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In IEA/ITPA CC meeting (November 29-30 at JET, Bruce attended from us), 2007 Reports and 2008 Proposals of ITPA/IEA joint multi-machine experiments were circulated and discussed. We would like to appreciate spokes-person's effort to lead the collaboration work.
In IEA/ITPA CC meeting (November 29-30 at JET, Bruce attended from us), 2007 Reports and 2008 Proposals of ITPA/IEA joint multi-machine experiments were circulated and discussed. We would like to appreciate spokes-person's effort to lead the collaboration work. 2007 reports, 2008 proposals, New (2008) Joint work list were distributed to spokes persons in Dec. , who contacted to his/her DSOL members. Item# Spokes person (missing numbers were closed before) -- presentation (1/10) • DSOL-1 A. Loarte, -- Loarte? • DSOL-2S. Brezinsek -- Phillips? • DSOL-3 B. Lipschultz, -- Lipschultz • DSOL-4 A. Loarte, -- Loarte? • DSOL-5 S Lisgo, -- ? • DSOL-8 N. Ashikawa -- Asakura? • DSOL-9 V. Phillips, -- Phillips? • DSOL-11 D. Whyte -> MDC1 • DSOL-12 P. Stangeby -- Stangeby • DSOL-13 K. Krieger -- Krieger? • DSOL-14 D. Coster, -- ? • DSOL-15 J. Terry -- Lipschultz • DSOL-16 M.Groth -- West • DSOL-17 C. Skinner -- ? • DSOL-19 A. Loarte -- Loarte?
2008 Proposals for IEA/ITPA DSOL inter-machine experiment : 14 continue DSOL-1 Scaling of Type-1 ELM energy loss and pedestal gradients through dimensionless variables (Loarte) Devise: JET, DIII-D,ASDEX Upgrade, JT-60U Contact persons:A. Loarte, M. Kempenaars, G. Saibene, M. Beurskens, A.Leonard, T. Osborne, M. Fenstermacher, T. Eich, W. Suttrop, L. Horton DSOL-2Injection to quantify chemical erosion (Brezinsek) Devise: TEXTOR, JET, AUG, JT-60U, DIII-D + MAST, Tore Supra Contact persons:TEXTOR (S.Brezinsek), ASDEX-U ( R.Pugno, S.Brezinsek, A.Kallenbach), DIII-D (M. Fenstermacher, D.Whyte, A.McLean), JT-60 U (T. Nakano), JET (M.F. Stamp, S.Brezinsek,), MAST, TS (S.Lisgo, E. Delchambre) DSOL-3 Scaling of radial transport (Lipschultz) Devise: C-mod, MAST, DIII-D +JET Contact persons:Bruce Lipschultz, Tony Leonard, S. Lisgo DSOL-4 Comparison of disruption energy balance in similar discharges and disruption heat flux(A. Loarte, D. Humphreys, G.Pautasso) Devise: JET, DIII-D, ASDEX Upgrade, MAST+ MAST, TEXTOR, FTU, C-MOD, JT-60U Contact persons:A. Loarte, G. Pautasso, P. Andrew, V. Riccardo, J. Paley, D. Whyte, R. Granetz, D. Humphreys, A. Kellman, and G. Counsell, M. Lehnen, N. asakura DSOL-5 Role of Lyman absorption in the divertor (Lisgo) Devise: C-Mod,JET Contact persons:D Reiter (TEXTOR), V. Kotov (TEXTOR), J Terry (C-Mod), S Lisgo(JET)
2008 Proposals for IEA/ITPA DSOL inter-machine experiment DSOL-8 ICRF Conditioning for hydrogen removal (Ashikawa) Proposal: LHD, HT-7, EAST, AUG, TEXTOR Contact persons:Naoko Ashikawa (LHD), Jiansheng Hu (HT-7 and EAST), Volker Philipps (TEXTOR),Volker Rohde (ASDEX-Upgrade) DSOL-9Tracer injection experiments to understand material migration (Philipps) Devise: JET, DIII-D, TEXTOR, ASDEX-Upgrade, JT-60U Contact persons: Paul Coad, Peter Stangeby, Volker Philipps, Volker Rohde, N. Asakura DSOL-11 Disruption mitigation experiments (Whyte) 2008 work goes to MDC-1 DSOL-12Reactive gas wall cleaning (Stangeby) Devise: TEXTOR, HT-7, EAST, DIII-D Contact persons: P. Stangeby, J. W. Davis, V. Phillips, J. Hu, F. Tabares DSOL-13 Deuterium codeposition with carbon in gaps of plasma facing components (Krieger) Devise: data from AUG, TEXTOR, MAST, DIII-D, ToreSupra, C-MOD, JET, FTU Contact persons: K. Krieger, A. Litnovsky, C. Wong,Ch. Brousset,B. Lipschultz, G. Counsell, G. Maddaluno DSOL-14Multi-code, multi-machine edge modelling and code benchmarking (Coster) Devise: Codes only (Database in AUG, JET, DIII-D, JT-60U Contact persons: David Coster, Arne Kallenbach, Xavier Bonnin, Akiyoshi Hatayama, Hisato Kawashima, Tom Rognlien, Jim Strachan, Mathias Groth, Marco Wischmeier
2008 Proposals for IEA/ITPA DSOL inter-machine experiment DSOL-15Inter-machine comparison of blob characteristics (Terry) Proposal: C-Mod, PISCES, DIII-D, JT-60U, VTF, JET, AUG, TJ-II, NSTX, TEXTOR +TCV,Tore-Supra, HT-7 Contact persons: J. Terry (C-Mod), G. Antar (PISCES), N. Asakura (JT-60U), J. Boedo/D. Rudakov (DIII-D), J. Egedal (VTF), W. Fundamenski (JET), O. Grulke (IPP-Griefswald), Albrecht Herrmann (AUG), C. Hidalgo (JET and TJ-II), R. Maqueda/S. Zweben (NSTX), Xu (TEXTOR), S. Lisgo (MAST) DSOL-16:Determination of the poloidal fueling profile (Groth) Devise: DIII-D, AUG,JET, MAST, C-MOD, JT-60U Contact persons: Mathias Groth, Anthony Leonard, Arne Kallenbach, David Coster, Marco Wischmeier, Steve Lisgo, David Elder, Nobu Asakura, S. Brezinsek, J. Hughes DSOL-17: Cross-machine Comparisons of Pulse-by-Pulse Deposition (Skinner) Devise: NSTX, AUG, JET Contact persons: C. Skinner(NSTX), V. Rohde(AUG), A. Kreter(JET) DSOL-19: Impurity generation mechanism & transport during ELMs for comparable ELMs across devices (Loarte) Devise: JET, DIII-D, ASDEX-Upgrade, Alcator C-mod, JT-60U, MAST Contact persons: A. Loarte, W. Fundamenski, R. Pitts, M. Fenstermacher, M. Groth, A. Herrmann, V. Rohde, D. Whyte, T. Nakano and G. Counsell.