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CHAPTER 8: TOBACCO. 7.3 Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. L.T. I will know the 3 main ingredients in tobacco. List 3 harmful effects of tobacco use. Health. LESSON 1:How Tobacco Affects the Body.
7.3 Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. L.T. I will know the 3 main ingredients in tobacco. List 3 harmful effects of tobacco use. Health
LESSON 1:How Tobacco Affects the Body Harmful ingredients in tobacco: • NICOTINE – is an addictive drug found in tobacco • TAR – is a thick, dark liquid forms from tobacco. • CARBON MONOXIDE – is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.
Parts of your Respiratory System: Main parts: • Mouth and nose • Trachea • Lungs • Diaphragm • Alveoli
Tobacco Affects on The Body’s Systems RESPIRATORY SYSTEM • Damages the ALVEOLI, the tiny air sacs in the lungs. • Causes EMPHYSEMA, a disease that results in the destruction of the alveoli in the lungs. • Can’t supply the body with oxygen • Lung cancer
Cancer: • Lung cancer is the leading cause of death among people who smoke. • Lung cancer is hard to diagnose and can spread quickly. • Smokeless tobacco can cause cancer of the mouth and neck.
Tobacco Affects on The Body’s Systems Circulatory system • Blood vessels constrict. • Over time Blood vessels can harden. • Increase chance of heart attacks and stroke. • Raises blood pressure.
Tobacco Affects on The Body’s Systems Digestive System • Can lead to mouth and stomach ulcers • Causes teeth to yellow. • Causes cavities. • Causes gum disease. • Mouth, stomach, small & large intestines cancer.
Tobacco Affects on The Body’s Systems Nervous System • Cut the flow of oxygen to the brain. • Nicotine increases the number of brain receptors, that increase the addiction to nicotine.
LESSON 3: TOBACCO USE AND TEENS WHY TEENS USE TOBACCO • Peer Pressure. • Think it will help them to lose weight. • Family members use tobacco. • Media makes it look attractive. • Think it makes them look grown-up. • Looks cool. • Want to be like their favorite celebrity. • Addiction.
Tobacco Addiction: • People become addicted to nicotine. • Takes 7 seconds for nicotine to reach the brain. • Nicotine is as addictive as cocaine and heroin.
Tobacco Addiction: • Go through withdrawal when try to stop smoking. • WITHDRAWAL – is the unpleasant symptoms that someone experiences when they stop using an addictive substance. • symptoms: sleep badly, crave nicotine, moody, nervous, extra hungry TOLERANCE – is the body’s need for larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect.
Tobacco Addiction: • PSYCHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE – is when a person believes they need a drug to feel good or function normally. • PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE – is an addiction in which the body develops a chemical need for a drug.
Tobacco Advertising: • Target audience: group of people for which a product is intended. • Media Literacy: understanding the goals of advertising and the media. • Product Placement: when a company pays to show its products in media being used by celebrities.
Antismoking Efforts: • Legal bans on tobacco ads: • Advertisements cannot be within 1,000 feet of schools or playgrounds. • Cannot make or sell hats or t-shirts. • Cannot appear or radio or tv. • Illegal to sell to anyone under 18. • Tobacco companies are now required to make anti-smoking ads.
Tobacco Ads Back in the day… Now…
PASSIVE SMOKERS PASSIVE SMOKERS – is a nonsmoker who breathe in secondhand smoke. SECONDHAND SMOKE – is air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke MAINSTREAM SMOKE - the smoke that is inhaled and then exhaled by a smoker. SIDESTREAM SMOKE – smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar.
LESSON 5: SAYING NO TO TOBACCO USE BENEFITS OF BEING TOBACCO FREE: • Staying Healthy • Clear, Healthy Skin • Fresh Breath • Clean, Fresh-smelling Clothes and Hair. • Better Sport Performance. • Saving Money • Keeping the Environment Healthy
Ways to quit smoking: • List reasons • Set small goals • Choose tobacco-free places to spend time • Be physically active • Cold turkey: stopping all use of tobacco products immediately
List at least 3 harmful effects of alcohol use and abuse. CHAPTER 9: ALCOHOL
LESSON 1: ALCOHOL USE AND ABUSE ALCOHOL – is a depressant drug created by a chemical reaction in some foods, especially fruits and grains. INTOXICATED – is when a person feels the effects of alcohol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEiR3E0mLGA
BLOOD ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION (BAC) – is the amount of alcohol in the blood. The legal age to drink alcohol is 21. The legal BAC is a .08%. The Factors of How Alcohol Effects an Individual: • How fast you drink. • Gender • How much food you have eaten. • How much you drink. • Use of other substances. • How much you weigh.
Alcohol Affects on The Body’s Systems BRAIN: Short Term: Impaired judgment, memory, reasoning, and concentration. Slowed reaction time, decreased coordination; slurred speech; distorted vision and hearing; reduced inhibitions; alcohol poisoning, causing unconsciousness, and even death. Long Term: Brain cell destruction, nervous system disorder, memory loss, and death.
Alcohol Affects on The Body’s Systems STOMACH: Short Term: Vomiting. Long Term: Ulcers, Stomach cancer. BLOOD VESSELS: Short Term: Widening blood vessels, creating a false sense of warmth. Long Term: High blood pressure and stroke.
Alcohol Affects on The Body’s Systems KIDNEYS: Short Term: Increased urination , which can result in dehydration, headache, and dizziness. Long Term: Kidney failure resulting from high blood pressure. LIVER: Short Term: The process of the liver filtering 90% of the alcohol can cause an unbalance. Long Term: Scarring of the liver tissue and liver cancer (Cirrhosis). Death.
CIRRHOSIS – the scarring and destruction of liver tissue. ALCOHOL ABUSE – is using alcohol in ways that are unhealthy, illegal, or both. ALCOHOLISM – is a disease in which a person has a physical and psychological need for alcohol.
Why do some teens use alcohol? • Alcohol in the media • May see favorite celebrity doing it • Peer pressure • Friends pressuring you into doing it • Other Examples???
Binge Drinking: • Consumption of several alcoholic drinks in a short period of time. • Very dangerous, can cause the body’s systems to fail. • Can cause death.
Why is alcohol harmful to teens? • Makes handling emotions and problems harder. • May find that alcohol changes their feelings for a little while, but does not solve the problem. • Teens are still growing and their brains are still developing. • Alcohol use can greatly damage the brain and body.
Other risks of alcohol use: • Alcohol use affects decisions: • Causes people to make poor decisions. • Many schools have programs to help students to be alcohol, drug, and tobacco free: • SADD (students against destructive decisions)
Continued… • Drunk Driving: • Driver often thinks the alcohol has not affected them, however, the person will not be able to drive safely. • Can result in serious injury or death
Continued… • Alcohol use affects relationships: • Changes a persons personality • Become irritable and moody • Lose friends • Lose interest in activities and school • Affects relationships with family members
Continued… • Alcohol use and violence: • When a person uses alcohol to deal with emotions, they often suffer from mood swings. • Can often lead to violence: • An act of physical force resulting in injury or abuse.
LESSON 1: DRUG USE AND ABUSE DRUGS – are a substance other than food that change the structure or function of your body or mind. MEDICINES – are drugs used to cure or prevent disease or other conditions.
TWO TYPES OF MEDICINES: • OVER THE COUNTER (OTC) – are medicines that are considered safe enough to be taken without a written order from a doctor. • PRESCRIPTION – are medicines that can be sold only with a written order from a doctor.
DRUG MISUSE – means taking or using medicine on a way that is not intended. DRUG ABUSE – is intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthful or illegal. OVERDOSE – is taking more of a drug than the body can tolerate.
RISK OF DRUGS ON YOUR HEALTH PHYSICAL HEALTH • Dangerous for body development. • Brain and nervous systems will not work properly. • Memory loss. • Loss of control over motor skills. • Increase chance of seizure, coma, and death.
RISK OF DRUGS ON YOUR HEALTH Mental/ Emotional Health • Weakens the ability to think and learn. • Low self-esteem. • Weakens the ability to problem solve. • Drug users experience depression, anxiety and confusion.
RISK OF DRUGS ON YOUR HEALTH Social Health • Drug users have trouble dealing with others. • Lose touch with families and friends. • Leads to mood swings and violence.
Health Day 15 7.3 Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. • AGENDA: • Complete LQ 10-2 • Take Notes on Chapter 10 • Review
LESSON 2: TYPES OF DRUGS STIMULANTS – are drugs that speed up body functions. EX) Nicotine, Caffeine, Amphetamines, Crystal Meth, Cocaine, and Crack LONG TERM: Physical Collapse, Stroke, Heart attack, Seizures, Liver failure, Death.
DEPRESSANTS – are drugs that slow down the body’s functions. EX) Tranquilizers, Barbiturates, Alcohol LONG TERM: Impaired coordination and judgment. MARIJUANA– contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the mind altering component.
Marijuana Effects on the Body: • Reduces memory, reaction time, and coordination. • Increases heart rate, and lower body temperature. • Damaged heart and lungs. • Interferes with normal body development in teens by changing hormone levels. • May cause psychological dependence. • Increase chance of panic attacks. • Increase chance of heart attacks.
Health Day 16 7.3 Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health. • AGENDA: • Complete All LQ • Take Notes on Chapter 10 • Review
NARCOTICS – are drugs that get rid of pain and dull the senses. EX) Morphine, Codeine, and Heroin LONG TERM: highly addictive, withdrawal symptoms are very painful. Death. HALLUCINOGENS– these are chemical made drugs that distort moods, thoughts and senses. EX) PCP, LSD EFFECTS ON THE BODY: • The part of the brain that controls the intellect. • Damaging effects the nervous system. • Increases heart and respiratory rate.
CLUB DRUGS – are drugs that are found mostly in nightclubs or at all-night dance parties called raves. EX) Ecstasy, Rohypnol (roofies) LONG TERM: Increase heart rate and body pressure, and increase of anxious and paranoid, loss of consciousness, memory loss, and stop breathing.