...} attriba :: Amplitude, if, {pi} if :: f(t, {pi}) - stetig! t1,t2:: Zeitintervall für attribaggf. mit synchbed. k :: beliebige Detaillierung! Definition: Szenario – new – B(r) ECRH NBI ICRH n_e*l ECE Thoms ... 2.5; 0.98 2003 2006,2009 B0 x x x ECRH: 140GHz synch-Bed. NBI H0 D0 <ne> GGas Regler: Gas ~ D <ne> ne < n1 0 0.5 1.0 s 1.5 2.0 Prädikat Interf_1 t 13-Sep-14 G. Kühner G. Kühner 5
Parameter-Abstraktionsschichten abstrakte Welt (Application Domain) 1 a F-Abhängigkeiten b 3 T- Einschränkungen 2 4 Komponenten- HL-Parameter a b konkrete Welt CoDaClient CoDaClient CoDaClient FcsStation Modul-Parameter 13-Sep-14 G. Kühner G. Kühner 6
Component Parameter Dependencies Dependencies: 1: |B| = 2pmc/e * f 2: fndl < 2pema(f/e)2 3: PEC > Prad . 1 2 Component HLP: B-field: BX [-3, +3]T a X [0.1, 0.4]m ECRH: f = 140GHz P X [0, 1]MW Gas: neX [0, 1021]m-3 Radiation: P X [0, 100]kW F-restricted component HLP: B-field: B X {- 2pmc/e * f, + 2pmc/e * f} a X [0.1, 0.4] ECRH: f = 140GHz P X [Pradmax, 1] Gas: neX [0, pem(f/e)2] Radiation: P X [0, 100] 13-Sep-14 G. Kühner G. Kühner 7
Technical Parameter Dependencies Transformation: itor: B Itor Itor: [-1MA, 0] U [0, 1MA] = Itor-U Itor+ ∂Itor/∂t < 20 A/s; granularity; B+ = dom ( itor Itor+) B- = dom ( itor Itor-) F-Restricted component HLP: B-field: B X {- 2pmc/e * f, + 2pmc/e * f} ECRH: f = 140 P X [Pradmax, 1] Gas: neX [0, pem(f/e)2] Radiation: P X [0, 100] 3 T-restricted Component HLP: 4 B-field: B+X {+ 2pmc/e * f} ECRH: f = 140 P X [Pradmax, 1] Gas: neX [0, 1021] Rad: P X [0, 100] B-field: B-X {- 2pmc/e * f} ECRH: f = 140 P X [Pradmax, 1] Gas: neX [0, 1021] Rad: P X [0, 100] U 13-Sep-14 G. Kühner G. Kühner 8
Segmentierung B0 ECRH: 140GHz synch-Bed. NBI H0 D0 <ne> GGas Regler: Gas ~ D <ne> ne < n1 Interf_1 Prädikat t 13-Sep-14 13-Sep-14 G. Kühner G. Kühner 9
Design orientated approach + Formal (Mathematical & UML) approach + Potentially automatic processing. + Clear separation of concern between “physics” and “technics”. + Sharp definition of concepts.
Main proposals for the design of a W-7X Pulse Schedule Editor 2. Implementation orientated description
Beispiel: Standardentladung an WEGA • Zeitverlauf ausgewählter Parameter für den Ablauf des Beispielexperiment WEGA Std#1, • Definition des Experimentablaufs, 12 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008
Beispiel: Standardentladung an WEGA Editieren der High Level Parameter der SegProgBox für das Magnetfeld 13 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008
Aufbau SegProgBox Aufbau einer Segment Program Box(SegProgBox): Segment Trace (= Zeitspur einer Komponente) Segmente (HLPGroups) Bedingungen/Abhängigkeiten 14 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008
Aufbau SegProgBox SegProgBox parameters: Conditions 15 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008
Beispiel: Standardentladung an WEGA Automatisches Erzeugen der Segmente für die zentrale Segmentablaufsteuerung, Projektsegmente können dann gebildet werden und das Programm kann als Szenario abgespeichert werden 16 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008 Jörg Schacht: WEGA WEEK, 4. Dez. 2008
Implementation orientated description + Descriptive / Textual / Graphical spec. + Wide scope + from committees in the early phases + to actual executable program in the end + Pragmatic approach.
Differences (1) • Several non-essential differences. • Inconsistent Names No (or very few) essential differences!
Differences (2) Calculation of executable program: • Shortly before use, “on the fly”.Based on by the experimentalistrequired scenario. • Long before use. The experimentalist builds a scenariofrom pre-validated “Lego bricks”.