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Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 10 to 11 September  Cebu City, Philippines. LOCALIZATION & DIGITIZATION:. An Approach to Appreciating Shakespeare’s Plays. WARREN AMBAT. 10 September 2008.

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  1. Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning 10 to 11 September  Cebu City, Philippines LOCALIZATION & DIGITIZATION: An Approach to Appreciating Shakespeare’s Plays WARREN AMBAT 10 September 2008

  2. Localization & Digitization:An Approach to Appreciating Shakespeare’s Plays Imagine Romeo calling out to Juliet in the famous balcony scene of William Shakespeare’s classic story of star-crossed lovers: Romeo & Juliet… Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  3. Digitization Localization & An Approach to Appreciating Shakespeare’s Plays - the use of settings, characters, events, issues, etc. that are unique to a particular area, community or school. Localization ensures the authenticity of learning because students are able to connect the new material with prior knowledge (Mims, 2003). – the use of technology. Digitization provides new opportunities to bring the real world and real life skills into formal education. Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  4. Objectives Appreciate and understand the language of William Shakespeare by paraphrasing; Use the internet to find help in understanding archaic words and key lines used in one of Shakespeare’s plays; Practice creativity and resourcefulness in localizing a play of William Shakespeare; Act out and film the revised script of the play; Show understanding of local customs and traditions by accurately infusing them in the play; Show thorough understanding and appreciation by writing a composition containing one’s realizations and analysis of the play. Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  5. Implementation • Phase 1 • Modernize a Shakespearean play’s language making use of the Internet to find help in understanding the original script. • Localize the setting to reflect either the modern local community or ancient community customs and traditions. • Phase 2 • Film and edit. • Phase 3 • Write personal realizations & analysis. Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  6. ICT Tools Used A VCD of Romeo & Juliet by Baz Luhrmann Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet classroom at nicenet.org Rubistar Email Windows Movie Maker 2 Video Camera Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  7. Planned Improvements Film only highlight scenes Build a website where students from different cultures can share localized, digitized plays Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  8. Student Outputs Note: You need an internet connection to view this video Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  9. Student Outputs Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  10. Student Reflection “The contemplations of Macbeth on whether he would obey his righteous guilt or pursue his wicked ambition reminded me that we have both good and evil in us. And that, before we take an action or a series of actions, there is always a battle between the good and evil within us. Sometimes the good in us triumphs over our wickedness; sometimes it’s the other way around. It’s who we choose to win most of the time that defines who we are.” Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

  11. General Application Localize… Design activities that incorporate local settings, events, situations, or characters. Digitize… Design activities that enable students to show learning by using technology. Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning

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