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Enterprise: General Unit: Conducting meetings. Factor Information needed. I. Intro. A. Parliamentary procedure is a system of rules governing a meeting. B. It is based on four main objectives: 1. One thing at a time 2. Courtesy to everyone 3. Rule of the majority
Enterprise: General Unit: Conducting meetings Factor Information needed I. Intro. A. Parliamentary procedure is a system of rules governing a meeting. B. It is based on four main objectives: 1. One thing at a time 2. Courtesy to everyone 3. Rule of the majority 4. Rights of the minority
A. The gavel is used to show authority, the taps have different meanings: 1. One tap- be seated, adjournment, and the end of a motion 2. Two taps- call the meeting to order 3. Three taps- members stand 4. A series of taps- come back to order. II. Gavel Use
III. Voting A. There are four common methods of voting: 1. Voice vote 2. Rising vote (stand or hands) 3. Secret ballot 4. Roll Call B. Votes may require the following members in voting: 1. Simple majority- 50% +1 2. 2/3’s vote- 66%
C. To conduct official business there must be a quorum of members present. 1. Quorum- number needed to conduct business, usually 50% of membership. A. A main motion is used to introduce a new topic, project, etc. 1. Procedure for making a main motion: a. Rises and addresses the chairman (Madam President) IV. Main Motion
b. After recognition the member says “I move to…” . c. the chairman then asks for a second. d. an additional member says “I second the motion” e. The chairman then opens the motion for discussion f. a majority vote is taken after all actions are done.
V. Sub-sidiary Motions A. These motions affect the main motion in some way 1. Amend- Used to change a motion in one of three ways: by adding on by substituting by striking out a. “I move to amend the motion by…” b. an amendment may be amended. c. voted on in reverse order
2. Refer to a committee- used to research a topic more, with a smaller group. a. “I move to refer this to a committee of __(3)_, to be appointed by__(Pres.)____, to report back_(next meeting)_. b. Used a lot in FFA meetings 3. Previous Question- used to end debate and get an immediate vote. a. “I move previous question” b. 2/3’s vote needed
4. Limit debate- limits discussion. a. “I move limit time for debate to _______ minutes.” b. 2/3’s vote 5. Postpone definitely- used to delay action on a motion until a later time. a. “I move to postpone this motion until _________.” 6. Postpone indefinitely- used to get rid of a bad motion. a. (I move to postpone this motion indefinitely.)
7. Lay on the table- used to temporarily set aside a motion. a. “I move to lay this motion on the table.” VI. Privileged Motions A. These motions can be used at almost any time during the meeting 1. Adjourn- used to end the meeting. a. “I move to Adjourn.” 2. Recess- used to take a break. a. “I move to take a _____ minute recess.”
3. Question of Privilege- changes something about the meeting. a. “I rise to a question of personal privilege.” VII. IncidentalMotions • Incidental motions do not usually affect the main motion. • 1. Point of Order- used to show a mistake in procedure. • a. “I rise to a point of order” • 2. Division of the Assembly (House)- used to get a more formal vote.
a. “I call for a division of the house” VIII. Unclass-ified A. These usually bring an old motion back before the meeting. 1. Take from the table- used to untable a motion. a. “I move to take the motion __________ from the table.”
IX. Conclusion A. There are many more motions not as commonly used in meetings. B. Each motion has its own rules governing the vote, debate, 2nd, etc.