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Family Genre research.

Family Genre research. . By Sophie McGrath . What we are going to do. I’m going to show you 3 family film trailers and ask you what you like about them: - Mr Popper's penguins. - Monsters inc -The smurfs 3d

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Family Genre research.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Family Genre research. By Sophie McGrath

  2. What we are going to do. I’m going to show you 3 family film trailers and ask you what you like about them: - Mr Popper's penguins. - Monsters inc -The smurfs 3d 2. I’m then going to ask you to look at some movie posters and ask you to write on post it notes what you think is effective about each poster.

  3. Mr Poppers Penguins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c08xrl7PKjU

  4. Mr poppers penguins. 1. out of 10 how would you rate this trailer, 10 being really good and 1 being really bad. 2. what was the best thing about the trailer. 3. how would you make the trailer better.

  5. Monsters inc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IBNZ6O2kMk

  6. Monsters inc. 1. what part of the trailer did you like the most and why? 2. Did the trailer make you want to watch the film? 3. what part of the trailer stood out the most, was it the music, voice over ect?

  7. The Smurfs 3D. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhBpgqXwrt8

  8. The Smurfs 3D. 1. Did you think that the music went well with the trailer? 2. over all was the trailer good? 3. what would you do to make the trailer better, would you put more effects in the trailer, use a different voice for the voice over etc.?

  9. Film posters. 1. Which poster out of the three makes you want to see the film that is being advertised? 2. What part of the poster would you change? 3. Which poster do you like the most and why?

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