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Enriching Lives: Social Work Profession Overview

Explore the diverse field of social work and how professionals assist individuals and communities to enhance social functioning. Discover various specialties from mental health to disaster relief and career opportunities.

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Enriching Lives: Social Work Profession Overview

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  1. Social Workers. Help Starts Here.

  2. Medical Social Work University of Rio Grande BSW

  3. Social Work Profession • Professional social workers assist individuals, groups, or communities to restore or enhance their capacity for social functioning, while creating societal conditions favorable to their goals. The practice of social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior, of social, economic and cultural institutions, and of the interaction of all these factors.

  4. Social Work Interdisciplinary Context bio-psycho-social-cultural

  5. Community Mental HealthMental Health Therapy Disaster Relief Military Social Work Rural Social Work Adoption & Foster Care Child Welfare Services Family Preservation Services Homeless Family Assistance Eating Disorders Genetics Hospital Social Work Crisis Intervention School Violence Hospice and Palliative Care Depression Institutional Care Chronic Pain Outpatient Treatment Development Disabilities International Social Work Advocacy Child Abuse & NeglectDomestic ViolencePolitical DevelopmentParent EducationFamily PlanningHIV/AIDSSchool Alternative ProgramsDifficulties in SchoolGerontology ServicesCommunity-Based ServicesIn-Home ServicesSenile Dementia and Alzheimer’sAddictions Prevention/TreatmentCriminal Justice Housing Assistance Public Welfare Employment Services Consulting and Planning Employee AssistancePrivate PracticeVeterans Services Professional social workers are found in every facet of the community and often specialize in one or more of the following practice areas:

  6. American Red Cross Needs Volunteer Licensed Social WorkersThe American Red Cross is recruiting for new volunteer licensed mental health professionals to meet the urgent and ongoing need for disaster workers created by Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and any additional storms this season. They need licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers and psychiatric nurses. Over 40% of all disaster mental health volunteers trained by the American Red Cross are professional social workers. (NASW, 2005)

  7. Hospitals Long-term Care Rehabilitation Centers Home Health After-Care Hospice Caregiver Support Community Education Discharge Planning Case Management Gerontology Early Childhood Development Administration and Management Specialized Health Clinics Medical Social Workers

  8. Why Social Work? • Sixteen years ago, I would have never imagined I would still work in the emergency department of an urban pediatric hospital. My first strategy was to move to a less stressful environment. As experience has proven, there is no such place. • Amy A. O'Brien, MSWSurvival Strategies in an Acute Care Setting 

  9. Medical Social Workers • help patients and their families cope with the many problems that accompany illness or inhibit recovery and rehabilitation, such as economic need, disability, and lack of resources after discharge to home. • They also collect and analyze patient information to help other health professionals understand the social, emotional, and environmental factors underlying a patient's condition, or affecting their optimal recovery. • In hospitals, medical social workers often coordinate services for home care and equipment following discharge, or for referral to rehabilitation and long-term care facilities. • In hospice, long-term care, and rehabilitation facilities, they assess patient and family functioning on an ongoing basis, providing or recommending services as conditions change. • In outpatient settings, medical social workers provide referral services and supportive counseling, and coordinate after care and follow up services.

  10. Social Worker employment is expected to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2012…especially in healthcare and gerontology Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2002

  11. Median annual income of medical social workers in 2002 was $37,380 with the middle 50 percent earning between $29,700 and $46,540.


  13. PREPARATION FOR GENERALIST PRACTICE • EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE for professional social work practice • Generalist preparation for work in VARIOUS AND DIVERSE FIELDS ie. mental health, childrens service, health, aging, substance abuse, domestic violence

  14. SELECTIVE ADMISSION • Prerequisite coursework during first 2 years • Minimum “C” grades in listed coursework • 2.5 GPA for program admission, retention, and completion

  15. LIBERAL ARTS FOUNDATION • University general studies and liberal arts coursework • Encourages critical thinking for life-long learning

  16. PROGRAMMED SCHEDULE • University of Rio Grande • Semester Course Sequence for Social Work (AA/BSW) • FALL SPRING • YEAR ONE • COM11103 Speech (GE) 3 BIO11104 Fund.Biology (GE) 4 • ENG11103 Composition I (GE) 3 ENG11203 Composition II (GE) 3 • HPE10101 Wellness/Fit (GE) 1 SOC11103 IntroSociology 3 • LA10101 Fresh.Success (GE) 1 HIS13203 WorldCivII (GE) 3 • SWK21103 IntroSocWrk 3 PSY11103 GeneralPsy 3 • SSC11103 IntroSocSci (GE) 3 HPE00001 Elective 1 • POL11103 AmNatlGovt (GE) 3 ENG/PHR Elective (GE) 3 • Total Hours: 17 Total Hours: 20 • YEAR TWO • SOC24103 MinorityGroups 3 MTH21404 Statistics (GE) 4 • SOC25103 Social Problems 3 CHM/PHY/NSC Elective (GE) 4 • SOC25403 Marriage&Family 3 SWK24103 GeneralistPractice 3 • SWK22103 HBSE I 3 SWK24203 InterviewSkills 3 SWK23103 SocWelfareInst. 3 SWK25101 GroupSupervision 1 • ART/FPA Elective (GE) 3 SWK28902 SWFldObsvRept 2 • Total Hours: 18 Total Hours: 17 • YEAR THREE • PSY21203 PsychAdjustment 3 SOC36103 SocialResearch 3 • PSY33203 SocialPsych 3 SOC42103 SociologTheory 3 • SWK34103 GenPract.-Micro 3 SWK32103 HBSE II 3 • SWK35201 AdvGroupSupv 1 SWK34202 GenPract.-Groups 2 • SWK38903 SWKPracticum 3 • Total Hours: 13 Total Hours: 11 • YEAR FOUR • SWK44103 SWMethodProcess 3 PSY47103 AbnormalPsych 3 • SWK46103 PracticeResearch 3 SWK34303 GenPract-Macro 3 • SWK48101 SeniorFldSeminar 1 SWK42103 SocWelfPolicy 3 • SWK48605 SWK Field A 5 SWK48705 SWK Field B 5 • Personal Elective 4* • Total Hours: 16 Total Hours: 14 • *computer literacy must be established by the end of year one. Total Hours: 126 • Rev30May02

  17. 28902 – Social Work Field Observation and Reporting 38903 – Social Work Practicum 48605 – Field Placement A 48705 – Field Placement B 80 clock hours 120 clock hours 200 clock hours 200 clock hours 600 total clock hours FOUR TERMS OF FIELD PLACEMENT

  18. PREPARATION FOR OHIO LICENSURE EXAM • State of Ohio requires LICENSURE of BSW and MSW social workers. • URG has excellent pass rate of 95% • Licensure requires continuing education, ie. 30 clock hours each 2 year renewal period and title protection

  19. ACTIVE SOCIAL WORK STUDENT COUNCIL • Elected officers and regularly scheduled meetings during assigned class time • Community service projects • Leadership training opportunities and teamwork • Student mentor program • Professional affiliation

  20. SPECIAL STUDENT LOAN FUND • Willa Breland Load Fund in excess of $200,000 • Low interest loans for tuition for social work majors • Long-term, low payment options start one year after studies end.

  21. BSW at URG • CSWE (Council on Social Work Education) accreditation since 1991. • CSWMFT (Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist) Board licensure required to practice Social Work in Ohio. (ASWB exam pass rate is 95%+)

  22. Certificate in Intergenerational Studies • A certificate program in the study of intergenerational approaches in aging, building upon a foundation of lifespan development, relational skills and programming. • Subject matter drawn from a multidisciplinary perspective. • A 100 clock hour volunteer service learning assignment promotes theory-in-action.

  23. Open Enrollment • 12 credit hour completion pre-requisite. • For all majors….it is a modest undertaking in an area of service learning interest • For field majors (social work, nursing, education)….it offers an area of concentration. • For post-associate or post-baccalaureate graduates…it offers a credential for advancement

  24. Certificate in Intergenerational Studies 3 2 2 2 _ 9 total semester hours

  25. Social Work and Mental Health • According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), professional social workers are the nation’s largest group of mental health services providers. There are more clinically trained social workers—over 190,000 in 1998—than psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses combined. Federal law and the National Institutes of Health recognize social work as one of five core mental health professions.

  26. Social Work Standards • Education BSW, MSW, PhD • Licensing LSW, LISW • Credentials • Social Work Salaries

  27. Source: NASW, PRN, 2000

  28. NASW, PRC, 2003

  29. NASW, PRC, 2003

  30. Source: NASW, PRC, 2003

  31. Source: NASW, PRC, 2003

  32. Source: NASW, PRC, 2002

  33. Source: NASW, PRC, 2002

  34. Source: NASW, PRN, 2000.

  35. This theme came out of research with the general public who see social work as one of the essential helping professions. It's simple and clear, inviting the public to learn something new about the profession, specifically, how a social worker can help them. The theme also reinforces the point that social workers connect people to resources. It also invites people to start with a social worker when seeking help for a variety of issues. We ask you to use the theme and the logo beginning in March to help bring awareness to what the profession has to offer, and the campaign.

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