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Introduction to TPMS Transit

Introduction to TPMS Transit. Presented by ICEA Service Bureau Brandy Thomason, Steve De Vries November 18, 2010. http://www.tpms.org/transit/. Overview. TPMS transit is an online tool for submitting and tracking information regarding transit investments FA STIP

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Introduction to TPMS Transit

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  1. Introduction to TPMS Transit Presented by ICEA Service BureauBrandy Thomason, Steve De Vries November 18, 2010 http://www.tpms.org/transit/

  2. Overview • TPMS transit is an online tool for submitting and tracking information regarding transit investments • FA STIP • Entry, review and approval of transit program elements • Cross references with Highway Programs • Transit Grant administration • Set up and manage FA grants • Link projects and Grants to Transit Contracts • Transit contract administration • Track contracts from origination through completion • Tracks each individual project as well • Interlinked with DOT transit inventory

  3. Background • TPMS originated in 2002 as a tool for tracking LPA road, bridge and enhancement projects • Built by ICEA Service Bureau • Operated in partnership with Iowa DOT • Tracks County stuff, FA STIP stuff and projects in development • Inclusion of transit was discussed at the outset – but was deferred • DOT & ICEASB began reviewing Transit again in late 2008 • Those discussions led to concept development and production of transit modules in 2010 • Now ready to place into production • Available for use in FY12 programming

  4. Structure of the Transit module

  5. Geographic Overview FTA TA 1 TA 2 TA 3 Transit server TA 4 OPT PA

  6. Screen-scape 1 • Log-in • STIP program element listing • Add, update, delete, submit • Add: job creation screen (vehicle, investment or program) • Multi-function filtering system • Status settings • Project attributes • Action buttons (Submit / Reset / Approve)

  7. Screen-scape 2 [OPT work area] • Grant Management • Grant listing (add new grants) • Grant detail (add projects to a grant) (link projects to contracts) • Available projects list

  8. Screen-scape 3 • Project task records(As set in Setup) • Specifications • Bid solicitation • Or Equals response • Bids received rpt • Pre-award cert • Bid award • Delivery • Make Ready • Contract administration • Contract listing • Contract detail • Project details • Tabs • Setup • Status • Log • Files • Complete / Cancel

  9. Live demo - programming • Story line • TAx wants to program and develop several jobs • 1 Open TPMS transit • 2 Log in • 3 Review current program (either Approved or Draft) • 4 Create new elements to request funding of buses, capital improvements, operations or studies • 5 Submit to appropriate RPA or MPO • 6 Pour a cup of coffee while • PA review and approves • DOT responds • FTA responds

  10. Live demo – Grant management • Pour another cup of coffee and wait for OPT to get things set up • OPT actions • Gets notified that funds have been allocated • Set up grants under umbrella of funding programs • Your project(s) is/are inserted into one or more grant(s) • Define grants • Add projects • Link contracts

  11. Live demo – Contract admin • Open up OPT entered contract • Review overall status • Inspect Contract details (as set by OPT) • Projects covered by the contract • Update TA editable items • Set preliminary State settings • Fill in project data detail boxes • OPT can also set States and details – and has final control over the records

  12. Implementation schedule • What’s in place right now? • Approved FY11 and draft FY12 program records in place • FY 11 is loaded and locked • FY 12 is ready for next prepare, submit, review and approve cycle. (Already contains initial record set) • Grant management • Ready for OPT to entry new grants at appropriate time • Contract admin • Currently empty • Will come into use after FY12 program has been FTA post-approved

  13. Instructions • Brandy will be developing a set of instructions • Will be based on annotated screen captures • Will serve as a ‘look-it-up’ reference more than as step by step directions • Will be available in December • Training sessions – via GotoMeeting– will be scheduled in December? January? We need your feedback on when to do this.

  14. Log in info • Available from Pam http://www.tpms.org/transit/

  15. User support • When you have questions or run into problems, please get in touch. • We can often fix things while you are on the phone or within half an hour of learning of the issue. • 515-244-0779 • brandy@iceasb.org, steve@iceasb.org

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