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Ms. Wollett Ms. Nasir Kindergarten 2013-2014 Room 3 Megan.wollett@lcps.org. General Info. Notes!!
Ms. Wollett Ms. Nasir Kindergarten 2013-2014 Room 3 Megan.wollett@lcps.org
General Info • Notes!! It is very important to let us know if there is a change in your child’s routine! If they are going home another way, please send a note into school. If someone else is picking them up, they will be required to show photo ID before the student is released • Take Home Folders Your child will receive a take home folder that will travel to and from school everyday. This is the place to look for and to place notes. • Supplies Thank you for all the supplies that were brought it. Our classroom will use these as community supplies, so we will all share them • Contact Me The best way to contact me is email. I will get back to you within 24 hours. My email is megan.wollett@lcps.org. Other options are sending in a note or calling the school (571-434-4590).
Schedule Monday Art Tuesday Library FLES Wednesday Music Thursday PE guidance (every other week) Friday Computer Lab SEARCH
Tentative Class Schedule 7:30-8:00 Student Arrival/Morning Routine 8:00-8:30 Specials 8:30-8:40 Calendar 8:40-9:10 Health/Science/Social Studies 9:10-9:20 Bathroom Break 9:20-10:50 Language Arts 10:50-11:20 Lunch 11:20-11:50 Recess/ Bathroom Break 11:50-12:20 Writer’s Workshop 12:20-12:30 Independent Reading 12:30-1:20 Math 1:40-2:00 Break 2:00-2:20 Power Up 2:20-2:30 Dismissal
Kindergarten Discipline Rules Keep hands and feet to self 2) Follow directions 3) Raise hand to speak 4) Be kind to others 5) Always try your best Rewards -fuzz balls, green Road Runner tickets, stickers, and whole group rewards Consequences Warning Move kid pin on the “light” Break/ time out Phone call/ note home office
Student Work Guide As the amount of student work that is sent home increases, you will begin to see several letters at the top of students’ work: If work is used as an assessment it will be marked with one of four letters: E- Exceeds standard. This indicates mastery of the skill or content taught. M- Meets standard. This indicates mastery of the skill or content taught. P- Progressing towards standard. The student has mastered some of the required content, but has not yet displayed full mastery. B- Below standard. Student has not yet learned the required content or mastered the skill.
Student Work Guide Cont. If work is used as practice to help master the content (not an assessment): The work will often be marked with a sticker, star, check mark, or a smiley face, etc. Some work is completed during center time or morning work and may not be marked.
Birthdays Celebrating a birthday is very exciting! Unfortunately birthday parties are not given and invitations may NOT be distributed at school. To celebrate your child’s birthday, you can donate: school supplies for the class, a gently used book, or game to our classroom. I will place a special sticker on that item stating who it was from. You may also send in goody bags with non-food items such as: erasers, bubbles, rulers, pencils, etc. which will be distributed at the end of class.
School Closings If school is closed, you can find out through the county website, watching local news stations, and listening to the radio. If LCPS has a 1 hour delay, students will begin arriving at school at 8:30. If LCPS has a 2 hour delay, students will begin arriving at school at 9:30. If LCPS decides to close early, parents will be notified by the website. If this happens, we will assume that the students will make their way home as they normally would.
Child Info Child’s Allergies*(food and/or drug): *IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS INFORMATION IS ON THE EMERGENCY CARD IN THE OFFICE. Bees, seasonal allergies, cold foods, dust, pineapple, peanuts, etc… What additional information would you like to share about your child? Favorite web site, cartoon, place to go, animal, stuffed animal, etc…
Volunteer Questionnaire Parent’s Name:______________________________ Child’s Name:_______________________________ Please take a few minutes to look at the volunteer opportunities and check those which you are interested in doing. What days and times are you available? DaysTimes Available Mondays ____________ Tuesdays ____________ Wednesdays ____________ Thursdays ____________ Fridays ____________ _____Come in to the school as needed to help prepare materials and make copies _____Have materials sent home to cut, glue, or put together _____Guest Reader (I can provide the book) Thank you in advance for your support!!! Ms. Wollett
Information to Share In kindergarten , children become friends, and families wish to set up play dates. If you would like to share and have the information distributed with other parents in the class, please provide the following information. Child’s Name: _____________________________ Parent Name: ____________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________ Address: ________________________________
Contact Information • Emergency Contact Information – it is critical that we have your most current information • -Make sure to let us know if you change numbers and/or email addresses • -Make sure to have a secondary contact in case of an emergency • Please complete the computer survey before leaving today!!
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) • Please support Rolling Ridge by joining the PTA for just 5$ • There are tables set up in both hallways so that you can register. • Your money goes to provide assemblies throughout the year, school supplies, and teaching materials • Your membership also entitles you to discounts at many local businesses
Parent Coffee Once a month Starts Oct. 1 Here are some topics we are considering: How does Rolling Ridge measure up? How can I support my child at home? Does reading at home really matter? Tips for parents to keep from going crazy!! Internet safety = How can I protect my child?
Title 1 • Title 1 status means that we receive additional federal funding • Please consult the back of your Parent/Student handbook for details • Don’t forget to complete the free or reduced breakfast/lunch form. This must be done EACH year. • Breakfast - 7:15 am • Breakfast = $2.00 Reduce = $.30 • Lunch = $3.00 Reduced = $.40
CLARITY Parent Portal • Check your student’s grades and assignments online this year through a parent portal using the CLARITY system. • Parent Access Request - complete and return ASAP • Access Request Form – Password and Login Information
Check our website often for updates! www.lcps.org/rollingridge We are also on Facebook and Twitter!! www.facebook.com/rolling.ridge.elementary
Join us for the Rolling Ridge Community Picnic 11 -12:30 pm FRIDAY • Special thanks to Christian Fellowship Church for sponsoring the event and for their work to collect school supplies for many of our students!