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Career success. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them. George Bernard Shaw. Life is a mystery - unfold it Life is struggle - face it Life is beauty - praise it Life is a puzzle - solve it
Career success The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them. George Bernard Shaw
Life is a mystery - unfold it Life is struggle - face it Life is beauty - praise it Life is a puzzle - solve it Life is opportunity - take it Life is a song - sing it Life is a goal - achieve it Life is a mission - fulfill it Anonymous CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Get to know yourself first before you commit to a career path or a graduate degree. Stay away from too many commitments too soon, whether it be a personal relationship or anything else… choices we make at 22 aren’t likely to be the same we would make at 32 for so many reasons. Fear and excitement are partners. All options are open and all possibilities should be considered. Perhaps move out of your comfort zone. “ Try on” various life paths, i.e. look into all life’s possibilities. Manage your money: learning to make it, spend it, save it. Don’t allow your dreams to be derailed by spending habits. Experiment with career options, allow time for possibilities and passions. Define and get clarity on your values; spend time allowing your feelings regarding what feels right and what doesn’t. The First Launch of your Career CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Personal Mastery - Know thyself Achievement - Reach your goals Intimacy - Love and be loved Play and Creativity - Follow your intuition Search for Meaning - Spiritual integrity Compassion and Contribution - Leave a legacy Passions and Values CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Be assertive and clear. Try out new ways of being. Take good care of yourself. Stay committed to your goals. Follow through on your commitments to self. Balance the important parts of your life. Be self reflective. Personal Power and Mastery CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Set and maintain clear goals. Have a plan to support your goals. Have ways to measure your successes. Join networks or establish relationships in your goal areas. Stay in the learning mode. Evaluate yourself frequently. Seek feedback. Stay organized. Develop self reflection. Find support in like-minded individuals/achievers. Ways to pursue achievement CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Be a good friend. Speak from the heart. Face conflict and seek resolution. Be reliable. Learn by asking. Ritualize important events and celebrations. Intimacy CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Take a class, something that is totally new to you like art, singing. Practice small acts of creativity at home, i.e. cook from a new menu. Spend time with fun friends. Laugh out loud. Play and Creativity CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Seek out a place of contemplation Journal Spend time alone thinking Journal Meditate Search for Meaning CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Do a good deed anonymously. Simplify, replacing acquisitions with divestiture. Support a cause important to you. Join a volunteer effort. Pursue peace in every aspect of your life. Compassion and Contribution CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
The accumulation of money and possessions. The validation and respect of others for your accomplishments. The love and intimacy that comes from strong relationships. The success of parenting good, productive value base children. The success and effectiveness of your work life. The ability to have fun and invest in your pastimes, hobbies, sports. The strength to follow your beliefs and spiritual path. The willingness to join causes you believe in to make a difference. Choose your five measuring sticks of what counts for you CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
List how you want your career to look five years from now- personal roles, rewards and challenges. List what you want your life purpose to be both now and in five years. Career and Personal Success Exercise CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
What are your strengths? Are you focusing on what you do well versus what you are poor at? How do you plan to use and incorporate your strengths into opportunities in your career? Are you setting career goals based on your strengths? How do you plan to measure success for yourself? Do you have a variety of mentors and accountability partners? Do you have a supportive network of friends and colleagues that you trust? Some Things to Think About CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii
Come to work well rested and presentable. Follow the dress code and appearance policies. Don’t use sick leave as extra vacation. Improve yourself in your spare time. Step up to challenges when they are presented. Own your own mistakes, admit it. Be a leader when it’s needed. Build positive relationships with everyone. Learn from and emulate people who do their jobs well. A Few other comments! CREATING A HEALTHIER Hawaii