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CLARETIAN MARTYRS OF BARBASTRO. Tomorrow, August 14, we will die martyrs. Keep in mind that we die on the eve of the Assumption. What a day! We die because we wear the cassock. And we die precisely on the anniversary that we received it. --Faustino Pérez. Who are they ?.
Tomorrow, August 14, we will die martyrs. Keep in mind that we die on the eve of the Assumption. What a day! We die because we wear the cassock. And we die precisely on the anniversary that we received it. --Faustino Pérez
Theywere 51 ClaretianMissionaries. Theywerekilledin August1936 because of hatred of thefaith. All of themwerefromtheseminary of Barbastro (Spain). Itwas a bigcommunitywith60 people. 9 werepriests… Fromthe 12 Brothers in thecommunity, 5 diedmartyrs. And 39 wereseminarians Only 9 of thesemartyrswere 25 orabove. TwoArgentineansweresparedbecausetheywereforeigners… 36 wereyoungerthanthat. 3 of themwereonly 21 yearsold.
1 9 1 25 6 5 3 • 25 from Catalunya. • 9 from Navarre. • 6 from Castille-Leon. • 5 from Aragon. • 3 from Valencia. • 1 from Cartagena. • 1 from Asturias. • 1 from La Rioja. 1
OnJuly 20, 1936, a group of militiamenbrokeintothehouse of themissionariestocheckiftheywerehidingweaponsinside.
Perhaps the suspision came from the fact that the seminarians who were at the age of military service did some exercises in the public square to shorten their stay in the barracks. • Butthemainreasonwasthe calumnies thatweresaidaboutthehypocrisy of theclerics and themenacetheycaused.
No weaponswerefoundafter a meticuloussearch, butstillallthemissionarieswereincarcerated. • Thethreesuperiorswereseparatedfromtherest of thecommunity.llevaron a la cárcel. • Therest of thecommunityweretakento a confinedspace at a schoolbelongingtoanotherreligiouscongregation.
There were no reasons nor political affiliation among our martyrs to justify their death. • The millitiamen publicly said in front of the martyrs the reason of their hatred and condemnation: they were religious so they had to die. ”We do not hate you as persons; what we hate is your profession.”
“I am going to be killed because I am a religious, that is, for following the doctrines of the Catholic Church.” (Ramon Illa cmf) ”I die innocent; I do not have any affiliation with any political party; that is forbidden in our Constitutions.” (Jose Brengaret cmf)
While in jail, their behavior was exemplary at all times. Even separated from their superiors, they remained committed and strong until the end. They underwent all kind of trials Freedomwasofferedtosome. All of themwereaskedtojointhemilitia and fightwiththem. Nobodyaccepted. None of themgave up theirfaithortheirvocation.
Water was rationed in the heat of summer. Several times theyunderwentfakeexecutions. Prostitutes were brought in to seduce them.
Finally, they were killed in different groups. On August 2, they killed the three superiors. The six elders were martyred on August 12. Twenty on the 13th. Veinte el 13, Another twenty on the 15th. • Finally, two who were sick in the hospital on the 18th.
Lovingtheirfamilies Withjoy Forgiving As apostles LovingtheChurh and theCongregation
Itisdifficultto imagine thatthemartyrscouldhavefacedmartyrdomunlesstheyhad a thoroughformation and intense preparationforit.
While in jail, their religious instinct guided them to affirm their spiritual life above everything else.
TheEucharistwasthe center of theirlife, speciallyduringthe time thattheycouldreceiveit.
Theywereblessedwiththepresence of a priestuntiltheveryend, toreceivethesacrament of reconciliation.
Prayer, the recitation of the rosary and the office of the Common of Martyrs nourished their spirit.
Fraternal encouragement and help was also a decisive factor.
Fromtheverybeginningthe Claretian Congregation and thecity of Barbastro judgedthese 51 MissionarySons of theImmaculateHeart of Mary as true martyrs . toda veneración ha conservado sus restos y su memoria. • Manyhavefound in themanexample and stimulusfor Christian life, and havetakenthem as true intercessorsbeforethe Lord.
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